Systemconfig.ini file reference

The systemconfig.ini file is used to configure behavior of the data collector. Configuration options are grouped into several sections. This article lists options available and provides an explanation to the options.


Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP® applications uses the new systemconfig.json file for agent versions released on or after June 22, 2023. For previous agent versions, you must still use the systemconfig.ini file.

If you update the agent version, the configuration file is automatically migrated.

Systemconfig configuration file sections

Section name Description
Secrets Source This section defines where credentials are stored.
ABAP Central Instance This section defines general options of the SAP instance to connect to.
Azure Credentials This section defines credentials to connect to Azure Log Analytics.
File Extraction ABAP This section defines logs and credentials that are extracted from ABAP server using SAPControl interface.
File Extraction JAVA This section defines logs and credentials that are extracted from JAVA server using SAPControl interface.
Logs Activation Status This section defines which logs are extracted from ABAP.
Connector Configuration This section defines miscellaneous connector options.
ABAP Table Selector This section defines which User Master Data logs get extracted from the ABAP system.

Secrets Source section

# Storage location of SAP credentials and Log Analytics workspace ID and key
# AZURE_KEY_VAULT - store in an Azure Key Vault. Requires keyvault option and intprefix option
# DOCKER_FIXED - store in systemconfig.ini file. Requires user, passwd, loganalyticswsid and publickey options

# Azure Keyvault name, in case secrets = AZURE_KEY_VAULT

# intprefix - Prefix for variables created in Azure Key Vault

ABAP Central Instance section

[ABAP Central Instance]
# Authentication type - username/password authentication, or X.509 authentication

# FQDN, hostname, or IP address of the ABAP server

# FQDN, hostname, or IP address of the Message server

# Port number, or service name (from /etc/services) of the message server

group=<logon group>
# Logon group of the message server

sysnr=<Instance number>
# Instance number of the ABAP server

# System ID of the ABAP server

client=<Client Number>
# Client number of the ABAP server

# Username to use to connect to ABAP server. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED

# Password to use to connect to ABAP server. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED

snc_lib=<path to libsapcrypto>
# Full path, to the
# Used when SNC is in use
# !!! Note: the path must be valid within the container!!!

snc_partnername=<distinguished name of the server certificate>
# p: -prefixed valid SAP server SNC name, which is equal to Distinguished Name(DN) of SAP server PSE
# Used when SNC is in use

snc_qop=<SNC protection level>
# More information available at
# Used when SNC is in use

snc_myname=<distinguished name of the client certificate>
# p: -prefixed valid client SNC name, which is equal to Distinguished Name(DN) of client PSE
# Used when SNC is in use

x509cert=<server certificate>
# Base64 encoded server certificate value in a single line (with leading ----BEGIN-CERTIFICATE--- and trailing ----END-CERTIFICATE---- removed)

Azure Credentials section

[Azure Credentials]
loganalyticswsid=<workspace ID>
# Log Analytics workspace ID. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED

# Log Analytics workspace primary or secondary key. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED

File Extraction ABAP section

[File Extraction ABAP]
osuser = <SAPControl username>
# Username to use to authenticate to SAPControl

ospasswd = <SAPControl password>
# Password to use to authenticate to SAPControl

appserver = <server>
#SAPControl server hostname/fqdn/IP address

instance = <instance>
#SAPControl instance name

abapseverity = <severity>
# 0 = All logs ; 1 = Warning ; 2 = Error

abaptz = <timezone>
# example - For OS Timezone = NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) use abaptz = GMT+12

File Extraction JAVA section

[File Extraction JAVA]
javaosuser = <username>
# Username to use to authenticate to JAVA server

javaospasswd = <password>
# Password to use to authenticate to JAVA server

javaappserver = <server>
#JAVA server hostname/fqdn/IP address

javainstance = <instance number>
#JAVA instance number

javaseverity = <severity>
# 0 = All logs ; 1 = Warning ; 2 = Error

javatz = <timezone>
# example - For OS Timezone = NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) use abaptz = GMT+12

Logs Activation Status section

[Logs Activation Status]
# The following logs are retrieved using RFC interface
# Specify True or False to configure whether log should be collected using the mentioned interface
ABAPAuditLog = <True/False>
ABAPJobLog = <True/False>
ABAPSpoolLog = <True/False>
ABAPSpoolOutputLog = <True/False>
ABAPChangeDocsLog = <True/False>
ABAPAppLog = <True/False>
ABAPWorkflowLog = <True/False>
ABAPCRLog = <True/False>
ABAPTableDataLog = <True/False>
# The following logs are retrieved using SAP Control interface and OS Login
ABAPFilesLogs = <True/False>
SysLog = <True/False>
ICM = <True/False>
WP = <True/False>
GW = <True/False>
# The following logs are retrieved using SAP Control interface and OS Login
JAVAFilesLogs = <True/False>

Connector Configuration section

extractuseremail = <True/False>
apiretry = <True/False>
auditlogforcexal = <True/False>
auditlogforcelegacyfiles = <True/False>
azure_resource_id = <Azure _ResourceId>
# Used to force a specific resource group for the SAP tables in Log Analytics, useful for applying RBAC on SAP data
# example - /subscriptions/1234568-qwer-qwer-qwer-123456789/resourcegroups/RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME/providers/microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/VIRTUAL_MACHINE_NAME
# for more information -

timechunk = <value>
# Default timechunk value is 60 (minutes). For certain tables, the data connector retrieves data from the ABAP server using timechunks (collecting all events that occurred within a certain timestamp). On busy systems this may result in large datasets, so to reduce memory and CPU utilization footprint, consider configuring to a smaller value.

ABAP Table Selector section

[ABAP Table Selector]
# Specify True or False to configure whether table should be collected from the SAP system
AGR_TCODES_FULL = <True/False>
USR01_FULL = <True/False>
USR02_FULL = <True/False>
USR02_INCREMENTAL = <True/False>
AGR_1251_FULL = <True/False>
AGR_USERS_FULL = <True/False>
AGR_PROF_FULL = <True/False>
UST04_FULL = <True/False>
USR21_FULL = <True/False>
ADR6_FULL = <True/False>
ADCP_FULL = <True/False>
USR05_FULL = <True/False>
USGRP_USER_FULL = <True/False>
USER_ADDR_FULL = <True/False>
AGR_DEFINE_FULL = <True/False>
PAHI_FULL = <True/False>
AGR_AGRS_FULL = <True/False>
USRSTAMP_FULL = <True/False>
SNCSYSACL_FULL = <True/False> (Preview)
USRACL_FULL = <True/False> (Preview)

Next steps

Learn more about the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP® applications:


Reference files:

For more information, see Microsoft Sentinel solutions.