创建 Azure Cosmos DB 的密钥空间和表 - API for Cassandra

适用对象: Cassandra


建议使用 Azure Az PowerShell 模块与 Azure 交互。 请参阅安装 Azure PowerShell 以开始使用。 若要了解如何迁移到 Az PowerShell 模块,请参阅 将 Azure PowerShell 从 AzureRM 迁移到 Az

本示例需要 Azure PowerShell Az 5.4.0 或更高版本。 运行 Get-Module -ListAvailable Az,查看已安装哪些版本。 如果需要安装,请参阅安装 Azure PowerShell 模块

运行 Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud 以登录到 Azure。


# Reference: Az.CosmosDB | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/az.cosmosdb
# --------------------------------------------------
# Purpose
# Create Cosmos Cassandra API account with automatic failover,
# a keyspace, and a table with defined schema, dedicated throughput, and
# conflict resolution policy with last writer wins and custom resolver path.
# --------------------------------------------------
Function New-RandomString{Param ([Int]$Length = 10) return $(-join ((97..122) + (48..57) | Get-Random -Count $Length | ForEach-Object {[char]$_}))}
# --------------------------------------------------
$uniqueId = New-RandomString -Length 7 # Random alphanumeric string for unique resource names
$apiKind = "Cassandra"
# --------------------------------------------------
# Variables - ***** SUBSTITUTE YOUR VALUES *****
$locations = @()
$locations += New-AzCosmosDBLocationObject -LocationName "China East" -FailoverPriority 0 -IsZoneRedundant 0
$locations += New-AzCosmosDBLocationObject -LocationName "China North" -FailoverPriority 1 -IsZoneRedundant 0

$resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup" # Resource Group must already exist
$accountName = "cosmos-$uniqueId" # Must be all lower case
$consistencyLevel = "BoundedStaleness"
$maxStalenessInterval = 300
$maxStalenessPrefix = 100000
$tags = @{Tag1 = "MyTag1"; Tag2 = "MyTag2"; Tag3 = "MyTag3"}
$keyspaceName = "mykeyspace"
$tableName = "mytable"
$tableRUs = 400
$partitionKeys = @("machine", "cpu", "mtime")
$clusterKeys = @( 
    @{ name = "loadid"; orderBy = "Asc" };
    @{ name = "duration"; orderBy = "Desc" }
$columns = @(
    @{ name = "loadid"; type = "uuid" };
    @{ name = "machine"; type = "uuid" };
    @{ name = "cpu"; type = "int" };
    @{ name = "mtime"; type = "int" };
    @{ name = "load"; type = "float" };
    @{ name = "duration"; type = "float" }
# --------------------------------------------------
Write-Host "Creating account $accountName"
$account = New-AzCosmosDBAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -LocationObject $locations -Name $accountName -ApiKind $apiKind -Tag $tags `
    -DefaultConsistencyLevel $consistencyLevel `
    -MaxStalenessIntervalInSeconds $maxStalenessInterval `
    -MaxStalenessPrefix $maxStalenessPrefix `

Write-Host "Creating keyspace $keyspaceName"
$keyspace = New-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace -ParentObject $account `
    -Name $keyspaceName

# Table Schema
$psClusterKeys = @()
ForEach ($clusterKey in $clusterKeys) {
    $psClusterKeys += New-AzCosmosDBCassandraClusterKey -Name $clusterKey.name -OrderBy $clusterKey.orderBy

$psColumns = @()
ForEach ($column in $columns) {
    $psColumns += New-AzCosmosDBCassandraColumn -Name $column.name -Type $column.type

$schema = New-AzCosmosDBCassandraSchema `
    -PartitionKey $partitionKeys `
    -ClusterKey $psClusterKeys `
    -Column $psColumns

Write-Host "Creating table $tableName"
$table = New-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable -ParentObject $keyspace `
    -Name $tableName -Schema $schema -Throughput $tableRUs 



Remove-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup"


此脚本使用以下命令。 表中的每条命令均链接到特定于命令的文档。

命令 注释
Azure Cosmos DB
New-AzCosmosDBAccount 创建 Azure Cosmos DB 帐户。
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace 创建 Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra 密钥空间。
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraClusterKey 创建 Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra 群集密钥。
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraColumn 创建 Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra 列。
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraSchema 创建 Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra 架构。
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable 创建 Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra 表。
Azure 资源组
Remove-AzResourceGroup 删除资源组,包括所有嵌套的资源。


有关 Azure PowerShell 的详细信息,请参阅 Azure PowerShell 文档