Add-on capabilities are available within all models except for the Business card model.
Document Intelligence supports more sophisticated and modular analysis capabilities. Use the add-on features to extend the results to include more features extracted from your documents. Some add-on features incur an extra cost. These optional features can be enabled and disabled depending on the scenario of the document extraction. To enable a feature, add the associated feature name to the features query string property. You can enable more than one add-on feature on a request by providing a comma-separated list of features. The following add-on capabilities are available for 2023-07-31 (GA) and later releases.
✱ Add-On - Query fields are priced differently than the other add-on features. See pricing for details.
** Add-On - Searchable pdf is available only with Read model as an add-on feature.
Supported file formats
✱ Microsoft Office files are currently not supported.
High resolution extraction
The task of recognizing small text from large-size documents, like engineering drawings, is a challenge. Often the text is mixed with other graphical elements and has varying fonts, sizes, and orientations. Moreover, the text can be broken into separate parts or connected with other symbols. Document Intelligence now supports extracting content from these types of documents with the ocr.highResolution capability. You get improved quality of content extraction from A1/A2/A3 documents by enabling this add-on capability.
# Analyze a document at a URL:
url = "("
poller = document_analysis_client.begin_analyze_document_from_url(
"prebuilt-layout", document_url=url, features=[AnalysisFeature.OCR_HIGH_RESOLUTION] # Specify which add-on capabilities to enable.
result = poller.result()
# [START analyze_with_highres]
if any([style.is_handwritten for style in result.styles]):
print("Document contains handwritten content")
print("Document does not contain handwritten content")
for page in result.pages:
print(f"----Analyzing layout from page #{page.page_number}----")
f"Page has width: {page.width} and height: {page.height}, measured with unit: {page.unit}"
for line_idx, line in enumerate(page.lines):
words = line.get_words()
f"...Line # {line_idx} has word count {len(words)} and text '{line.content}' "
f"within bounding polygon '{format_polygon(line.polygon)}'"
for word in words:
f"......Word '{word.content}' has a confidence of {word.confidence}"
for selection_mark in page.selection_marks:
f"Selection mark is '{selection_mark.state}' within bounding polygon "
f"'{format_polygon(selection_mark.polygon)}' and has a confidence of {selection_mark.confidence}"
for table_idx, table in enumerate(result.tables):
f"Table # {table_idx} has {table.row_count} rows and "
f"{table.column_count} columns"
for region in table.bounding_regions:
f"Table # {table_idx} location on page: {region.page_number} is {format_polygon(region.polygon)}"
for cell in table.cells:
f"...Cell[{cell.row_index}][{cell.column_index}] has text '{cell.content}'"
for region in cell.bounding_regions:
f"...content on page {region.page_number} is within bounding polygon '{format_polygon(region.polygon)}'"
The ocr.formula capability extracts all identified formulas, such as mathematical equations, in the formulas collection as a top level object under content. Inside content, detected formulas are represented as :formula:. Each entry in this collection represents a formula that includes the formula type as inline or display, and its LaTeX representation as value along with its polygon coordinates. Initially, formulas appear at the end of each page.
# Analyze a document at a URL:
url = ""
poller = document_analysis_client.begin_analyze_document_from_url(
"prebuilt-layout", document_url=url, features=[AnalysisFeature.FORMULAS] # Specify which add-on capabilities to enable
result = poller.result()
# [START analyze_formulas]
for page in result.pages:
print(f"----Formulas detected from page #{page.page_number}----")
inline_formulas = [f for f in page.formulas if f.kind == "inline"]
display_formulas = [f for f in page.formulas if f.kind == "display"]
print(f"Detected {len(inline_formulas)} inline formulas.")
for formula_idx, formula in enumerate(inline_formulas):
print(f"- Inline #{formula_idx}: {formula.value}")
print(f" Confidence: {formula.confidence}")
print(f" Bounding regions: {format_polygon(formula.polygon)}")
print(f"\nDetected {len(display_formulas)} display formulas.")
for formula_idx, formula in enumerate(display_formulas):
print(f"- Display #{formula_idx}: {formula.value}")
print(f" Confidence: {formula.confidence}")
print(f" Bounding regions: {format_polygon(formula.polygon)}")
"content": ":formula:",
"pages": [
"pageNumber": 1,
"formulas": [
"kind": "inline",
"value": "\\frac { \\partial a } { \\partial b }",
"polygon": [...],
"span": {...},
"confidence": 0.99
"kind": "display",
"value": "y = a \\times b + a \\times c",
"polygon": [...],
"span": {...},
"confidence": 0.99
Font property extraction
The ocr.font capability extracts all font properties of text extracted in the styles collection as a top-level object under content. Each style object specifies a single font property, the text span it applies to, and its corresponding confidence score. The existing style property is extended with more font properties such as similarFontFamily for the font of the text, fontStyle for styles such as italic and normal, fontWeight for bold or normal, color for color of the text, and backgroundColor for color of the text bounding box.
# Analyze a document at a URL:
url = ""
poller = document_analysis_client.begin_analyze_document_from_url(
"prebuilt-layout", document_url=url, features=[AnalysisFeature.STYLE_FONT] # Specify which add-on capabilities to enable.
result = poller.result()
# [START analyze_fonts]
# DocumentStyle has the following font related attributes:
similar_font_families = defaultdict(list) # e.g., 'Arial, sans-serif
font_styles = defaultdict(list) # e.g, 'italic'
font_weights = defaultdict(list) # e.g., 'bold'
font_colors = defaultdict(list) # in '#rrggbb' hexadecimal format
font_background_colors = defaultdict(list) # in '#rrggbb' hexadecimal format
if any([style.is_handwritten for style in result.styles]):
print("Document contains handwritten content")
print("Document does not contain handwritten content")
print("\n----Fonts styles detected in the document----")
# Iterate over the styles and group them by their font attributes.
for style in result.styles:
if style.similar_font_family:
if style.font_style:
if style.font_weight:
if style.color:
if style.background_color:
print(f"Detected {len(similar_font_families)} font families:")
for font_family, styles in similar_font_families.items():
print(f"- Font family: '{font_family}'")
print(f" Text: '{get_styled_text(styles, result.content)}'")
print(f"\nDetected {len(font_styles)} font styles:")
for font_style, styles in font_styles.items():
print(f"- Font style: '{font_style}'")
print(f" Text: '{get_styled_text(styles, result.content)}'")
print(f"\nDetected {len(font_weights)} font weights:")
for font_weight, styles in font_weights.items():
print(f"- Font weight: '{font_weight}'")
print(f" Text: '{get_styled_text(styles, result.content)}'")
print(f"\nDetected {len(font_colors)} font colors:")
for font_color, styles in font_colors.items():
print(f"- Font color: '{font_color}'")
print(f" Text: '{get_styled_text(styles, result.content)}'")
print(f"\nDetected {len(font_background_colors)} font background colors:")
for font_background_color, styles in font_background_colors.items():
print(f"- Font background color: '{font_background_color}'")
print(f" Text: '{get_styled_text(styles, result.content)}'")
The ocr.barcode capability extracts all identified barcodes in the barcodes collection as a top level object under content. Inside the content, detected barcodes are represented as :barcode:. Each entry in this collection represents a barcode and includes the barcode type as kind and the embedded barcode content as value along with its polygon coordinates. Initially, barcodes appear at the end of each page. The confidence is hard-coded for as 1.
# Analyze a document at a URL:
url = ""
poller = document_analysis_client.begin_analyze_document_from_url(
"prebuilt-layout", document_url=url, features=[AnalysisFeature.BARCODES] # Specify which add-on capabilities to enable.
result = poller.result()
# [START analyze_barcodes]
# Iterate over extracted barcodes on each page.
for page in result.pages:
print(f"----Barcodes detected from page #{page.page_number}----")
print(f"Detected {len(page.barcodes)} barcodes:")
for barcode_idx, barcode in enumerate(page.barcodes):
print(f"- Barcode #{barcode_idx}: {barcode.value}")
print(f" Kind: {barcode.kind}")
print(f" Confidence: {barcode.confidence}")
print(f" Bounding regions: {format_polygon(barcode.polygon)}")
Adding the languages feature to the analyzeResult request predicts the detected primary language for each text line along with the confidence in the languages collection under analyzeResult.
# Analyze a document at a URL:
url = ""
poller = document_analysis_client.begin_analyze_document_from_url(
"prebuilt-layout", document_url=url, features=[AnalysisFeature.LANGUAGES] # Specify which add-on capabilities to enable.
result = poller.result()
# [START analyze_languages]
print("----Languages detected in the document----")
print(f"Detected {len(result.languages)} languages:")
for lang_idx, lang in enumerate(result.languages):
print(f"- Language #{lang_idx}: locale '{lang.locale}'")
print(f" Confidence: {lang.confidence}")
print(f" Text: '{','.join([result.content[span.offset : span.offset + span.length] for span in lang.spans])}'")