Maintenance control for OS image upgrades on Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets using PowerShell

Applies to: ✔️ Uniform scale sets

Maintenance control lets you decide when to apply automatic guest OS image upgrades to your Virtual Machine Scale Sets. This topic covers the Azure PowerShell options for Maintenance control. For more information on using Maintenance control, see Maintenance control for Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

Enable the PowerShell module

Make sure PowerShellGet is up to date.

Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Repository PSGallery -Force	

Install the Az.Maintenance PowerShell module.

Install-Module -Name Az.Maintenance

If you're installing locally, make sure you open your PowerShell prompt as an administrator.

You may also be asked to confirm that you want to install from an untrusted repository. Type Y or select Yes to All to install the module.

Connect to an Azure account

Connect to your desired Azure account using Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud and Set-AzAccount.

Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud
Set-AzContext 00a000aa-0a00-0a0a-00aa-a00a000aaa00


Create a maintenance configuration

Create a resource group as a container for your configuration. In this example, a resource group named myMaintenanceRG is created in chinaeast2. If you already have a resource group that you want to use, you can skip this part. Just replace the resource group name with your own in the rest of the examples.

New-AzResourceGroup `
   -Location $location `
   -Name $RGName

Use New-AzMaintenanceConfiguration to create a maintenance configuration. This example creates a maintenance configuration named myConfig scoped to the OS image.

$config = New-AzMaintenanceConfiguration `
   -ResourceGroup $RGName `
   -Name $MaintenanceConfig `
   -MaintenanceScope OSImage `
   -Location $location `
   -StartDateTime "2020-10-01 00:00" `
   -TimeZone "Pacific Standard Time" `
   -Duration "05:00" `
   -RecurEvery "Day"


Maintenance duration must be 5 hours or longer. Maintenance recurrence must be set to Day.

Using -MaintenanceScope OSImage ensures that the maintenance configuration is used for controlling updates to the guest OS.

If you try to create a configuration with the same name, but in a different location, you'll get an error. Configuration names must be unique to your resource group.

You can query for available maintenance configurations using Get-AzMaintenanceConfiguration.

Get-AzMaintenanceConfiguration | Format-Table -Property Name,Id

Associate your Virtual Machine Scale Set to the maintenance configuration

A Virtual Machine Scale Set can be associated to any Maintenance configuration regardless of the region and subscription of the Maintenance configuration. By opting in to the Maintenance configuration, new OS image updates for the scale set will be automatically scheduled on the next available maintenance window.

Use New-AzConfigurationAssignment to associate your Virtual Machine Scale Set the maintenance configuration.

New-AzConfigurationAssignment `
   -ResourceGroupName $RGName `
   -Location $location `
   -ResourceName $vmss `
   -ResourceType VirtualMachineScaleSets `
   -ProviderName Microsoft.Compute `
   -ConfigurationAssignmentName $config.Name`
   -MaintenanceConfigurationId $config.Id

Enable automatic OS upgrade

You can enable automatic OS upgrades for each Virtual Machine Scale Set that is going to use maintenance control. For more information about enabling automatic OS upgrades on your Virtual Machine Scale Set, see Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set automatic OS image upgrades.

Next steps