Support ending for Azure API Management self-hosted gateway version 0 and version 1 container images (October 2023)
This feature is available in the Premium and Developer tiers of API Management.
The self-hosted gateway is an optional, containerized version of the default managed gateway included in every API Management service. On 1 October 2023 we're removing support for the v0 and v1 versions of the self-hosted gateway container image. If you've deployed the self-hosted gateway using either of these container images, you need to take the steps below to continue using the self-hosted gateway by migrating to the v2 container image and configuration API.
Your service is affected by this change if:
- Your service is in the Developer or Premium service tier.
- You have deployed a self-hosted gateway using the version v0 or v1 of the self-hosted gateway container image.
In order to make the migration easier, we have introduced new Azure Advisor recommendations:
- Use self-hosted gateway v2 recommendation - Identifies Azure API Management instances where the usage of self-hosted gateway v0.x or v1.x was identified.
- Use Configuration API v2 for self-hosted gateways recommendation - Identifies Azure API Management instances where the usage of Configuration API v1 for self-hosted gateway was identified.
We highly recommend customers to use "All Recommendations" overview in Azure Advisor to determine if a migration is required. Use the filtering options to see if one of the above recommendations is present.
Support for the v1 configuration API and for the v0 and v1 container images of the self-hosted gateway will retire on 1 October 2023.
Version 2 of the configuration API and container image is already available, and includes the following improvements:
A new configuration API that removes the dependency on Azure Storage, unless you're using request tracing or quotas.
New container images, and new container image tags to let you choose the best way to try our gateway and deploy it in production.
If you are using version 0 or version 1 of the self-hosted gateway, you will need to manually migrate your container images to the newest v2 image and switch to the v2 configuration API.
Migrate all your existing deployments of the self-hosted gateway using version 0 or version 1 to the newest v2 container image and v2 configuration API by 1 October 2023.
Follow the migration guide for a successful migration.
If you have questions, get answers from community experts in Azure Q&A. If you have a support plan and you need technical help, create a support request.