activity_engagement plugin

Calculates activity engagement ratio based on ID column over a sliding timeline window.

The activity_engagement plugin can be used for calculating DAU/WAU/MAU (daily/weekly/monthly activities).


T | evaluate activity_engagement(IdColumn, TimelineColumn, [Start, End,] InnerActivityWindow, OuterActivityWindow [, dim1, dim2, ...])

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
T string ✔️ The tabular input used to calculate engagement.
IdCoumn string ✔️ The name of the column with ID values that represent user activity.
TimelineColumn string ✔️ The name of the column that represents timeline.
Start datetime The analysis start period.
End datetime The analysis end period.
InnerActivityWindow timespan ✔️ The inner-scope analysis window period.
OuterActivityWindow timespan ✔️ The outer-scope analysis window period.
dim1, dim2, ... dynamic An array of the dimensions columns that slice the activity metrics calculation.


Returns a table that has a distinct count of ID values inside an inner-scope window, inside an outer-scope window, and the activity ratio for each inner-scope window period for each existing dimensions combination.

Output table schema is:

TimelineColumn dcount_activities_inner dcount_activities_outer activity_ratio dim1 .. dim_n
type: as of TimelineColumn long long double .. .. ..


DAU/WAU calculation

The following example calculates DAU/WAU (Daily Active Users / Weekly Active Users ratio) over a randomly generated data.

// Generate random data of user activities
let _start = datetime(2017-01-01);
let _end = datetime(2017-01-31);
range _day from _start to _end  step 1d
| extend d = tolong((_day - _start)/1d)
| extend r = rand()+1
| extend _users=range(tolong(d*50*r), tolong(d*50*r+100*r-1), 1) 
| mv-expand id=_users to typeof(long) limit 1000000
// Calculate DAU/WAU ratio
| evaluate activity_engagement(['id'], _day, _start, _end, 1d, 7d)
| project _day, Dau_Wau=activity_ratio*100 
| render timechart 

Graph displaying the ratio of daily active users to weekly active users as specified in the query.

DAU/MAU calculation

The following example calculates DAU/WAU (Daily Active Users / Weekly Active Users ratio) over a randomly generated data.

// Generate random data of user activities
let _start = datetime(2017-01-01);
let _end = datetime(2017-05-31);
range _day from _start to _end  step 1d
| extend d = tolong((_day - _start)/1d)
| extend r = rand()+1
| extend _users=range(tolong(d*50*r), tolong(d*50*r+100*r-1), 1) 
| mv-expand id=_users to typeof(long) limit 1000000
// Calculate DAU/MAU ratio
| evaluate activity_engagement(['id'], _day, _start, _end, 1d, 30d)
| project _day, Dau_Mau=activity_ratio*100 
| render timechart 

Graph displaying the ratio of daily active users to monthly active users as specified in the query.

DAU/MAU calculation with additional dimensions

The following example calculates DAU/WAU (Daily Active Users / Weekly Active Users ratio) over a randomly generated data with additional dimension (mod3).

// Generate random data of user activities
let _start = datetime(2017-01-01);
let _end = datetime(2017-05-31);
range _day from _start to _end  step 1d
| extend d = tolong((_day - _start)/1d)
| extend r = rand()+1
| extend _users=range(tolong(d*50*r), tolong(d*50*r+100*r-1), 1) 
| mv-expand id=_users to typeof(long) limit 1000000
| extend mod3 = strcat("mod3=", id % 3)
// Calculate DAU/MAU ratio
| evaluate activity_engagement(['id'], _day, _start, _end, 1d, 30d, mod3)
| project _day, Dau_Mau=activity_ratio*100, mod3 
| render timechart 

Graph displaying the ratio of daily active users to monthly active users with modulo 3 as specified in the query.