Dynamic dictionary

The dynamic dictionary feature allows you to customize translations for specific terms or phrases. You define custom translations for your unique context, language, or specific needs. If you already know the translation you want to apply to a word or a phrase, you can supply it as markup within the request. The dynamic dictionary is safe only for compound nouns like proper names and product names.


<mstrans:dictionary translation="translation of phrase">phrase</mstrans:dictionary>


  • The From and To languages must include English and another supported language.
  • You must include the From parameter in your API translation request instead of using the autodetect feature.

Example: en-de:

Source input: The word <mstrans:dictionary translation=\"wordomatic\">wordomatic</mstrans:dictionary> is a dictionary entry.

Target output: Das Wort "wordomatic" ist ein Wörterbucheintrag.

This feature works the same way with and without HTML mode.