Azure HDInsight: Cluster creation errors
This article describes resolutions to errors you might come across when creating clusters.
The first three errors described in this article are validation errors. They can occur when an Azure HDInsight product uses the CsmDocument_2_0 class.
Error: "Script Action location cannot be accessed URI:<SCRIPT ACTION URL>"
"The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."
The HDInsight service can't access the script action URL that you provided as part of the Create Cluster request. The service receives the preceding error message when it tries to access the script action.
- For an HTTP or HTTPS URL, verify the URL by trying to go to it from an incognito browser window.
- For a WASB URL, be sure that the script exists in the storage account that you give in the request. Also make sure that the storage key for this storage account is correct.
- For an ADLS URL, be sure that the script exists in the storage account.
"The given script URI <SCRIPT_URI> is in ADLS, but this cluster has no data lake storage principal"
The HDInsight service can't access the script action URL that you provided as part of the Create Cluster request. The service receives the preceding error message when it tries to access the script action.
Add the corresponding Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 1 account to the cluster. Also add the service principal that accesses the Data Lake Storage Gen 1 account to the cluster.
"VM size '<CUSTOMER_SPECIFIED_VM_SIZE>' provided in the request is invalid or not supported for role '<ROLE>'. Valid values are: <VALID_VM_SIZE_FOR_ROLE>."
The virtual machine size that you specified isn't allowed for the role. This error might occur because the VM size value doesn't work as expected or isn't suitable for the computer role.
The error message lists the valid values for the VM size. Select one of these values and retry the Create Cluster request.
"The VirtualNetworkId is not valid. VirtualNetworkId '<USER_VIRTUALNETWORKID>'*"
The VirtualNetworkId value that you specified during cluster creation isn't in the correct format.
Make sure that the VirtualNetworkId and subnet values are in the correct format. To get the VirtualNetworkId value:
- Go to the Azure portal.
- Select your virtual network.
- Select the Properties menu item. The ResourceID property value is the VirtualNetworkId value.
Here's an example of a virtual network ID:
"Cluster deployment failed due to an error in the custom script action. Failed Actions: <SCRIPT_NAME>, Please go to Ambari UI to further debug the failure."
The custom script that you provided during the Create Cluster request is executed after the cluster is deployed successfully. This error code indicates that an error arose during execution of the custom script named <SCRIPT_NAME>.
Because the script is your custom script, we recommend that you troubleshoot the problem and rerun the script if necessary. To troubleshoot the script failure, examine the logs in the /var/lib/ambari-agent/* folder. Or open the Operations page in the Ambari UI and then select the run_customscriptaction operation to view the error details.
"The <META_STORE_TYPE> Metastore schema version <METASTORE_MAJOR_VERSION> in database <DATABASE_NAME> is incompatible with cluster version <CLUSTER_VERSION>"
The custom metastore is incompatible with the selected HDInsight cluster version. Currently, HDInsight 4.0 clusters support only Metastore version 3.0 and later, while HDInsight 3.6 clusters don't support Metastore version 3.0 and later.
Use only Metastore versions that your HDInsight cluster version supports. If you don't specify a custom metastore, HDInsight internally creates a metastore and then deletes it upon cluster deletion.
"Unable to connect to cluster management endpoint to perform scaling operation. Verify that network security rules are not blocking external access to the cluster, and that the cluster manager (Ambari) UI can be successfully accessed."
A firewall rule on your network security group (NSG) is blocking cluster communication with critical Azure health and management services.
If you plan to use network security groups to control network traffic, take the following actions before you install HDInsight:
- Identify the Azure region that you plan to use for HDInsight.
- Identify the IP addresses required by HDInsight. For more information, see HDInsight management IP addresses.
- Create or modify the network security groups for the subnet that you plan to install HDInsight into.
- For network security groups, allow inbound traffic on port 443 from the IP addresses. This configuration ensures that HDInsight management services can reach the cluster from outside the virtual network.
"The Managed Identity does not have permissions on the storage account. Please verify that 'Storage Blob Data Owner' role is assigned to the Managed Identity for the storage account. Storage: /subscriptions/ <Subscription ID> /resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name> /providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/ <Storage Account Name>, Managed Identity: /subscriptions/ <Subscription ID> /resourceGroups/ /<Resource Group Name> /providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/ <User Managed Identity Name>"
You didn't provide the permissions required to manage identity. The user-assigned managed identity doesn't have the Blob Storage Contributor role on the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage account.
- Open the Azure portal.
- Go to your storage account.
- Look under Access Control (IAM).
- Make sure that the user has the Storage Blob Data Contributor role or the Storage Blob Data Owner role assigned to them.
For more information, see Set up permissions for the managed identity on the Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.
"The security rules in the Network Security Group /subscriptions/<SubscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name> default/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<Network Security Group Name> configured with subnet /subscriptions/<SubscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name> RG-westeurope-vnet-tomtom-default/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<Virtual Network Name>/subnets/<Subnet Name> does not allow required inbound and/or outbound connectivity. "
If network security groups or user-defined routes (UDRs) control inbound traffic to your HDInsight cluster, be sure that your cluster can communicate with critical Azure health and management services.
If you plan to use network security groups to control network traffic, take the following actions before you install HDInsight:
- Identify the Azure region that you plan to use for HDInsight, and create a safe list of the IP addresses for your region. For more information, see Health and management services: Specific regions.
- Identify the IP addresses that HDInsight requires. For more information, see HDInsight management IP addresses.
- Create or modify the network security groups for the subnet that you plan to install HDInsight into. For network security groups, allow inbound traffic on port 443 from the IP addresses. This configuration ensures that HDInsight management services can reach the cluster from outside the virtual network.
"Cluster setup failed to install components on one or more hosts. Please retry your request."
Typically, this error is generated when there's a transient problem or an Azure outage.
Check the Azure status page for any Azure outages that might affect cluster deployment. If there are no outages, retry cluster deployment.
Unable to connect to cluster management endpoint. Please retry later.
HDInsight Service cannot connect to your cluster when attempting to create the cluster
If you are using custom VNet network security group (NSGs) and user-defined routes (UDRs), ensure that your cluster can communicate with HDInsight management services. For additional information see HDInsight management IP addresses.
Error Code: Deployments failed due to policy violation: 'Resource '<Resource URI>' was disallowed by policy. Policy identifiers: '[{"policyAssignment":{"name":"<Policy Name> ","id":"/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/<Management Group Name> providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/<Policy Name>"},"policyDefinition": <Policy Definition>
Subscription-based Azure policies can deny the creation of public IP addresses. HDInsight cluster creation requires two public IPs.
The following policies generally impact cluster creation:
- Policies which prevent creating IP Addresses or Load balancers within the subscription.
- Policy which prevent creating storage accounts.
- Policy which prevent deleting networking resources such as IP Addresses or Load Balancers.
Delete or Disable the subscription-based Azure Policy assignment while creating HDInsight Cluster.
[{'code':'FailedToValidateStorageAccountErrorCode','message':'Failed to validate the storage account.'}]}
- You can enable RA-GRS or RA-ZRS on the Azure Blob storage account that HDInsight uses. However, creating a cluster against the RA-GRS or RA-ZRS secondary endpoint isn't supported.
- HDInsight does not support setting Data Lake Storage Gen2 as read-access geo-zone-redundant storage (RA-GZRS) or geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS).
- For Azure Blob storage accounts, don't create an HDInsight cluster using the RA-GRS or RA-ZRS secondary endpoint. Only use the primary endpoint.
- For Data Lake Storage Gen2, use GRS or RA-GRS redundancy.
For more information about troubleshooting errors in cluster creation, see Troubleshoot cluster creation failures with Azure HDInsight.