Run an unattended installation of Azure Backup Server
This article describes how to run an unattended installation of Azure Backup Server.
These steps don't apply if you're installing older version of Azure Backup Server like MABS V1, V2 and V3.
Install Backup Server
To install the Backup Server, run the following command:
Ensure that there's a directory under Program Files called "Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent" by running the following command in an elevated command prompt.
mkdir "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent"
Install the pre-requisites for MABS ahead of time in an elevated command prompt. The following command can result in an automatic server restart, but if that does not happen, a manual restart is recommended.
start /wait dism.exe /Online /Enable-feature /All /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell /quiet
On the server that hosts Azure Backup Server V4 or later, create a text file. (You can create the file in Notepad or in another text editor.) Save the file as MABSSetup.ini.
Paste the following code in the MABSSetup.ini file. Replace the text inside the brackets (< >) with values from your environment. The following text is an example:
Azure recommends that you use the most secure authentication flow available. The authentication flow described in this procedure requires a very high degree of trust in the application, and carries risks that are not present in other flows. Ensure that you delete the MABSSetup.ini file once the installation is complete.
[OPTIONS] UserName=administrator CompanyName=<Microsoft Corporation> SQLMachineName=localhost SQLInstanceName=<SQL instance name> SQLMachineUserName=administrator SQLMachinePassword=<admin password> SQLMachineDomainName=<machine domain> ReportingMachineName=localhost ReportingInstanceName=SSRS SqlAccountPassword=<admin password> ReportingMachineUserName=<username> ReportingMachinePassword=<reporting admin password> ReportingMachineDomainName=<domain> VaultCredentialFilePath=<vault credential full path and complete name, without spaces in both> SecurityPassphrase=<passphrase> PassphraseSaveLocation=<passphrase save location, an existing directory where the passphrase file can be created> UseExistingSQL=<1/0 use or do not use existing SQL>
Save the file. Then, at an elevated command prompt on the installation server, enter this command:
start /wait <cdlayout path>/Setup.exe /i /f <.ini file path>/setup.ini /L <log path>/setup.log
You can use these flags for the installation:
/f: .ini file path
/l: Log path
/i: Installation path
/x: Uninstall path
Next steps
After you install Backup Server, learn how to prepare your server, or begin protecting a workload.