Assign Microsoft Entra roles

This article describes how to assign Microsoft Entra roles to users and groups using the Microsoft Entra admin center, Microsoft Graph PowerShell, or Microsoft Graph API. It also describes how to assign roles at different scopes, such as tenant, application registration, and administrative unit scopes.

You can assign both direct and indirect role assignments to a user. If a user is assigned a role by a group membership, add the user to the group to add the role assignment. For more information, see Use Microsoft Entra groups to manage role assignments.

In Microsoft Entra ID, roles are typically assigned to apply to the entire tenant. However, you can also assign Microsoft Entra roles for different resources, such as application registrations or administrative units. For example, you could assign the Helpdesk Administrator role so that it just applies to a particular administrative unit and not the entire tenant. The resources that a role assignment applies to is also called the scope. Restricting the scope of a role assignment is supported for built-in and custom roles. For more information about scope, see Overview of role-based access control (RBAC) in Microsoft Entra ID.

Microsoft Entra roles in PIM

If you have a Microsoft Entra ID P2 license and Privileged Identity Management (PIM), you have additional capabilities when assigning roles, such as making a user eligible for a role assignment or defining the start and end time for a role assignment. For information about assigning Microsoft Entra roles in PIM, see these articles:


For more information, see Prerequisites to use PowerShell.

Assign roles with tenant scope

This section describes how to assign roles at tenant scope.


Steps in this article might vary slightly based on the portal you start from.

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least a Privileged Role Administrator.

  2. Browse to Identity > Roles & admins > Roles & admins.

    Screenshot of Roles and administrators page in Microsoft Entra admin center.

  3. Select a role name to open the role. Don't add a check mark next to the role.

    Screenshot of Roles and administrators page with mouse over role name.

  4. Select Add assignments and then select the users or groups you want to assign to this role.

    Only role-assignable groups are displayed. If a group isn't listed, you'll need to create a role-assignable group.

    If your experience is different than the following screenshot, you might have Microsoft Entra ID P2 and PIM. For more information, see Assign Microsoft Entra roles in Privileged Identity Management.

    Screenshot of Add assignments pane for selected role.

  5. Select Add to assign the role.