Migration to neural voice

We're retiring two features from text to speech capabilities as detailed in this article.

Prebuilt standard voice


We are retiring the standard voices from September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2024. If you used a standard voice with your Speech resource that was created prior to September 1, 2021 then you can continue to do so until August 31, 2024. All other Speech resources can only use prebuilt neural voices. You can choose from the supported neural voice names. After August 31, 2024 the standard voices won't be supported with any Speech resource.

The pricing for prebuilt standard voice is different from prebuilt neural voice. Go to the pricing page and check the pricing details in the collapsable "Deprecated" section. Prebuilt standard voice (retired) is referred as Standard.

Go to this article to learn how to migrate to prebuilt neural voice.

Prebuilt neural voice is powered by deep neural networks. You need to create an Azure account and Speech service subscription. Then you can use the Speech SDK or visit the Speech Studio portal, and select prebuilt neural voices to get started. Listening to the voice sample without creating an Azure account, you can visit the Voice Gallery and determine the right voice for your business needs.

Go to the pricing page and check the pricing details. Prebuilt standard voice (retired) is referred as Standard, and prebuilt neural voice is referred as Neural.

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