ACSCallAutomationIncomingOperations 表的查询
有关在 Azure 门户中使用这些查询的信息,请参阅 Log Analytics 教程。 有关 REST API,请参阅查询。
| distinct OperationName, OperationVersion
| limit 100
计算每个调用自动化操作的第 90、95 和 99 个百分位数(以毫秒为单位)。 可以针对单个操作或其他百分位数自定义它。
// where OperationName == "<operation>" // This can be uncommented and specified to calculate only a single operation's duration percentiles
| summarize percentiles(DurationMs, 90, 95, 99) by OperationName, OperationVersion // calculate 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of each Operation
| limit 100
对于每个调用自动化操作,提取调用该操作最多的 5 个 IP 地址。
// | where OperationName == "<operation>" // This can be uncommented and specified to calculate only a single operation's count
| top-nested of OperationName by dummy=max(0), // For all the Operations...
top-nested 5 of CallerIpAddress by count() // List the IP address that have called that operation the most
| project-away dummy // Remove dummy line from the result set
| limit 100
| where ResultType == "Failed"
| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, OperationVersion, ResultSignature
| order by TimeGenerated desc
| limit 100
| summarize Count = count() by OperationName, ResultType //, ResultSignature // This can also be uncommented to determine the count of each ResultSignature for each ResultType
| order by OperationName asc, Count desc
| limit 100
查询特定调用连接 ID 的调用自动化日志。
//| where CallConnectionId == "<callConnectionId>" // This can be uncommented to filter on a specific call connection ID
| limit 100
返回特定调用的所有调用自动化 API 操作和版本对(相关 ID)。
//| where CorrelationId == "<correlation ID>" // This can be uncommented to filter on a specific correlation ID
| project CorrelationId, OperationName, OperationVersion
| limit 100
使用相关 ID 查询与调用自动化 API 交互的调用的诊断日志。
//| where CorrelationId == "<correlation ID>" // This can be uncommented to filter on a specific correlation ID
| join kind=inner
on CorrelationId
| limit 100
使用相关 ID 查询与调用自动化 API 交互的调用的摘要日志。
//| where CorrelationId == "<correlation ID>" // This can be uncommented to filter on a specific correlation ID
| join kind=inner
on CorrelationId
| limit 100