Azure Stack Hub known issues
This article lists known issues in Azure Stack Hub releases. The list is updated as new issues are identified.
To access known issues for a different version, use the version selector dropdown above the table of contents on the left.
Review this article before applying the update.
If your Azure Stack Hub instance is behind by more than two updates, it's considered out of compliance. You must update to at least the minimum supported version to receive support.
Outbound ICMP to internet is blocked by default for tenant VM
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2311 and later.
- Cause: The issue is caused by a change in the default ICMP behavior introduced with Windows Server 2022 that diverges from previous behavior, as well as Azure behavior.
- Remediation: You can add an inbound NSG rule to allow outbound ICMP packets to the internet. We are aware of the issue.
- Occurrence: Common.
Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack Hub
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2311 and later.
- Cause: Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack Hub, currently in preview, is being discontinued and won't be released to general availability. If you try to register a new subscription to the Microsoft.Containerservice resource provider, the registration stays in the Registering state. If you try to create a new managed Kubernetes cluster or access existing managed Kubernetes clusters, you might see the raining cloud error screen.
- Remediation: We are aware of the issue and is working on a fix.
- Occurrence: Common.
A-series VMs deprecated
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2406 and later.
- Cause: The A-series VMs are deprecated in Azure, so they shouldn't be used in Azure Stack Hub.
- Remediation: Although Azure Stack Hub isn't removing the A-series SKU, other undefined behavior might occur if you continue using it (such as with the load balancer, VMSS, etc.). Therefore, you should use a different VM SKU when you're ready. There is no cost difference in using different VM SKUs on Azure Stack Hub.
- Occurrence: Common.
ESv3 and DSv3 series don't have nested virtualization enabled
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2408.
- Cause: Neither of the newly introduced ESv3 or DSv3 series; for example, E20s_v3, has nested virtualization enabled.
- Remediation: We are aware of the issue and is working on a fix.
- Occurrence: Common.
Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack Hub
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2311 and later.
- Cause: Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack Hub, currently in preview, is being discontinued and won't be released to general availability. If you try to register a new subscription to the Microsoft.Containerservice resource provider, the registration stays in the Registering state. If you try to create a new managed Kubernetes cluster or access existing managed Kubernetes clusters, you might see the raining cloud error screen.
- Remediation: We are aware of the problem and is working on a fix.
- Occurrence: Common.
Standard Load Balancer portal error
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2406 and later.
- Cause: The Standard Load Balancer portal blades for Logs and Diagnostic settings both show errors displaying the content.
- Remediation: The Standard Load Balancer in Azure Stack Hub does not support any diagnostic features.
- Occurrence: Common.
A-series VMs deprecated
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2406 and later.
- Cause: The A-series VMs are deprecated in Azure, so they shouldn't be used in Azure Stack Hub.
- Remediation: Although Azure Stack Hub isn't removing the A-series SKU, other undefined behavior might occur if you continue using it (such as with the load balancer, VMSS, etc.). Therefore, you should use a different VM SKU when you're ready. There is no cost difference in using different VM SKUs on Azure Stack Hub.
- Occurrence: Common.
Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack Hub
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2311 and later.
- Cause: Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack Hub, currently in preview, is being discontinued and won't be released to general availability. If you try to register a new subscription to the Microsoft.Containerservice resource provider, the registration stays in the Registering state. If you try to create a new managed Kubernetes cluster or access existing managed Kubernetes clusters, you might see the raining cloud error screen.
- Remediation: Microsoft is aware of the problem and is working on a fix.
- Occurrence: Common.
Shutdown using Start-AzsCryptoWipe does not work
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2311.
- Cause: In some cases when you run the
command to shut down Azure Stack Hub, one of the physical machines is not powered off. - Remediation: If you see that any physical machine is not powered down, you must turn off that machine through the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC).
- Occurrence: Common.
False storage volume utilization alert in Test-AzureStack report
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2311 and later.
- Cause: The new OS build with 2311 introduces a new system alert for thin provisioning: an alert is raised when the storage pool usage exceeds 70%. Fixed-size volumes are used in the Azure Stack Hub deployment, so the 70% threshold is always exceeded. You can find this warning in the Test-AzureStack reports.
- Remediation: You can ignore the alert in the Test-AzureStack report. We are aware of the issue and is working on a fix.
- Occurrence: Common.
Outbound ICMP to internet is blocked by default for tenant VM
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2311 and later.
- Cause: The issue is caused by a change in the default ICMP behavior introduced with Windows Server 2022 that diverges from previous behavior, as well as Azure behavior.
- Remediation: You can add an inbound NSG rule to allow outbound ICMP packets to the internet. Microsoft is aware of the issue.
- Occurrence: Common.
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2311.
- Cause: In the Azure Stack Hub user portal, under the Virtual Networks section, there are three new options for virtual networks: DNS Servers, Flow Timeout, and BGP community string. You can successfully modify the DNS configuration using the DNS Servers option. However, attempts to use the Flow Timeout and BGP community string options result in a failure within the portal notifications. No changes are made to the underlying services; the errors are only in the portal.
- Remediation: Microsoft is aware of the problem and is working on a fix.
- Occurrence: Common.
False deployment error in portal for API app deployment
- Applicable: This issue applies to release 2311 and later.
- Cause: Some users might see an error message with error code templateLinkAndJson when deploying an API application from the marketplace, even though the deployment was successful.
- Remediation: Check your API app after deployment to ensure deployment was successful. We are aware of the problem and is working on a fix.
- Occurrence: Common.
Resource providers
Incorrect rotation status after secret rotation of resource provider certificates
- Applicable: This issue applies to all Azure Stack Hub add-on resource providers.
- Cause: After secret rotation, the rotation state shows as "in progress" even though the rotation completed successfully, the provisioning state shows "successful," and the expiration date is updated.
- Remediation: None. No impact to your system or workloads.
- Occurrence: All supported versions of Azure Stack Hub.
2311 archived known issues
2301 archived known issues
2206 archived known issues
2108 archived known issues
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2008 archived known issues
2005 archived known issues
2002 archived known issues
1910 archived known issues
1908 archived known issues
1907 archived known issues
1906 archived known issues
1905 archived known issues
1904 archived known issues
1903 archived known issues
1902 archived known issues
1901 archived known issues
1811 archived known issues
1809 archived known issues
1808 archived known issues
1807 archived known issues
1805 archived known issues
1804 archived known issues
1803 archived known issues
1802 archived known issues
You can access older versions of Azure Stack Hub known issues in the table of contents on the left side, under the Resources > Release notes archive. Select the desired archived version from the version selector dropdown in the upper left. These archived articles are provided for reference purposes only and do not imply support for these versions. For information about Azure Stack Hub support, see Azure Stack Hub servicing policy. For further assistance, contact Azure Customer Support Services.