Pivot chart

Displays a pivot table and chart. You can interactively select data, columns, rows and various chart types.


  • This visualization can only be used in the context of the render operator.
  • This visualization can be used in Kusto.Explorer but is not available in the Azure Data Explorer web UI.


T | render pivotchart [with (propertyName = propertyValue [, ...])]

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
T string ✔️ Input table name.
propertyName, propertyValue string A comma-separated list of key-value property pairs. See supported properties.

Supported properties

All properties are optional.

PropertyName PropertyValue
accumulate Whether the value of each measure gets added to all its predecessors. (true or false)
legend Whether to display a legend or not (visible or hidden).
series Comma-delimited list of columns whose combined per-record values define the series that record belongs to.
ymin The minimum value to be displayed on Y-axis.
ymax The maximum value to be displayed on Y-axis.
title The title of the visualization (of type string).
xaxis How to scale the x-axis (linear or log).
xcolumn Which column in the result is used for the x-axis.
xtitle The title of the x-axis (of type string).
yaxis How to scale the y-axis (linear or log).
ycolumns Comma-delimited list of columns that consist of the values provided per value of the x column.
ytitle The title of the y-axis (of type string).


| join kind= inner Products on ProductKey
| where ProductCategoryName has "Computers" and ProductName has "Contoso"
| where DateKey between (datetime(2006-12-31) .. datetime(2007-02-01))
| project SalesAmount, ProductName, DateKey
| render pivotchart

Screenshot of query result showing a pivot chart visualization.

This visualization isn't supported.