Back up all Azure blobs in a storage account using Azure PowerShell

This article describes how to back up all Azure blobs within a storage account using Azure PowerShell. You can now perform operational and vaulted backups to protect block blobs in your storage accounts using Azure Backup. You can also configure backup using REST API

For information on the Azure blob region availability, supported scenarios and limitations, see the support matrix.


Support for Azure blobs is available from version Az 5.9.0.

Before you start

See the prerequisites and support matrix before you get started.

Create a Backup vault

A Backup vault is a storage entity in Azure that holds backup data for various newer workloads that Azure Backup supports, such as Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers and Azure blobs. Backup vaults make it easy to organize your backup data, while minimizing management overhead. Backup vaults are based on the Azure Resource Manager model of Azure, which provides enhanced capabilities to help secure backup data.

Before creating a backup vault, choose the storage redundancy of the data within the vault. Then proceed to create the backup vault with that storage redundancy and the location. In this article, we will create a backup vault TestBkpVault in region chinanorth, under the resource group testBkpVaultRG. Use the New-AzDataProtectionBackupVault command to create a backup vault. Learn more about creating a Backup vault.

$storageSetting = New-AzDataProtectionBackupVaultStorageSettingObject -Type LocallyRedundant/GeoRedundant -DataStoreType VaultStore

New-AzDataProtectionBackupVault -ResourceGroupName testBkpVaultRG -VaultName TestBkpVault -Location chinanorth -StorageSetting $storageSetting
$TestBkpVault = Get-AzDataProtectionBackupVault -VaultName TestBkpVault
$TestBKPVault | fl
ETag                :
Id                  : /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/resourceGroups/testBkpVaultRG/providers/Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/TestBkpVault
Identity            : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataProtection.Models.Api20210201Preview.DppIdentityDetails
IdentityPrincipalId :
IdentityTenantId    :
IdentityType        :
Location            : chinanorth
Name                : TestBkpVault
ProvisioningState   : Succeeded
StorageSetting      : {Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataProtection.Models.Api20210201Preview.StorageSetting}
SystemData          : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataProtection.Models.Api20210201Preview.SystemData
Tag                 : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataProtection.Models.Api20210201Preview.DppTrackedResourceTags
Type                : Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults

After creation of vault, let's create a backup policy to protect Azure blobs.


Though you'll see the Backup storage redundancy of the vault, the redundancy doesn't apply to the operational backup of blobs as the backup is local in nature and no data is stored in the Backup vault. Here, the backup vault is the management entity to help you manage the protection of block blobs in your storage accounts.

Create a Backup policy

Choose a backup tier:


Read this section before proceeding to create the policy and configuring backups for Azure blobs.

To understand the inner components of a backup policy for Azure blob backup, retrieve the policy template using the Get-AzDataProtectionPolicyTemplate command. This command returns a default policy template for a given datasource type. Use this policy template to create a new policy.

$policyDefn = Get-AzDataProtectionPolicyTemplate -DatasourceType AzureBlob
$policyDefn | fl

DatasourceType : {Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices}
ObjectType     : BackupPolicy
PolicyRule     : {Default}

$policyDefn.PolicyRule | fl

IsDefault  : True
Lifecycle  : {Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataProtection.Models.Api202101.SourceLifeCycle}
Name       : Default
ObjectType : AzureRetentionRule

The policy template consists of a lifecycle only (which decides when to delete/copy/move the backup). As operational backup for blobs is continuous in nature, you don't need a schedule to perform backups.

$policyDefn.PolicyRule.Lifecycle | fl

DeleteAfterDuration        : P30D
DeleteAfterObjectType      : AbsoluteDeleteOption
SourceDataStoreObjectType  : DataStoreInfoBase
SourceDataStoreType        : OperationalStore
TargetDataStoreCopySetting :


Restoring over long durations may lead to restore operations taking longer to complete. Also, the time that it takes to restore a set of data is based on the number of write and delete operations made during the restore period. For example, an account with one million objects with 3,000 objects added per day and 1,000 objects deleted per day will require approximately two hours to restore to a point 30 days in the past.

We do not recommend a retention period and restoration more than 90 days in the past for an account with this rate of change.

Once the policy object has all the desired values, proceed to create a new policy from the policy object using the New-AzDataProtectionBackupPolicy command.

New-AzDataProtectionBackupPolicy -ResourceGroupName "testBkpVaultRG" -VaultName $TestBkpVault.Name -Name blobBkpPolicy -Policy $policyDefn

Name                   Type
----                   ----
blobBkpPolicy       Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupPolicies

$blobBkpPol = Get-AzDataProtectionBackupPolicy -ResourceGroupName "testBkpVaultRG" -VaultName $TestBkpVault.Name -Name "blobBkpPolicy"

Configure backup

Once the vault and policy are created, there are two critical points that you need to consider to protect all the Azure Blobs within a storage account.

  • Key entities
  • Permissions

Key entities

  • Storage account containing the blobs to be protected: Fetch the Azure Resource Manager ID of the storage account that contains the blobs to be protected. This will serve as the identifier of the storage account. We'll use an example of a storage account named PSTestSA under the resource group blobrg in a different subscription.

    $SAId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/resourcegroups/blobrg/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/PSTestSA"
  • Backup vault: The Backup vault requires permissions on the storage account to enable backups on blobs present within the storage account. The system-assigned managed identity of the vault is used for assigning such permissions.

Assign permissions

You need to assign a few permissions via Azure RBAC to the created vault (represented by vault MSI) and the relevant storage account. These can be performed via Portal or PowerShell. Learn more about all the related permissions.

Prepare the request to configure blob backup

Choose a backup tier:

Once all the relevant permissions are set, the configuration of backup is performed in 2 steps. First, we prepare the relevant request by using the relevant vault, policy, storage account using the Initialize-AzDataProtectionBackupInstance command. Then, we submit the request to protect the blobs within the storage account using the New-AzDataProtectionBackupInstance command.

$instance = Initialize-AzDataProtectionBackupInstance -DatasourceType AzureBlob -DatasourceLocation $TestBkpvault.Location -PolicyId $blobBkpPol[0].Id -DatasourceId $SAId 
New-AzDataProtectionBackupInstance -ResourceGroupName "testBkpVaultRG" -VaultName $TestBkpVault.Name -BackupInstance $instance

Name                                                       Type                                                  BackupInstanceName
----                                                       ----                                                  ------------------
blobrg-PSTestSA-3df6ac08-9496-4839-8fb5-8b78e594f166 Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances blobrg-PSTestSA-3df6ac08-9496-4839-8fb5-8b78e594f166


Once a storage account is configured for blobs backup, a few capabilities are affected, such as change feed and delete lock. Learn more.

Update a backup instance

After you have configured the backup, you can change the associated policy with a backup instance. For vaulted backups, you can also change the containers selected for backup.

To update the backup instance, run the following cmdlets:

  1. Validate if the backup instance is ready for configuring backup using the Test-AzDataProtectionBackupInstanceReadiness command. The command fails if the backup instance is not ready.

    You can also use this command to check if the backup vault has all the necessary permissions to configure backup.

  2. Change the policy used for backing up the Azure Blobs by using the Update-AzDataProtectionBackupInstance. Specify the relevant backup item and the new backup policy.

  3. Update the policy or the new containers to existing backup items.

    1. Create the storage account context by using the New-AzStorageContext cmdlet. Provide the -UseConnectedAccount parameter so that data operations are performed using your Microsoft Entra credentials. Learn more about the storage account commands.

      Create a context object using Azure AD credentials
      $ctx = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName xxx -UseConnectedAccount 
    2. Retrieve the storage containers using the Get-AzStorageContainer cmdlet. To retrieve a single container, provide the -Name parameter. To return a list of containers that begins with a given character string, specify a value for the -Prefix parameter.

    The following example retrieves both an individual container and a list of container resources:

    # Create variables
    $containerName  = "individual-container"
    $prefixName     = "loop-"
    # Approach 1: Retrieve an individual container
    Get-AzStorageContainer -Name $containerName -Context $ctx
    # Approach 2: Retrieve a list of containers
    $targetContainers = Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $ctx | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "cont" } 

    The result provides the URI of the blob endpoint and lists the containers retrieved by name and prefix:

    Storage Account Name: demostorageaccount
    Name                 PublicAccess         LastModified                   IsDeleted  VersionId        
    ----                 ------------         ------------                   ---------  ---------        
    individual-container                      11/2/2021 5:52:08 PM +00:00                                
    loop-container1                           11/2/2021 12:22:00 AM +00:00                               
    loop-container2                           11/2/2021 12:22:00 AM +00:00                               
    loop-container1                           11/2/2021 12:22:00 AM +00:00                               
    loop-container2                           11/2/2021 12:22:00 AM +00:00
    loop-container3                           11/2/2021 12:22:00 AM +00:00   True       01D7E7129FDBD7D4
    loop-container4                           11/2/2021 12:22:00 AM +00:00   True       01D7E8A5EF01C787 
    1. Fetch the backup instance that needs to be updated.

      C:\Users\testuser> $instance = Search-AzDataProtectionBackupInstanceInAzGraph -Subscription "Demosub" -ResourceGroup Demo-BCDR-RG -Vault BCDR-BV-ChinaNorth -DatasourceType AzureBlob
      PS C:\Users\testuser> $instance
      Name                                                                     BackupInstanceName
      ----                                                                     ------------------
      blobsa-blobsa-c7325e08-980d-43b2-863f-68feee4fd03c               blobsa-blobsa-c7325e08-980d-43b2-863f-68feee4fd03c
      blobsavaulted-blobsavaulted-40c36519-f422-45aa-bbeb-3f0eedb440c7 blobsavaulted-blobsavaulted-40c36519-f422-45aa-bbeb-3f0eedb440c7
      testdpp-testdpp-ff4254dd-7a70-437b-9a10-8c0d2223d037                     testdpp-testdpp-ff4254dd-7a70-437b-9a10-8c0d2223d037
    2. Fetch the backup policy with the name of vaulted-policy that you want to update in Backup Instance. You can also fetch the new policy that needs to be updated in Backup Instance.

      $updatePolicy = Get-AzDataProtectionBackupPolicy -SubscriptionId "Demosub" -VaultName BCDR-BV-ChinaNorth -ResourceGroupName Demo-BCDR-RG -name continer-1
    3. Update the backup instance with new list of container (the existing backed up containers & new containers).

      PS C:\Users\testuser> $updateBI = Update-AzDataProtectionBackupInstance -ResourceGroupName Daya-BCDR-RG -VaultName DPBCDR-BV-ChinaNorth -BackupInstanceName $instance[0].Name -SubscriptionId "ef4ab5a7-c2c0-4304-af80-af49f48af3d1"  -PolicyId $ -VaultedBackupContainer $
      PS C:\Users\testuser> $updateBI.Property.PolicyInfo.PolicyId
      PS C:\Users\testuser> $updateBI.Property.PolicyInfo.PolicyParameter.BackupDatasourceParametersList[0].ContainersList

Next steps

Restore Azure blobs using Azure PowerShell