Create a new Language resource from Language Studio
If it's your first time logging in, you'll see a window in Language Studio that will let you choose an existing Language resource or create a new one. You can also create a resource by clicking the settings icon in the top-right corner, selecting Resources, then clicking Create a new resource.
Create a Language resource with following details.
Make sure to enable Managed Identity when you create a Language resource.
Read and confirm Responsible AI notice
Sign in to Language Studio
To create a new intent, select +Add button and start by giving your intent a name. You will see two options, to connect to a project or not. You can connect to (LUIS, question answering, or Conversational Language Understanding) projects, or choose the no option.
Create an orchestration workflow project
Once you have a Language resource created, create an orchestration workflow project.
In Language Studio, find the section labeled Understand questions and conversational language and select Orchestration Workflow.
This will bring you to the Orchestration workflow project page. Select Create new project. To create a project, you will need to provide the following details:
A name for your project.
Optional project description.
Utterances primary language
The primary language of your project. Your training data should primarily be in this language.
Once you're done, select Next and review the details. Select create project to complete the process. You should now see the Build Schema screen in your project.
Submit a PATCH request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to create a new project.
Request URL
Use the following URL when creating your API request. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values.
The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive.
A string specifying the language code for the utterances used in your project. If your project is a multilingual project, choose the language code of the majority of the utterances.
You can export an orchestration workflow project as a JSON file at any time by going to the orchestration workflow projects page, selecting a project, and from the top menu, clicking on Export.
That project can be reimported as a new project. If you import a project with the exact same name, it replaces the project's data with the newly imported project's data.
To import a project, select the arrow button next to Create a new project and select Import, then select the JSON file.
You can import an orchestration workflow JSON into the service
Submit a POST request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to import your project.
Request URL
Use the following URL when creating your API request. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values.
The version of the API you are calling. The version used here must be the same API version in the URL.
The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive.
A string specifying the language code for the utterances used in your project. If your project is a multilingual project, choose the language code of the majority of the utterances.
You can export an orchestration workflow project as a JSON file at any time by going to the orchestration workflow projects page, selecting a project, and pressing Export.
You can export an orchestration workflow project as a JSON file at any time.
Create a POST request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to export your project.
Request URL
Use the following URL when creating your API request. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values.
Use the following header to authenticate your request.
The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.
Once you send your API request, you will receive a 202 response indicating success. In the response headers, extract the operation-location value. It will be formatted like this:
JOB-ID is used to identify your request, since this operation is asynchronous. Use this URL to get the exported project JSON, using the same authentication method.
You can also retrieve your resource primary key from this page.
To get an orchestration workflow project's details, submit a GET request using the following URL and headers. Replace the placeholder values with your own values.
When you don't need your project anymore, you can delete your project using Language Studio. Select Projects from the left navigation menu, select the project you want to delete, and then select Delete from the top menu.
When you don't need your project anymore, you can delete your project using the APIs.
Create a DELETE request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to delete a conversational language understanding project.