如何在用于容器的 Azure Monitor 中针对性能问题设置警报

用于容器的 Azure Monitor 可以监视部署到 Azure 容器实例或 Azure Kubernetes 服务 (AKS) 上托管的托管 Kubernetes 群集的容器工作负荷的性能。


  • 当群集节点上的 CPU 或内存利用率超过阈值时
  • 当控制器中任何容器上的 CPU 或内存利用率超过阈值时(与相应资源中设置的限制相比)
  • “未就绪”状态节点计数
  • “失败”、“挂起”、“未知”、“正在运行”或“成功”Pod 阶段计数
  • 当群集节点上的可用磁盘空间超过阈值时

若要针对群集节点上的 CPU 或内存利用率过高或可用磁盘空间不足发出警报,请使用提供的查询来创建指标警报或指标度量警报。 指标警报的延迟要低于日志警报。 但是,日志警报提供高级查询和更精密的信息。 日志警报查询使用 now 运算符将某个日期时间与当前时间进行比较,并将时间推后一个小时。 (用于容器的 Azure Monitor 以协调世界时 (UTC) 格式存储所有日期。)

如果你不熟悉 Azure Monitor 警报,请在开始之前参阅 Microsoft Azure 中的警报概述。 若要详细了解使用日志查询的警报,请参阅 Azure Monitor 中的日志警报。 有关指标警报的详细信息,请参阅 Azure Monitor 中的指标警报


本部分所述的查询支持每种警报方案。 本文创建警报部分的步骤 7 中使用了这些查询。

以下查询每隔一分钟计算平均 CPU 利用率作为成员节点的平均 CPU 利用率。

let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let capacityCounterName = 'cpuCapacityNanoCores';
let usageCounterName = 'cpuUsageNanoCores';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
// cluster filter would go here if multiple clusters are reporting to the same Log Analytics workspace
| distinct ClusterName, Computer
| join hint.strategy=shuffle (
  | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
  | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
  | where ObjectName == 'K8SNode'
  | where CounterName == capacityCounterName
  | summarize LimitValue = max(CounterValue) by Computer, CounterName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
  | project Computer, CapacityStartTime = TimeGenerated, CapacityEndTime = TimeGenerated + trendBinSize, LimitValue
) on Computer
| join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle (
  | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime + trendBinSize
  | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime - trendBinSize
  | where ObjectName == 'K8SNode'
  | where CounterName == usageCounterName
  | project Computer, UsageValue = CounterValue, TimeGenerated
) on Computer
| where TimeGenerated >= CapacityStartTime and TimeGenerated < CapacityEndTime
| project ClusterName, Computer, TimeGenerated, UsagePercent = UsageValue * 100.0 / LimitValue
| summarize AggregatedValue = avg(UsagePercent) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize), ClusterName


let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let capacityCounterName = 'memoryCapacityBytes';
let usageCounterName = 'memoryRssBytes';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
// cluster filter would go here if multiple clusters are reporting to the same Log Analytics workspace
| distinct ClusterName, Computer
| join hint.strategy=shuffle (
  | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
  | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
  | where ObjectName == 'K8SNode'
  | where CounterName == capacityCounterName
  | summarize LimitValue = max(CounterValue) by Computer, CounterName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
  | project Computer, CapacityStartTime = TimeGenerated, CapacityEndTime = TimeGenerated + trendBinSize, LimitValue
) on Computer
| join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle (
  | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime + trendBinSize
  | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime - trendBinSize
  | where ObjectName == 'K8SNode'
  | where CounterName == usageCounterName
  | project Computer, UsageValue = CounterValue, TimeGenerated
) on Computer
| where TimeGenerated >= CapacityStartTime and TimeGenerated < CapacityEndTime
| project ClusterName, Computer, TimeGenerated, UsagePercent = UsageValue * 100.0 / LimitValue
| summarize AggregatedValue = avg(UsagePercent) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize), ClusterName


以下查询使用占位符值 <your-cluster-name> 和 <your-controller-name> 来分别表示群集和控制器。 设置警报时,请将这些占位符替换为环境特定的值。

以下查询每隔一分钟计算控制器中所有容器的平均 CPU 利用率,作为控制器中每个容器实例的平均 CPU 利用率。 度量值是针对容器设置的限制百分比。

let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let capacityCounterName = 'cpuLimitNanoCores';
let usageCounterName = 'cpuUsageNanoCores';
let clusterName = '<your-cluster-name>';
let controllerName = '<your-controller-name>';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
| where ClusterName == clusterName
| where ControllerName == controllerName
| extend InstanceName = strcat(ClusterId, '/', ContainerName),
         ContainerName = strcat(controllerName, '/', tostring(split(ContainerName, '/')[1]))
| distinct Computer, InstanceName, ContainerName
| join hint.strategy=shuffle (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
    | where ObjectName == 'K8SContainer'
    | where CounterName == capacityCounterName
    | summarize LimitValue = max(CounterValue) by Computer, InstanceName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
    | project Computer, InstanceName, LimitStartTime = TimeGenerated, LimitEndTime = TimeGenerated + trendBinSize, LimitValue
) on Computer, InstanceName
| join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime + trendBinSize
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime - trendBinSize
    | where ObjectName == 'K8SContainer'
    | where CounterName == usageCounterName
    | project Computer, InstanceName, UsageValue = CounterValue, TimeGenerated
) on Computer, InstanceName
| where TimeGenerated >= LimitStartTime and TimeGenerated < LimitEndTime
| project Computer, ContainerName, TimeGenerated, UsagePercent = UsageValue * 100.0 / LimitValue
| summarize AggregatedValue = avg(UsagePercent) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize) , ContainerName

以下查询每隔一分钟计算控制器中所有容器的平均内存利用率,作为控制器中每个容器实例的平均内存利用率。 度量值是针对容器设置的限制百分比。

let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let capacityCounterName = 'memoryLimitBytes';
let usageCounterName = 'memoryRssBytes';
let clusterName = '<your-cluster-name>';
let controllerName = '<your-controller-name>';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
| where ClusterName == clusterName
| where ControllerName == controllerName
| extend InstanceName = strcat(ClusterId, '/', ContainerName),
         ContainerName = strcat(controllerName, '/', tostring(split(ContainerName, '/')[1]))
| distinct Computer, InstanceName, ContainerName
| join hint.strategy=shuffle (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
    | where ObjectName == 'K8SContainer'
    | where CounterName == capacityCounterName
    | summarize LimitValue = max(CounterValue) by Computer, InstanceName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
    | project Computer, InstanceName, LimitStartTime = TimeGenerated, LimitEndTime = TimeGenerated + trendBinSize, LimitValue
) on Computer, InstanceName
| join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime + trendBinSize
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime - trendBinSize
    | where ObjectName == 'K8SContainer'
    | where CounterName == usageCounterName
    | project Computer, InstanceName, UsageValue = CounterValue, TimeGenerated
) on Computer, InstanceName
| where TimeGenerated >= LimitStartTime and TimeGenerated < LimitEndTime
| project Computer, ContainerName, TimeGenerated, UsagePercent = UsageValue * 100.0 / LimitValue
| summarize AggregatedValue = avg(UsagePercent) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize) , ContainerName


let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let clusterName = '<your-cluster-name>';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
| distinct ClusterName, Computer, TimeGenerated
| summarize ClusterSnapshotCount = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize), ClusterName, Computer
| join hint.strategy=broadcast kind=inner (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
    | summarize TotalCount = count(), ReadyCount = sumif(1, Status contains ('Ready'))
                by ClusterName, Computer,  bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
    | extend NotReadyCount = TotalCount - ReadyCount
) on ClusterName, Computer, TimeGenerated
| project   TimeGenerated,
            ReadyCount = todouble(ReadyCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
            NotReadyCount = todouble(NotReadyCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount
| order by ClusterName asc, Computer asc, TimeGenerated desc

以下查询基于所有阶段返回 Pod 阶段计数:“失败”、“挂起”、“未知”、“正在运行”或“成功”。

let endDateTime = now();
    let startDateTime = ago(1h);
    let trendBinSize = 1m;
    let clusterName = '<your-cluster-name>';
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
    | where ClusterName == clusterName
    | distinct ClusterName, TimeGenerated
    | summarize ClusterSnapshotCount = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize), ClusterName
    | join hint.strategy=broadcast (
        | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
        | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
        | distinct ClusterName, Computer, PodUid, TimeGenerated, PodStatus
        | summarize TotalCount = count(),
                    PendingCount = sumif(1, PodStatus =~ 'Pending'),
                    RunningCount = sumif(1, PodStatus =~ 'Running'),
                    SucceededCount = sumif(1, PodStatus =~ 'Succeeded'),
                    FailedCount = sumif(1, PodStatus =~ 'Failed')
                 by ClusterName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
    ) on ClusterName, TimeGenerated
    | extend UnknownCount = TotalCount - PendingCount - RunningCount - SucceededCount - FailedCount
    | project TimeGenerated,
              TotalCount = todouble(TotalCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              PendingCount = todouble(PendingCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              RunningCount = todouble(RunningCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              SucceededCount = todouble(SucceededCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              FailedCount = todouble(FailedCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              UnknownCount = todouble(UnknownCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount
| summarize AggregatedValue = avg(PendingCount) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)


若要针对特定的 Pod 阶段(例如“挂起”、“失败”或“未知”)发出警报,请修改查询的最后一行。 例如,若要针对“失败计数”发出警报,请使用:
| summarize AggregatedValue = avg(FailedCount) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)

以下查询返回可用空间超过 90% 的已用群集节点磁盘。 若要获取群集 ID,请首先运行以下查询并从 ClusterId 属性中复制值:

| extend Tags = todynamic(Tags)            
| project ClusterId = Tags['container.azm.ms/clusterId']   
| distinct tostring(ClusterId)   
let clusterId = '<cluster-id>';
let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
| where Origin == 'container.azm.ms/telegraf'            
| where Namespace == 'container.azm.ms/disk'            
| extend Tags = todynamic(Tags)            
| project TimeGenerated, ClusterId = Tags['container.azm.ms/clusterId'], Computer = tostring(Tags.hostName), Device = tostring(Tags.device), Path = tostring(Tags.path), DiskMetricName = Name, DiskMetricValue = Val   
| where ClusterId =~ clusterId       
| where DiskMetricName == 'used_percent'
| summarize AggregatedValue = max(DiskMetricValue) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
| where AggregatedValue >= 90


在 Azure Monitor 中,遵循以下步骤使用前面提供的日志搜索规则之一创建日志警报。

  1. 登录到 Azure 门户

  2. 在左侧窗格中选择“监视”。 在“见解”下,选择“容器”。

  3. 在“监视的群集”选项卡上,从列表中选择一个群集。

  4. 在左侧窗格中的“监视”下,选择“日志”打开 Azure Monitor 日志页。 使用此页编写并执行 Azure Log Analytics 查询。

  5. 在“日志”页上,选择“+新建警报规则”。

  6. 在“条件”部分,选择预定义的自定义日志条件“每当自定义日志搜索为 <logic undefined> 时”。 系统会自动选择“自定义日志搜索”信号类型,因为我们要直接从 Azure Monitor 日志页创建警报规则。

  7. 将前面提供的某个查询粘贴到“搜索查询”字段中。

  8. 按如下所述配置警报:

    1. 从“基于”下拉列表中选择“指标度量” 。 指标度量将为查询中其值超过指定阈值的每个对象创建一个警报。
    2. 对于“条件”,选择“大于”,并输入 75 作为 CPU 和内存利用率警报的初始基线阈值。 对于磁盘空间不足警报,输入 90。 或输入符合条件的其他值。
    3. 在“触发警报的条件”部分选择“连续违规”。 从下拉列表中选择“大于”并输入 2
    4. 若要针对容器 CPU 或内存利用率配置警报,请在“聚合依据”下选择“容器名称”。 若要配置群集节点磁盘不足警报,请选择 ClusterId
    5. 在“评估依据”部分,将“时段”值设置为 60 分钟。 该规则将每隔 5 分钟运行一次,返回从当前时间算起过去一小时内创建的记录。 将时段设置为较宽的时限可以适应潜在的数据延迟。 这也可以确保查询返回数据,以避免漏报,导致警报永远不会激发。
  9. 选择“完成”以完成警报规则。

  10. 在“警报规则名称”字段中输入一个名称。 填写“说明”以提供有关该警报的详细信息。 从提供的选项中选择适当的严重性级别。

  11. 若要立即激活该警报规则,请接受“创建后启用规则”选项的默认值。

  12. 选择现有的操作组或创建新组。 此步骤确保每次触发警报时都执行相同的操作。 请根据 IT 或 DevOps 运营团队管理事件的方式进行配置。

  13. 选择“创建警报规则”以完成警报规则。 该警报会立即开始运行。
