Clear on-premises attributes from migrated Microsoft Entra ID users
After you've migrated your users and groups to Microsoft Entra ID, you may be ready to decommission your on-premises Active Directory and uninstall sync tools. After turning off directory synchronization, you can manage these objects directly in Microsoft Entra ID.
However, you may encounter issues in Windows, Intune, and Outlook due to legacy values remaining in the user attributes that were previously synchronized from on-premises. For example, hybrid device joining may fail because the system pulls the username and domain from these outdated attributes.
To prevent these issues, we recommend that customers clear the following on-premises attributes:
- onPremisesDistinguishedName
- onPremisesDomainName
- onPremisesImmutableId
- onPremisesSamAccountName
- onPremisesSecurityIdentifier
- onPremisesUserPrincipalName
How to update these attributes
You can update these attributes via Microsoft Graph Beta with Update User API call. These attributes can only be updated in Entra ID for native Cloud-Only users or for previously synced users that have been converted to Cloud-Only users after turning off synchronization in Entra ID.
Required roles
The Entra ID roles that can update on-premises attributes are:
Required permissions
The required application permission is User.ReadWrite.All.
Using ADSyncTools PowerShell module
You can also view and update these on-premises attributes with the PowerShell scripts provided.
Prerequisites for managing on-premises attributes with ADSyncTools PowerShell module:
In order to use ADSyncTools you need to install the module from PowerShell Gallery, as follows:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module ADSyncTools # If ADSyncTools isn’t installed, or;
Update-Module ADSyncTools # If ADSyncTools is already installed
The minimum required version to manage On-Premises attributes in Entra ID is v1.5.2.
Use the following commands to get started with ADSyncTools.
Import-Module ADSyncTools
See the cmdlets available for managing OnPremises attributes:
Get-Command *onpremises* -Module ADSyncTools
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Clear-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute 1.5.2 ADSyncTools
Function Get-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute 1.5.2 ADSyncTools
Function Set-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute 1.5.2 ADSyncTools
Get all the details of a cmdlet (i.e., Syntax, Examples, etc.) with Get-Help <cmdlet> -Full:
Get-Help Get-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute -Full
Gets a specific user or all users containing on-premises properties in Entra ID. It only returns the users that have on-premises attributes populated. By Default, it returns all cloud-only users, but you can specify -IncludeSyncedUsers
to return all users, including users synced from on-premises AD.
This operation requires Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, preauthenticated with Connect-MgGraph -Environment China -ClientId 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID' -TenantId 'YOUR_TENANT_ID' -Scopes "User.Read.All"
By Identity
Get-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute [-Identity] <String> [[-Property] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
By IncludeSyncedUsers
Get-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute [[-IncludeSyncedUsers]] [[-Property] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Example 1
Get the on-premises attributes of all cloud-users that have on-premises attributes populated.
Clearing all on-premises attributes for all users
To clear all on-premises attributes from all users in a bulk fashion, use the get function to retrieve a list of all cloud-only users containing on-premises attributes and then pipeline the results to the Clear cmdlet adding the parameter -All.
This operation requires Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, preauthenticated with Connect-MgGraph -Environment China -ClientId 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID' -TenantId 'YOUR_TENANT_ID' -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All"
Before clearing on-premises attributes from Entra ID users in production, back up all the user's on-premises properties as a safety recommendation, in case you need to roll back the operation.
You can back up all the current values with the following command:
Get-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute | Export-Csv backupOnpremisesAttributes.csv -Delimiter ';'
To clear all on-premises attributes from all users, run:
Get-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute | Select-Object id | Clear-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute -All -Verbose
Clearing all on-premises attributes for one user
To clear all on-premises attributes for one particular user, specify the objectId or UserPrincipalName followed by the parameter -All.
This operation requires Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, preauthenticated with Connect-MgGraph -Environment China -ClientId 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID' -TenantId 'YOUR_TENANT_ID' -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All"
Clear-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute '' -All
You can also use Clear-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute
to clear any of the following on-premises attributes individually:
- onPremisesDistinguishedName
- onPremisesDomainName
- onPremisesImmutableId
- onPremisesSamAccountName
- onPremisesSecurityIdentifier
- onPremisesUserPrincipalName
Clears the on-premises properties of a specific Cloud-Only user or all CLoud-Only users in Entra ID.
Clear-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute [-Id] <String> [[-onPremisesDistinguishedName]] [[-onPremisesDomainName]] [[-onPremisesImmutableId]] [[-onPremisesSamAccountName]] [[-onPremisesSecurityIdentifier]] [[-onPremisesUserPrincipalName]] [<CommonParameters>]
by BodyParameter
Clear-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute [-Id] <String> [-BodyParameter] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
by All
Clear-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute [-Id] <String> [-All] [<CommonParameters>]
Example 1
Clear only onPremisesImmutableId attribute
Clear-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute -Identity '12345678-90ab-cd12-3456-7890abcd1234' -onPremisesImmutableId
Example 2
Clear onpremises attributes based on a json parameter body (-BodyParameter)
$jsonBody = @'
"onPremisesDistinguishedName": null,
"onPremisesDomainName": null,
"onPremisesImmutableId": null,
"onPremisesSamAccountName": null,
"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
"onPremisesUserPrincipalName": null
Clear-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute -Identity $userId -BodyParameter $jsonBody
Sets on-premises attributes for a Cloud-Only user in Entra ID.
This operation requires Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, preauthenticated with Connect-MgGraph -Environment China -ClientId 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID' -TenantId 'YOUR_TENANT_ID' -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All"
Before updating on-premises attributes for Entra ID users in production, back up all the user's on-premises properties as a safety recommendation, in case you need to roll back the operation.
You can back up all the current values with the following command:
Get-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute | Export-Csv backupOnpremisesAttributes.csv -Delimiter ';'
This function can be used to set any of the on-premises attributes listed below:
- onPremisesDistinguishedName
- onPremisesDomainName
- onPremisesImmutableId
- sonPremisesSamAccountName
- onPremisesSecurityIdentifier *
- onPremisesUserPrincipalName
- Must have the correct Security Identifier format, e.g.: "S-1-5-21-1234567890-0987654321-1234567890-1111"
Set-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute [-Identity] <String> [[-onPremisesDistinguishedName] <String>] [[-onPremisesDomainName] <String>] [[-onPremisesImmutableId] <String>] [[-onPremisesSamAccountName] <String>] [[-onPremisesSecurityIdentifier] <String>] [[-onPremisesUserPrincipalName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
by BodyParameter
Set-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute [-Identity] <String> [-BodyParameter] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Example 1
Set only onPremisesImmutableId (pipelining)
'' | Set-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute -onPremisesImmutableId 'nofCJe0gZk6D8J4gRgrt+A=='
Example 2
Set onpremises attributes based on a json parameter body (-BodyParameter)
$jsonBody = @'
"onPremisesDistinguishedName": "",
"onPremisesDomainName": '',
"onPremisesImmutableId": 'nofCJe0gZk6D8J4gRgrt+A==',
"onPremisesSamAccountName": 'User1',
"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": "S-1-5-21-4097605469-3104078553-1111111111-1111",
"onPremisesUserPrincipalName": ""
Set-ADSyncToolsOnPremisesAttribute -Identity '98765432-6f08-40b2-8b66-123456789012' -BodyParameter $jsonBody
You can use -Verbose
with any command to show additional details as to what the function is doing.