Quickstart: Develop with Visual Studio Code Extension

Azure Web PubSub helps developer build real-time messaging web applications using WebSockets and the publish-subscribe pattern easily.

In this tutorial, you create a chat application using Azure Web PubSub with the help of Visual Studio Code.


Clone the project

  1. Open a new Visual Studio Code window.

  2. Press F1 to open the command palette.

  3. Enter Git: Clone and press enter.

  4. Enter the following URL to clone the sample project:



    This tutorial uses a JavaScript project, but the steps are language agnostic.

  5. Select a folder to clone the project into.

  6. Select Open -> Open Folder to azure-webpubsub/samples/javascript/chatapp/nativeapi in Visual Studio Code.

Sign in to Azure

  1. Press F1 to open the command palette.

  2. Select Azure: Sign In and follow the prompts to authenticate.

  3. Once signed in, return to Visual Studio Code.

Create an Azure Web PubSub Service

The Azure Web PubSub extension for Visual Studio Code enables users to quickly create, manage, and utilize Azure Web PubSub Service and its developer tools such as Azure Web PubSub Local Tunnel Tool. In this scenario, you create a new Azure Web PubSub Service resource and configure it to host your application. After installing the Web PubSub extension, you can access its features under the Azure control panel in Visual Studio Code.

  1. Press F1 to open the command palette and run the Azure Web PubSub: Create Web PubSub Service command.

  2. Enter the following values as prompted by the extension.

    Prompt Value
    Select subscription Select the Azure subscription you want to use.
    Select resource group Select the Azure resource group you want to use.
    Enter a name for the service Enter my-wps.
    Select a location Select an Azure region close to you.
    Select a pricing tier Select a pricing tier you want to use.
    Select a unit count Select a unit count you want to use.

    The Azure activity log panel opens and displays the deployment progress. This process might take a few minutes to complete.

  3. Once this process finishes, Visual Studio Code displays a notification.

Create a hub setting

  1. Open Azure icon in the Activity Bar in the left side of Visual Studio Code.


    If your activity bar is hidden, you won't be able to access the extension. Show the Activity Bar by clicking View > Appearance > Show Activity Bar

  2. In the resource tree, find the Azure Web PubSub resource my-wps you created and click it to expand

  3. Right click the item Hub Settings and then select Create Hub Setting

  4. Input sample_chat as the hub name and create the hub setting. It doesn't matter whether to create extra event handlers or not. Wait for the progress notification shown as finished

  5. Below the item Hub Settings, a new subitem Hub sample_chat shall appear. Right click on the new item and then choose "Attach Local Tunnel"

  6. A notification reminds you to create a tunnel-enabled event handler pops up. Click Yes button. Then enter the following values as prompted by the extension

    Prompt Value
    Select User Events Select All
    Select System Events Select connected
    Input Server Port Enter 8080
  7. The extension creates a new terminal to run the Local Tunnel Tool and a notification reminds you to open Local Tunnel Portal shows up. Click the button "Yes" or open "http://localhost:4000" in web browser manually to view the portal.

Run the server application

  1. Ensure working directory is azure-webpubsub/samples/javascript/chatapp/nativeapi

  2. Install Node.js dependencies

    npm install
  3. Open Azure icon in the Activity Bar and find the Azure Web PubSub resource my-wps. Then right click on the resource item and select Copy Connection String. The connection string is copied to your clipboard

  4. Run the server application with copied connection string

    node server.js "<connection-string>"
  5. Open http://localhost:8080/index.html in browser to try your chat application.


Having issues? Let us know on GitHub by opening an issue in the Azure Web PubSub repo.