Functions library

Applies to: ✅ Azure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

The following article contains a categorized list of UDF (user-defined functions).

The user-defined functions code is given in the articles. It can be used within a let statement embedded in a query or can be persisted in a database using .create function.

Cybersecurity functions

Function Name Description
detect_anomalous_new_entity_fl() Detect the appearance of anomalous new entities in timestamped data.
detect_anomalous_spike_fl() Detect the appearance of anomalous spikes in numeric variables in timestamped data.
graph_blast_radius_fl() Calculate the Blast Radius (list and score) of source nodes over path or edge data.
graph_exposure_perimeter_fl() Calculate the Exposure Perimeter (list and score) of target nodes over path or edge data.
graph_path_discovery_fl() Discover valid paths between relevant endpoints (sources and targets) over graph data (edge and nodes).

General functions

Function Name Description
geoip_fl() Retrieves geographic information of ip address.
get_packages_version_fl() Returns version information of the Python engine and the specified packages.

Machine learning functions

Function Name Description
dbscan_fl() Clusterize using the DBSCAN algorithm, features are in separate columns.
dbscan_dynamic_fl() Clusterize using the DBSCAN algorithm, features are in a single dynamic column.
kmeans_fl() Clusterize using the K-Means algorithm, features are in separate columns.
kmeans_dynamic_fl() Clusterize using the K-Means algorithm, features are in a single dynamic column.
predict_fl() Predict using an existing trained machine learning model.
predict_onnx_fl() Predict using an existing trained machine learning model in ONNX format.

Plotly functions

The following section contains functions for rendering interactive Plotly charts.

Function Name Description
plotly_anomaly_fl() Render anomaly chart using a Plotly template.
plotly_gauge_fl() Render gauge chart using a Plotly template.
plotly_scatter3d_fl() Render 3D scatter chart using a Plotly template.

PromQL functions

The following section contains common PromQL functions. These functions can be used for analysis of metrics ingested to your database by the Prometheus monitoring system. All functions assume that metrics in your database are structured using the Prometheus data model.

Function Name Description
series_metric_fl() Select and retrieve time series stored with the Prometheus data model.
series_rate_fl() Calculate the average rate of counter metric increase per second.

Series processing functions

Function Name Description
quantize_fl() Quantize metric columns.
series_clean_anomalies_fl() Replace anomalies in a series by interpolated value.
series_cosine_similarity_fl() Calculate the cosine similarity of two numerical vectors.
series_dbl_exp_smoothing_fl() Apply a double exponential smoothing filter on series.
series_dot_product_fl() Calculate the dot product of two numerical vectors.
series_downsample_fl() Downsample time series by an integer factor.
series_exp_smoothing_fl() Apply a basic exponential smoothing filter on series.
series_fit_lowess_fl() Fit a local polynomial to series using LOWESS method.
series_fit_poly_fl() Fit a polynomial to series using regression analysis.
series_fbprophet_forecast_fl() Forecast time series values using the Prophet algorithm.
series_lag_fl() Apply a lag filter on series.
series_monthly_decompose_anomalies_fl() Detect anomalies in a series with monthly seasonality.
series_moving_avg_fl() Apply a moving average filter on series.
series_moving_var_fl() Apply a moving variance filter on series.
series_mv_ee_anomalies_fl() Multivariate Anomaly Detection for series using elliptical envelope model.
series_mv_if_anomalies_fl() Multivariate Anomaly Detection for series using isolation forest model.
series_mv_oc_anomalies_fl() Multivariate Anomaly Detection for series using one class SVM model.
series_rolling_fl() Apply a rolling aggregation function on series.
series_shapes_fl() Detects positive/negative trend or jump in series.
series_uv_anomalies_fl() Detect anomalies in time series using the Univariate Anomaly Detection Cognitive Service API.
series_uv_change_points_fl() Detect change points in time series using the Univariate Anomaly Detection Cognitive Service API.
time_weighted_avg_fl() Calculates the time weighted average of a metric using fill forward interpolation.
time_weighted_avg2_fl() Calculates the time weighted average of a metric using linear interpolation.
time_weighted_val_fl() Calculates the time weighted value of a metric using linear interpolation.
time_window_rolling_avg_fl() Calculates the rolling average of a metric over a constant duration time window.

Statistical and probability functions

Function Name Description
bartlett_test_fl() Perform the Bartlett test.
binomial_test_fl() Perform the binomial test.
comb_fl() Calculate C(n, k), the number of combinations for selection of k items out of n.
factorial_fl() Calculate n!, the factorial of n.
ks_test_fl() Perform a Kolmogorov Smirnov test.
levene_test_fl()n Perform a Levene test.
normality_test_fl() Performs the Normality Test.
mann_whitney_u_test_fl() Perform a Mann-Whitney U Test.
pair_probabilities_fl() Calculate various probabilities and related metrics for a pair of categorical variables.
pairwise_dist_fl() Calculate pairwise distances between entities based on multiple nominal and numerical variables.
percentiles_linear_fl() Calculate percentiles using linear interpolation between closest ranks
perm_fl() Calculate P(n, k), the number of permutations for selection of k items out of n.
two_sample_t_test_fl() Perform the two sample t-test.
wilcoxon_test_fl() Perform the Wilcoxon Test.

Text analytics

Function Name Description
log_reduce_fl() Find common patterns in textual logs and output a summary table.
log_reduce_full_fl() Find common patterns in textual logs and output a full table.
log_reduce_predict_fl() Apply a trained model to find common patterns in textual logs and output a summary table.
log_reduce_predict_full_fl() Apply a trained model to find common patterns in textual logs and output a full table.
log_reduce_train_fl() Find common patterns in textual logs and output a model.