Modify the content and layout of pages on the developer portal in Azure API Management

There are three fundamental ways to customize the developer portal in Azure API Management:



This feature is available in the Premium, Standard, Basic, and Developer tiers of API Management.

Structure of developer portal pages

The developer portal is based on a content management system. The layout of every page is built based on set of small page elements known as widgets:

Developer portal page structure

All widgets are editable.

  • The core contents specific to each individual page reside in the "Contents" widget. Editing a page means editing the contents of this widget.
  • All page layout elements are contained with the remaining widgets. Changes made to these widgets are applied to all pages. They are referred to as "layout widgets."

In day-to-day page editing one would often modify just the Content widget, which will have different content for each individual page.

Modifying the contents of a layout widget

The Developer portal is accessible from the Azure Portal.

  1. Click Developer Portal from the toolbar of your API Management instance.

  2. To edit the contents of widgets, click the icon comprised of two paint brushes from the Developer portal menu on the left.

  3. To modify the contents of the header, scroll to the Header section in the list on the left.

    The widgets are editable from within the fields.

  4. Once you are ready to publish your changes, click Publish at the bottom of the page.

Now you should be able to see the new header on every page within the developer portal.

Next steps