计算要计费的 Blob 容器总大小

此脚本出于估算计费成本的目的,计算 Azure Blob 存储中的容器大小。 此脚本计算容器中各 blob 的大小总和。


本文中提供的示例脚本可能无法准确地计算 blob 快照的账单大小。

本示例需要 Azure PowerShell。 运行 Get-Module -ListAvailable Az 即可查找版本。 如果需要进行安装或升级,请参阅安装 Azure PowerShell 模块

运行 Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud cmdlet 以连接到世纪互联运营的 Azure。

如果没有 Azure 试用版订阅,请在开始前创建一个试用版订阅


此 PowerShell 脚本出于计费目的计算容器大小。 如果要出于其他目的计算容器大小,请参阅计算 Blob 存储容器的总大小,获取进行估算的更简单的脚本。

确定 Blob 容器的大小

Blob 容器的总大小包括容器自身大小,以及容器内所有 blob 的大小。

下述部分介绍 Blob 容器和 blob 的存储容量计算方法。 在下一部分中,Len(X) 表示字符串中的字符数。

Blob 容器

下述计算介绍如何估算每个 Blob 容器使用的存储量:

48 bytes + Len(ContainerName) * 2 bytes +
For-Each Metadata[3 bytes + Len(MetadataName) + Len(Value)] +
For-Each Signed Identifier[512 bytes]


  • 每个容器的开销(48 字节)包括最后修改时间、权限、公共设置和一些系统元数据。

  • 容器名称以 Unicode 形式存储,因此字节数按字符数乘以 2 计算。

  • 对于存储的每个 Blob 容器元数据块,我们将存储名称 (ASCII) 长度,再加上字符串值的长度。

  • 每个签名标识符(512 字节)包括签名标识符名称、开始时间、到期时间和权限。


下述计算显示如何估算每个 blob 使用的存储量。

  • 块 blob(基本 blob 或快照):

    124 bytes + Len(BlobName) * 2 bytes +
    For-Each Metadata[3 bytes + Len(MetadataName) + Len(Value)] +
    8 bytes + number of committed and uncommitted blocks * Block ID Size in bytes +
    SizeInBytes(data in unique committed data blocks stored) +
    SizeInBytes(data in uncommitted data blocks)
  • 页 blob(基本 blob 或快照):

    124 bytes + Len(BlobName) * 2 bytes +
    For-Each Metadata[3 bytes + Len(MetadataName) + Len(Value)] +
    number of nonconsecutive page ranges with data * 12 bytes +
    SizeInBytes(data in unique pages stored)


  • Blob 的开销为 124 字节,其中包括:

    • 上次修改时间
    • 大小
    • Cache-Control
    • Content-Type
    • Content-Language
    • Content-Encoding
    • Content-MD5
    • 权限
    • 快照信息
    • Lease
    • 某些系统元数据
  • Blob 名称以 Unicode 形式存储,因此字节数按字符数乘以 2 计算。

  • 对于每个存储的元数据块,添加名称长度(以 ASCII 码存储),再加上字符串值的长度。

  • 对于块 blob:

    • 块列表为 8 字节。

    • 块数乘以块 ID 大小(按字节计)。

    • 所有已提交和未提交块中数据的大小。


      使用快照时,大小仅包括此基本 blob 或快照 blob 的唯一数据。 如果未提交块在一周后未被使用,则回收到垃圾桶。 之后不计入账单。

  • 对于页 blob:

    • 字节数按具有数据的不连续页面范围数乘以 12 计算。 这是在调用 GetPageRanges API 时看到的唯一页面范围数

    • 所有存储页面中的数据大小(按字节计)。


      使用快照时,大小仅包含要计数的基本 blob 或快照 blob 的唯一页面。


# this script will show how to get the total size of the blobs in a container
# before running this, you need to create a storage account, create a container,
#    and upload some blobs into the container
# note: this retrieves all of the blobs in the container in one command.
#       connect Azure with Login-AzAccount -EnvironmentName AzureChinaCloud before you run the script.
#       requests sent as part of this tool will incur transactional costs.
# command line usage: script.ps1 -ResourceGroup {YourResourceGroupName} -StorageAccountName {YourAccountName} -ContainerName {YourContainerName}




#Set-StrictMode will cause Get-AzStorageBlob returns result in different data types when there is only one blob
#Set-StrictMode -Version 2

$VerbosePreference = "Continue"

if((Get-Module -ListAvailable Az.Storage) -eq $null)
    throw "Azure Powershell not found! Please install from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/install-Az-ps"

# function Retry-OnRequest
function Retry-OnRequest

    # It could encounter various of temporary errors, like network errors, or storage server busy errors.
    # Should retry the request on transient errors

    # Retry on storage server timeout errors
    $clientTimeOut = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 15
    $retryPolicy = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Azure.Storage.RetryPolicies.ExponentialRetry -ArgumentList @($clientTimeOut, 10)
    $requestOption = @{}
    $requestOption.RetryPolicy = $retryPolicy

    # Retry on temporary network errors
    $shouldRetryOnException = $false
    $maxRetryCountOnException = 3

            return $Action.Invoke($requestOption)
            if ($_.Exception.InnerException -ne $null -And $_.Exception.InnerException.GetType() -Eq [System.TimeoutException] -And $maxRetryCountOnException -gt 0)
                $shouldRetryOnException = $true
                $shouldRetryOnException = $false
    while ($shouldRetryOnException)


# function Get-BlobBytes

function Get-BlobBytes
        [bool]$IsPremiumAccount = $false)

    # Base + blobname
    $blobSizeInBytes = 124 + $Blob.Name.Length * 2

    # Get size of metadata
        $blobSizeInBytes += 3 + $metadataEnumerator.Current.Key.Length + $metadataEnumerator.Current.Value.Length

    if (!$IsPremiumAccount)
        if($Blob.BlobType -eq [Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlobType]::BlockBlob)
            $blobSizeInBytes += 8
            # Default is Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlockListingFilter.Committed. Need All
            $action = { param($requestOption) return $Blob.ICloudBlob.DownloadBlockList([Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlockListingFilter]::All, $null, $requestOption) }

            $blocks=Retry-OnRequest $action

            if ($null -eq $blocks)
                $blobSizeInBytes += $Blob.ICloudBlob.Properties.Length
                $blocks | ForEach-Object { $blobSizeInBytes += $_.Length + $_.Name.Length }
        elseif($Blob.BlobType -eq [Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlobType]::PageBlob)
            # It could cause server time out issue when trying to get page ranges of highly fragmented page blob
            # Get page ranges in segment can mitigate chance of meeting such kind of server time out issue
            # See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsazurestorage/2012/03/26/getting-the-page-ranges-of-a-large-page-blob-in-segments/ for details.
            $pageRangesSegSize = 148 * 1024 * 1024L
            $totalSize = $Blob.ICloudBlob.Properties.Length
            $pageRangeSegOffset = 0

            $pageRangesTemp = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            while ($pageRangeSegOffset -lt $totalSize)
                $action = {param($requestOption) return $Blob.ICloudBlob.GetPageRanges($pageRangeSegOffset, $pageRangesSegSize, $null, $requestOption) }

                Retry-OnRequest $action | ForEach-Object { $pageRangesTemp.Add($_) }  | Out-Null
                $pageRangeSegOffset += $pageRangesSegSize

            $pageRanges = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            foreach ($pageRange in $pageRangesTemp)
                if($lastRange -eq $Null)
                    $lastRange = New-Object PageRange
                    $lastRange.StartOffset = $pageRange.StartOffset
                    $lastRange.EndOffset =  $pageRange.EndOffset
                    if (($lastRange.EndOffset + 1) -eq $pageRange.StartOffset)
                        $lastRange.EndOffset = $pageRange.EndOffset
                        $pageRanges.Add($lastRange)  | Out-Null
                        $lastRange = New-Object PageRange
                        $lastRange.StartOffset = $pageRange.StartOffset
                        $lastRange.EndOffset =  $pageRange.EndOffset

            $pageRanges.Add($lastRange) | Out-Null
            $pageRanges |  ForEach-Object {
                    $blobSizeInBytes += 12 + $_.EndOffset - $_.StartOffset
            $blobSizeInBytes += $Blob.ICloudBlob.Properties.Length
        return $blobSizeInBytes
        $blobSizeInBytes += $Blob.ICloudBlob.Properties.Length
    return $blobSizeInBytes

# function Get-ContainerBytes

function Get-ContainerBytes
        [bool]$IsPremiumAccount = $false)

    # Base + name of container
    $containerSizeInBytes = 48 + $Container.Name.Length*2

    # Get size of metadata
    $metadataEnumerator = $Container.Metadata.GetEnumerator()
        $containerSizeInBytes += 3 + $metadataEnumerator.Current.Key.Length + $metadataEnumerator.Current.Value.Length

    # Get size for SharedAccessPolicies
    $containerSizeInBytes += $Container.GetPermissions().SharedAccessPolicies.Count * 512

    # Calculate size of all blobs.
    $blobCount = 0
    $Token = $Null
    $MaxReturn = 5000

    do {
        $Blobs = Get-AzStorageBlob -Context $storageContext -Container $Container.Name -MaxCount $MaxReturn -ContinuationToken $Token
        if($Blobs -eq $Null) { break }

        #Set-StrictMode will cause Get-AzStorageBlob returns result in different data types when there is only one blob
        if($Blobs.GetType().Name -eq "AzureStorageBlob")
            $Token = $Null
            $Token = $Blobs[$Blobs.Count - 1].ContinuationToken;

        $Blobs | ForEach-Object {
                $blobSize = Get-BlobBytes $_ $IsPremiumAccount
                $containerSizeInBytes += $blobSize

                if(($blobCount % 1000) -eq 0)
                    Write-Verbose("Counting {0} Sizing {1} " -f $blobCount, $containerSizeInBytes)
    While ($Token -ne $Null)

    return @{ "containerSize" = $containerSizeInBytes; "blobCount" = $blobCount }

#Login-AzAccount -EnvironmentName AzureChinaCloud

$storageAccount = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $StorageAccountName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($storageAccount -eq $null)
    throw "The storage account specified does not exist in this subscription."

$storageContext = $storageAccount.Context

if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'PageRange').Type)
    $Source = "
        public class PageRange
            public long StartOffset;
            public long EndOffset;
    Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source

$containers = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
if($ContainerName.Length -ne 0)
    $container = Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $storageContext -Name $ContainerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
        ForEach-Object { $containers.Add($_) } | Out-Null
    Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $storageContext | ForEach-Object { $containers.Add($_) } | Out-Null

$sizeInBytes = 0
$IsPremiumAccount = ($storageAccount.Sku.Tier -eq "Premium")

if($containers.Count -gt 0)
    $containers | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Output("Calculating container {0} ..." -f $_.CloudBlobContainer.Name)
        $result = Get-ContainerBytes $_.CloudBlobContainer $IsPremiumAccount
        $sizeInBytes += $result.containerSize

        Write-Output("Container '{0}' with {1} blobs has a sizeof {2:F2} MB." -f $_.CloudBlobContainer.Name,$result.blobCount,($result.containerSize/1MB))
    Write-Warning "No containers found to process in storage account '$StorageAccountName'."
