MMA/OMS Discovery and Removal Utility
After you migrate your machines to the Azure Monitor Agent (AMA), remove the legacy Log Analytics Agent depending on your operating systems, to avoid duplication of logs. The legacy Discovery and Removal Utility can remove the extensions from Azure Virtual Machines (VMs), Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSSs), and Azure Arc servers from a single subscription.
The utility works in two steps:
Discovery: The utility creates an inventory of all machines that have a legacy agent installed in a simple CSV file. We recommend that you don't create any new VMs while the utility is running.
Removal: The utility removes the legacy agent from machines listed in the CSV file. You should edit the list of machine in the CSV file to ensure that only machines you want the agent removed from are present.
!Note The removal does not work on MMA agents that were installed using the MSI installer. It only works on the VM extensions.
Do all the setup steps on an Internet connected machine. You need:
- Windows 10 or later, or Windows Server 2019 or later.
- PowerShell 7.0 or later., which enables parallel execution that speeds the process up.
- Azcli must be installed to communicate with the Azure Graph API..
- Open PowerShell as administrator:
- Run the command:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile AzureCLI.msi
. - Run the command:
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I AzureCLI.msi /quiet'
. - The latest version of Azure CLI will download and install.
Step 1 Login and set subscription
The tool works one subscription at a time. You must log in and set the subscription to do the removal. Open a PowerShell command prompt as administrator and login.
az cloud set -n AzureChinaCloud
az login
Next you must set your subscription.
Az account set --subscription {subscription_id or "subscription_name"}
Step 2 Copy the script
You use the following script for agent removal. Open a file in your local directory named LogAnalyticsAgentUninstallUtilityScript.ps1 and copy the script into the file.
# This is per subscription, the customer has to set the az subscription before running this.
# az login
# az account set --subscription <subscription_id/subscription_name>
# This script uses parallel processing, modify the $parallelThrottleLimit parameter to either increase or decrease the number of parallel processes
# PS> .\LogAnalyticsAgentUninstallUtilityScript.ps1 GetInventory
# The above command will generate a csv file with the details of Vm's and Vmss and Arc servers that has log analyice Agent extension installed.
# The customer can modify the the csv by adding/removing rows if needed
# Remove the log analytics agent by running the script again as shown below:
# PS> .\LogAnalyticsAgentUninstallUtilityScript.ps1 UninstallExtension
# This version of the script requires Powershell version >= 7 in order to improve performance via ForEach-Object -Parallel
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 7)
Write-Host "This script requires Powershell version 7 or newer to run. Please see"
exit 1
$parallelThrottleLimit = 16
function GetArcServersWithLogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInstalled {
param (
$serverList = az connectedmachine list --query "[].{ResourceId:id, ResourceGroup:resourceGroup, ServerName:name}" | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "Cannot get the Arc server list"
$serversCount = $serverList.Length
$vmParallelThrottleLimit = $parallelThrottleLimit
if ($serversCount -lt $vmParallelThrottleLimit)
$serverParallelThrottleLimit = $serversCount
$serverGroups = @()
if($serversCount -eq 1)
$serverGroups += ,($serverList[0])
# split the list into batches to do parallel processing
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $serversCount; $i += $vmParallelThrottleLimit)
$serverGroups += , ($serverList[$i..($i + $serverParallelThrottleLimit - 1)])
Write-Host "Detected $serversCount Arc servers in this subscription."
$hash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$hash.One = 1
$serverGroups | Foreach-Object -ThrottleLimit $parallelThrottleLimit -Parallel {
$len = $using:serversCount
$hash = $using:hash
$_ | ForEach-Object {
$percent = 100 * $hash.One++ / $len
Write-Progress -Activity "Getting Arc server extensions Inventory" -PercentComplete $percent
$serverName = $_.ServerName
$resourceGroup = $_.ResourceGroup
$resourceId = $_.ResourceId
Write-Debug "Getting extensions for Arc server: $serverName"
$extensions = az connectedmachine extension list -g $resourceGroup --machine-name $serverName --query "[?contains(['MicrosoftMonitoringAgent', 'OmsAgentForLinux', 'AzureMonitorLinuxAgent', 'AzureMonitorWindowsAgent'], properties.type)].{type: properties.type, name: name}" | ConvertFrom-Json
if (!$extensions) {
$extensionMap = @{}
foreach ($ext in $extensions) {
$extensionMap[$ext.type] = $
$extensionName = ""
if ($extensionMap.ContainsKey("MicrosoftMonitoringAgent")) {
$extensionName = $extensionMap["MicrosoftMonitoringAgent"]
elseif ($extensionMap.ContainsKey("OmsAgentForLinux")) {
$extensionName = $extensionMap["OmsAgentForLinux"]
if ($extensionName) {
$amaExtensionInstalled = "False"
if ($extensionMap.ContainsKey("AzureMonitorWindowsAgent") -or $extensionMap.ContainsKey("AzureMonitorLinuxAgent")) {
$amaExtensionInstalled = "True"
$csvObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
'ResourceId' = $resourceId
'Name' = $serverName
'Resource_Group' = $resourceGroup
'Resource_Type' = "ArcServer"
'Install_Type' = "Extension"
'Extension_Name' = $extensionName
'AMA_Extension_Installed' = $amaExtensionInstalled
$csvObj | Export-Csv $using:fileName -Append -Force | Out-Null
# az cli sometime cannot handle many requests at same time, so delaying next request by 2 milliseconds
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 2
function GetVmsWithLogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInstalled
$vmList = az vm list --query "[].{ResourceId:id, ResourceGroup:resourceGroup, VmName:name}" | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "Cannot get the VM list"
$vmsCount = $vmList.Length
$vmParallelThrottleLimit = $parallelThrottleLimit
if ($vmsCount -lt $vmParallelThrottleLimit)
$vmParallelThrottleLimit = $vmsCount
if($vmsCount -eq 1)
$vmGroups += ,($vmList[0])
# split the vm's into batches to do parallel processing
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $vmsCount; $i += $vmParallelThrottleLimit)
$vmGroups += , ($vmList[$i..($i + $vmParallelThrottleLimit - 1)])
Write-Host "Detected $vmsCount Vm's in this subscription."
$hash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$hash.One = 1
$vmGroups | Foreach-Object -ThrottleLimit $parallelThrottleLimit -Parallel {
$len = $using:vmsCount
$hash = $using:hash
$_ | ForEach-Object {
$percent = 100 * $hash.One++ / $len
Write-Progress -Activity "Getting VM extensions Inventory" -PercentComplete $percent
$resourceId = $_.ResourceId
$vmName = $_.VmName
$resourceGroup = $_.ResourceGroup
Write-Debug "Getting extensions for VM: $vmName"
$extensions = az vm extension list -g $resourceGroup --vm-name $vmName --query "[?contains(['MicrosoftMonitoringAgent', 'OmsAgentForLinux', 'AzureMonitorLinuxAgent', 'AzureMonitorWindowsAgent'], typePropertiesType)].{type: typePropertiesType, name: name}" | ConvertFrom-Json
if (!$extensions) {
$extensionMap = @{}
foreach ($ext in $extensions) {
$extensionMap[$ext.type] = $
$extensionName = ""
if ($extensionMap.ContainsKey("MicrosoftMonitoringAgent")) {
$extensionName = $extensionMap["MicrosoftMonitoringAgent"]
elseif ($extensionMap.ContainsKey("OmsAgentForLinux")) {
$extensionName = $extensionMap["OmsAgentForLinux"]
if ($extensionName) {
$amaExtensionInstalled = "False"
if ($extensionMap.ContainsKey("AzureMonitorWindowsAgent") -or $extensionMap.ContainsKey("AzureMonitorLinuxAgent")) {
$amaExtensionInstalled = "True"
$csvObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
'ResourceId' = $resourceId
'Name' = $vmName
'Resource_Group' = $resourceGroup
'Resource_Type' = "VM"
'Install_Type' = "Extension"
'Extension_Name' = $extensionName
'AMA_Extension_Installed' = $amaExtensionInstalled
$csvObj | Export-Csv $using:fileName -Append -Force | Out-Null
# az cli sometime cannot handle many requests at same time, so delaying next request by 2 milliseconds
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 2
function GetVmssWithLogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInstalled
# get the vmss list which are successfully provisioned
$vmssList = az vmss list --query "[?provisioningState=='Succeeded'].{ResourceId:id, ResourceGroup:resourceGroup, VmssName:name}" | ConvertFrom-Json
$vmssCount = $vmssList.Length
Write-Host "Detected $vmssCount Vmss in this subscription."
$hash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$hash.One = 1
$vmssList | Foreach-Object -ThrottleLimit $parallelThrottleLimit -Parallel {
$len = $using:vmssCount
$hash = $using:hash
$percent = 100 * $hash.One++ / $len
Write-Progress -Activity "Getting VMSS extensions Inventory" -PercentComplete $percent
$resourceId = $_.ResourceId
$vmssName = $_.VmssName
$resourceGroup = $_.ResourceGroup
Write-Debug "Getting extensions for VMSS: $vmssName"
$extensions = az vmss extension list -g $resourceGroup --vmss-name $vmssName --query "[?contains(['MicrosoftMonitoringAgent', 'OmsAgentForLinux', 'AzureMonitorLinuxAgent', 'AzureMonitorWindowsAgent'], typePropertiesType)].{type: typePropertiesType, name: name}" | ConvertFrom-Json
if (!$extensions) {
$extensionMap = @{}
foreach ($ext in $extensions) {
$extensionMap[$ext.type] = $
$extensionName = ""
if ($extensionMap.ContainsKey("MicrosoftMonitoringAgent")) {
$extensionName = $extensionMap["MicrosoftMonitoringAgent"]
elseif ($extensionMap.ContainsKey("OmsAgentForLinux")) {
$extensionName = $extensionMap["OmsAgentForLinux"]
if ($extensionName) {
$amaExtensionInstalled = "False"
if ($extensionMap.ContainsKey("AzureMonitorWindowsAgent") -or $extensionMap.ContainsKey("AzureMonitorLinuxAgent")) {
$amaExtensionInstalled = "True"
$csvObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
'ResourceId' = $resourceId
'Name' = $vmssName
'Resource_Group' = $resourceGroup
'Resource_Type' = "VMSS"
'Install_Type' = "Extension"
'Extension_Name' = $extensionName
'AMA_Extension_Installed' = $amaExtensionInstalled
$csvObj | Export-Csv $using:fileName -Append -Force | Out-Null
# az cli sometime cannot handle many requests at same time, so delaying next request by 2 milliseconds
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 2
function GetInventory
$fileName = "LogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInventory.csv"
# create a new file
New-Item -Name $fileName -ItemType File -Force
Start-Transcript -Path $logFileName -Append
GetVmsWithLogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInstalled $fileName
GetVmssWithLogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInstalled $fileName
GetArcServersWithLogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInstalled $fileName
function UninstallExtension
$fileName = "LogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInventory.csv"
Start-Transcript -Path $logFileName -Append
Import-Csv $fileName | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit $parallelThrottleLimit -Parallel {
if ($_.Install_Type -eq "Extension")
$extensionName = $_.Extension_Name
$resourceName = $_.Name
Write-Debug "Uninstalling extension: $extensionName from $resourceName"
if ($_.Resource_Type -eq "VMSS")
# if the extension is installed with a custom name, provide the name using the flag: --extension-instance-name <extension name>
az vmss extension delete --name $extensionName --vmss-name $resourceName --resource-group $_.Resource_Group --output none --no-wait
elseif($_.Resource_Type -eq "VM")
# if the extension is installed with a custom name, provide the name using the flag: --extension-instance-name <extension name>
az vm extension delete --name $extensionName --vm-name $resourceName --resource-group $_.Resource_Group --output none --no-wait
elseif($_.Resource_Type -eq "ArcServer")
az connectedmachine extension delete --name $extensionName --machine-name $resourceName --resource-group $_.Resource_Group --no-wait --output none --yes -y
# az cli sometime cannot handle many requests at same time, so delaying next delete request by 2 milliseconds
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 2
$logFileName = "LogAnalyticsAgentUninstallUtilityScriptLog.log"
switch ($args.Count)
0 {
Write-Host "The arguments provided are incorrect."
Write-Host "To get the Inventory: Run the script as: PS> .\LogAnalyticsAgentUninstallUtilityScript.ps1 GetInventory"
Write-Host "To uninstall Log Analytics Agent from Inventory: Run the script as: PS> .\LogAnalyticsAgentUninstallUtilityScript.ps1 UninstallExtension"
1 {
if (-Not (Test-Path $logFileName)) {
New-Item -Path $logFileName -ItemType File
$funcname = $args[0]
Invoke-Expression "& $funcname"
2 {
if (-Not (Test-Path $logFileName)) {
New-Item -Path $logFileName -ItemType File
$funcname = $args[0]
$funcargs = $args[1]
Invoke-Expression "& $funcname $funcargs"
Step 3 Gets the inventory
You collect a list of all legacy agents on all VM, VMSSs and Arc enabled server in the subscription. You run the script you downloaded an inventory of legacy agents in your subscription.
.\LogAnalyticsAgentUninstallUtilityScript.ps1 GetInventory
The script reports the total VM, VMSSs, or Arc enables servers seen in the subscription. It takes several minutes to run. You see a progress bar in the console window. Once complete, you're able to see a CSV file called "LogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInventory.csv in the local directory with the following format.
Resource_ID | Name | Resource_Group | Resource_Type | Install_Type | Extension_Name | AMA_Extension_Installed |
012cb5cf-e1a8-49ee-a484-d40673167c9c | Linux-ama-e2e-debian9 | Linux-AMA-E2E | VM | Extension | OmsAgentForLinux | True |
8acae35a-454f-4869-bf4f-658189d98516 | test2012-r2-da | test2012-r2-daAMA-ADMIN | VM | Extension | MicrosoftMonitorAgent | False |
Step 4 Uninstalls the inventory
This script iterates through the list of VM, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, and Arc enabled servers and uninstalls the legacy agent. You can't remove the agent if it isn't running.
.\LogAnalyticsAgentUninstallUtilityScript.ps1 UninstallExtension
Once the script is complete you'll be able to see the removal status for your VM, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, and Arc enabled servers in the "LogAnalyticsAgentExtensionInventory.csv file.