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使用 Bicep 管理 Azure Cosmos DB for Table 资源


在本文中,你将了解如何使用 Bicep 来帮助部署和管理 Azure Cosmos DB for Table 帐户与表。

本文仅提供 API for Table 帐户的示例。 你还可以查找 CassandraGremlinMongoDBSQL 文章的 Bicep 示例。


  • 帐户名称限制为 44 个字符,全部小写。
  • 若要更改吞吐量值,请用更新的 RU/s 重新部署模板。
  • 当你在 Azure Cosmos DB 帐户中添加或删除位置时,无法同时修改其他属性。 必须单独执行这些操作。

若要创建以下任何 Azure Cosmos DB 资源,请将以下示例复制到新的 Bicep 文件中。 可以选择创建一个要在使用不同名称和值部署同一资源的多个实例时使用的参数文件。 可以通过多种方式部署 Azure 资源管理器模板,包括使用 Azure CLIAzure PowerShell


若要在使用 API for Table 时启用共享吞吐量,请在 Azure 门户中启用帐户级吞吐量。 不能使用 Bicep 设置帐户级共享吞吐量。

具有自动缩放吞吐量的 Table 的 Azure Cosmos DB 帐户

为包含一个表且具有自动缩放吞吐量的 API for Table 创建 Azure Cosmos DB 帐户。

@description('Cosmos DB account name')
param accountName string = 'table-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

@description('Location for the Cosmos DB account.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The primary region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param primaryRegion string

@description('The secondary region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param secondaryRegion string

@description('The default consistency level of the Cosmos DB account.')
param defaultConsistencyLevel string = 'Session'

@description('Max stale requests. Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 10 to 1000000. Multi Region: 100000 to 1000000.')
param maxStalenessPrefix int = 100000

@description('Max lag time (seconds). Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 5 to 84600. Multi Region: 300 to 86400.')
param maxIntervalInSeconds int = 300

@description('Enable automatic failover for regions. Ignored when Multi-Master is enabled')
param automaticFailover bool = true

@description('The name for the table')
param tableName string

@description('Maximum autoscale throughput for the table')
param autoscaleMaxThroughput int = 4000

var accountName_var_var = toLower(accountName)
var consistencyPolicy = {
  Eventual: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Eventual'
  ConsistentPrefix: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'ConsistentPrefix'
  Session: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
  BoundedStaleness: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'BoundedStaleness'
    maxStalenessPrefix: maxStalenessPrefix
    maxIntervalInSeconds: maxIntervalInSeconds
  Strong: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Strong'
var locations = [
    locationName: primaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 0
    isZoneRedundant: false
    locationName: secondaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 1
    isZoneRedundant: false

resource accountName_var 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2021-04-15' = {
  name: accountName_var_var
  location: location
  kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
  properties: {
    capabilities: [
        name: 'EnableTable'
    consistencyPolicy: consistencyPolicy[defaultConsistencyLevel]
    locations: locations
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    enableAutomaticFailover: automaticFailover

resource accountName_var_tableName 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/tables@2021-04-15' = {
  parent: accountName_var
  name: tableName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: tableName
    options: {
      autoscaleSettings: {
        maxThroughput: autoscaleMaxThroughput

具有标准预配吞吐量的 Table 的 Azure Cosmos DB 帐户

为包含一个表且具有标准吞吐量的 API for Table 创建 Azure Cosmos DB 帐户。

@description('Cosmos DB account name')
param accountName string = 'table-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

@description('Location for the Cosmos DB account.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The primary region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param primaryRegion string

@description('The secondary region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param secondaryRegion string

@description('The default consistency level of the Cosmos DB account.')
param defaultConsistencyLevel string = 'Session'

@description('Max stale requests. Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 10 to 1000000. Multi Region: 100000 to 1000000.')
param maxStalenessPrefix int = 100000

@description('Max lag time (seconds). Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 5 to 84600. Multi Region: 300 to 86400.')
param maxIntervalInSeconds int = 300

@description('Enable automatic failover for regions. Ignored when Multi-Master is enabled')
param automaticFailover bool = true

@description('The name for the table')
param tableName string

@description('The throughput for the table')
param throughput int = 400

var accountName_var_var = toLower(accountName)
var consistencyPolicy = {
  Eventual: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Eventual'
  ConsistentPrefix: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'ConsistentPrefix'
  Session: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
  BoundedStaleness: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'BoundedStaleness'
    maxStalenessPrefix: maxStalenessPrefix
    maxIntervalInSeconds: maxIntervalInSeconds
  Strong: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Strong'
var locations = [
    locationName: primaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 0
    isZoneRedundant: false
    locationName: secondaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 1
    isZoneRedundant: false

resource accountName_var 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2021-04-15' = {
  name: accountName_var_var
  location: location
  kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
  properties: {
    capabilities: [
        name: 'EnableTable'
    consistencyPolicy: consistencyPolicy[defaultConsistencyLevel]
    locations: locations
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    enableAutomaticFailover: automaticFailover

resource accountName_var_tableName 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/tables@2021-04-15' = {
  parent: accountName_var
  name: tableName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: tableName
    options: {
      throughput: throughput

