Troubleshoot Azure Connected Machine agent connection issues
This article provides information for troubleshooting issues that might occur while configuring the Azure Connected Machine agent for Windows or Linux. Both the interactive and at-scale installation methods when configuring connection to the service are included. For general information, see Azure Arc-enabled servers overview.
Use the following table to identify and resolve issues when configuring the Azure Connected Machine agent using the AZCM0000
("0000" can be any four digit number) error code printed to the console or script output.
Error code | Probable cause | Suggested remediation |
AZCM0000 | The action was successful | N/A |
AZCM0001 | An unknown error occurred | Contact Azure Support for assistance. |
AZCM0011 | The user canceled the action (CTRL+C) | Retry the previous command. |
AZCM0012 | The access token is invalid | If authenticating via access token, obtain a new token and try again. If authenticating via service principal or device logins, contact Azure Support for assistance. |
AZCM0016 | Missing mandatory parameter | Review the error message in the output to identify which parameters are missing. For the complete syntax of the command, run azcmagent <command> --help . |
AZCM0018 | The command was executed without administrative privileges | Retry the command in an elevated user context (administrator/root). |
AZCM0019 | The path to the configuration file is incorrect | Ensure the path to the configuration file is correct and try again. |
AZCM0023 | The value provided for a parameter (argument) is invalid | Review the error message for more specific information. Refer to the syntax of the command (azcmagent <command> --help ) for valid values or expected format for the arguments. |
AZCM0026 | There's an error in network configuration or some critical services are temporarily unavailable | Check if the required endpoints are reachable (for example, hostnames are resolvable, endpoints aren't blocked). If the network is configured for Private Link Scope, a Private Link Scope resource ID must be provided for onboarding using the --private-link-scope parameter. |
AZCM0041 | The credentials supplied are invalid | For device logins, verify that the user account specified has access to the tenant and subscription where the server resource will be created. For service principal logins, check the client ID and secret for correctness, the expiration date of the secret, and that the service principal is from the same tenant where the server resource will be created. |
AZCM0042 | Creation of the Azure Arc-enabled server resource failed | Review the error message in the output to identify the cause of the failure to create resource and the suggested remediation. For more information, see Connected Machine agent prerequisites-required permissions for more information. |
AZCM0043 | Deletion of the Azure Arc-enabled server resource failed | Verify that the user/service principal specified has permissions to delete Azure Arc-enabled server/resources in the specified group. For more information, see Connected Machine agent prerequisites-required permissions. If the resource no longer exists in Azure, use the --force-local-only flag to proceed. |
AZCM0044 | A resource with the same name already exists | Specify a different name for the --resource-name parameter or delete the existing Azure Arc-enabled server in Azure and try again. |
AZCM0062 | An error occurred while connecting the server | Review the error message in the output for more specific information. If the error occurred after the Azure resource was created, delete this resource before retrying. |
AZCM0063 | An error occurred while disconnecting the server | Review the error message in the output for more specific information. If this error persists, delete the resource in Azure, and then run azcmagent disconnect --force-local-only on the server. |
AZCM0067 | The machine is already connected to Azure | Run azcmagent disconnect to remove the current connection, then try again. |
AZCM0068 | Subscription name was provided, and an error occurred while looking up the corresponding subscription GUID. | Retry the command with the subscription GUID instead of subscription name. |
AZCM0061 AZCM0064 AZCM0065 AZCM0066 AZCM0070 |
The agent service isn't responding or unavailable | Verify the command is run in an elevated user context (administrator/root). Ensure that the HIMDS service is running (start or restart HIMDS as needed) then try the command again. |
AZCM0081 | An error occurred while downloading the Microsoft Entra managed identity certificate | If this message is encountered while attempting to connect the server to Azure, the agent won't be able to communicate with the Azure Arc service. Delete the resource in Azure and try connecting again. |
AZCM0101 | The command wasn't parsed successfully | Run azcmagent <command> --help to review the command syntax. |
AZCM0102 | An error occurred while retrieving the computer hostname | Retry the command and specify a resource name (with parameter --resource-name or -n). Use only alphanumeric characters, hyphens and/or underscores; note that resource name can't end with a hyphen or underscore. |
AZCM0103 | An error occurred while generating RSA keys | Contact Azure Support for assistance. |
AZCM0105 | An error occurred while downloading the Microsoft Entra ID managed identify certificate | Delete the resource created in Azure and try again. |
AZCM0147- AZCM0152 |
An error occurred while installing Azcmagent on Windows | Review the error message in the output for more specific information. |
AZCM0127- AZCM0146 |
An error occurred while installing Azcmagent on Linux | Review the error message in the output for more specific information. |
AZCM0150 | Generic failure during installation | Submit a support ticket to get assistance. |
AZCM0153 | The system platform isn't supported | Review the prerequisites for supported platforms |
AZCM0154 | The version of PowerShell installed on the system is too old | Upgrade to PowerShell 4 or later and try again. |
AZCM0155 | The user running the installation script doesn't have administrator permissions | Re-run the script as an administrator. |
AZCM0156 | Installation of the agent failed | Confirm that the machine isn't running on Azure. Detailed errors might be found in the installation log at %TEMP%\installationlog.txt . |
AZCM0157 | Unable to download repo metadata for the Azure Linux software repository | Check if a firewall is blocking access to and try again. |
Before following the troubleshooting steps described later in this article, the minimum information you need is the verbose log. It contains the output of the azcmagent tool commands, when the verbose (-v) argument is used. The log files are written to %ProgramData%\AzureConnectedMachineAgent\Log\azcmagent.log
for Windows, and Linux to /var/opt/azcmagent/log/azcmagent.log
Following is an example of the command to enable verbose logging with the Connected Machine agent for Windows when performing an interactive installation.
& "$env:ProgramFiles\AzureConnectedMachineAgent\azcmagent.exe" connect --resource-group "resourceGroupName" --tenant-id "tenantID" --location "regionName" --subscription-id "subscriptionID" --verbose
Following is an example of the command to enable verbose logging with the Connected Machine agent for Windows when performing an at-scale installation using a service principal.
& "$env:ProgramFiles\AzureConnectedMachineAgent\azcmagent.exe" connect `
--service-principal-id "{serviceprincipalAppID}" `
--service-principal-secret "{serviceprincipalPassword}" `
--resource-group "{ResourceGroupName}" `
--tenant-id "{tenantID}" `
--location "{resourceLocation}" `
--subscription-id "{subscriptionID}"
Following is an example of the command to enable verbose logging with the Connected Machine agent for Linux when performing an interactive installation.
You must have root access permissions on Linux machines to run azcmagent.
azcmagent connect --resource-group "resourceGroupName" --tenant-id "tenantID" --location "regionName" --subscription-id "subscriptionID" --verbose
Following is an example of the command to enable verbose logging with the Connected Machine agent for Linux when performing an at-scale installation using a service principal.
azcmagent connect \
--service-principal-id "{serviceprincipalAppID}" \
--service-principal-secret "{serviceprincipalPassword}" \
--resource-group "{ResourceGroupName}" \
--tenant-id "{tenantID}" \
--location "{resourceLocation}" \
--subscription-id "{subscriptionID}"
The following table lists some of the known errors and suggestions on how to troubleshoot and resolve them.
Message | Error | Probable cause | Solution |
Failed to acquire authorization token device flow | Error occurred while sending request for Device Authorization Code: Post dial tcp connect: network is unreachable. |
Can't reach endpoint |
Run azcmagent check to see if a firewall is blocking access to Microsoft Entra ID. |
Failed to acquire authorization token device flow | Error occurred while sending request for Device Authorization Code: Post dial tcp connect: network is Forbidden . |
Proxy or firewall is blocking access to endpoint. |
Run azcmagent check to see if a firewall is blocking access to Microsoft Entra ID. |
Failed to acquire authorization token from SPN | Failed to execute the refresh request. Error = 'Post Forbidden' |
Proxy or firewall is blocking access to endpoint. |
Run azcmagent check to see if a firewall is blocking access to Microsoft Entra ID. |
Failed to acquire authorization token from SPN | Invalid client secret is provided |
Wrong or invalid service principal secret. | Verify the service principal secret. |
Failed to acquire authorization token from SPN | Application with identifier 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' wasn't found in the directory 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant |
Incorrect service principal and/or Tenant ID. | Verify the service principal and/or the tenant ID. |
Get ARM Resource Response | The client '' with object id 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/read' over scope '/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/MSJC01' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials."}}" Status Code=403 |
Wrong credentials and/or permissions | Verify you or the service principal is a member of the Azure Connected Machine Onboarding role. |
Failed to AzcmagentConnect ARM resource | The subscription isn't registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.HybridCompute' |
Azure resource providers aren't registered. | Register the resource providers. |
Failed to AzcmagentConnect ARM resource | Get Forbidden |
Proxy server or firewall is blocking access to endpoint. |
Run azcmagent check to see if a firewall is blocking access to Azure Resource Manager. |
If you don't see your problem here or you can't resolve your issue, try one of the following channels for more support:
Get answers from Azure experts through Microsoft Q&A.
File an Azure support incident. Go to the Azure support site and submit your request.