Quickstart: Configure vaulted backup for an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using Azure CLI
This quickstart describes how to configure vaulted backup for an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using Azure CLI.
Azure Backup for AKS is a cloud-native, enterprise-ready, application-centric backup service that lets you quickly configure backup for AKS clusters.
Before you start
Before you configure vaulted backup for AKS cluster, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
- Perform all the prerequisites before initiating backup operation for AKS backup.
Create a Backup vault
To create the Backup vault, run the following command:
az dataprotection backup-vault create --resource-group $backupvaultresourcegroup --vault-name $backupvault --location $region --type SystemAssigned --storage-settings datastore-type="VaultStore" type="GloballyRedundant"
The newly created vault has storage settings set as Globally Redundant, thus backups stored in vault tier will be available in the Azure paired region. Once the vault creation is complete, create a backup policy to protect AKS clusters.
Create a backup policy
Retrieve the policy template using the command az dataprotection backup-policy get-default-policy-template
az dataprotection backup-policy get-default-policy-template --datasource-type AzureKubernetesService > akspolicy.json
We update the default template for the backup policy and add a retention rule to retain first successful backup per day in the Vault tier for 30 days.
az dataprotection backup-policy retention-rule create-lifecycle --count 30 --retention-duration-type Days --copy-option ImmediateCopyOption --target-datastore VaultStore --source-datastore OperationalStore > ./retentionrule.json
az dataprotection backup-policy retention-rule set --lifecycles ./retentionrule.json --name Daily --policy ./akspolicy.json > ./akspolicy.json
Once the policy JSON has all the required values, proceed to create a new policy from the policy object.
az dataprotection backup-policy create -g testBkpVaultRG --vault-name TestBkpVault -n mypolicy --policy policy.json
Prepare AKS cluster for backup
Once the vault and policy creation are complete, you need to perform the following prerequisites to get the AKS cluster ready for backup:
Create a storage account and blob container.
Backup for AKS stores Kubernetes resources in a blob container as backups. To get the AKS cluster ready for backup, you need to install an extension in the cluster. This extension requires the storage account and blob container as inputs.
To create a new storage account, run the following command:
az storage account create --name $storageaccount --resource-group $storageaccountresourcegroup --location $region --sku Standard_LRS
Once the storage account creation is complete, create a blob container inside by running the following command:
az storage container create --name $blobcontainer --account-name $storageaccount --auth-mode login
Install Backup Extension.
Backup Extension is mandatory to be installed in the AKS cluster to perform any backup and restore operations. The Backup Extension creates a namespace
in the cluster and uses the same to deploy its resources. The extension requires the storage account and blob container as inputs for installation.az k8s-extension create --name azure-aks-backup --extension-type microsoft.dataprotection.kubernetes --scope cluster --cluster-type managedClusters --cluster-name $akscluster --resource-group $aksclusterresourcegroup --release-train stable --configuration-settings blobContainer=$blobcontainer storageAccount=$storageaccount storageAccountResourceGroup=$storageaccountresourcegroup storageAccountSubscriptionId=$subscriptionId
As part of extension installation, a user identity is created in the AKS cluster's Node Pool Resource Group. For the extension to access the storage account, you need to provide this identity the Storage Blob Data Contributor role. To assign the required role, run the following command:
az role assignment create --assignee-object-id $(az k8s-extension show --name azure-aks-backup --cluster-name $akscluster --resource-group $aksclusterresourcegroup --cluster-type managedClusters --query aksAssignedIdentity.principalId --output tsv) --role 'Storage Blob Data Contributor' --scope /subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$storageaccountresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$storageaccount
Enable Trusted Access
For the Backup vault to connect with the AKS cluster, you must enable Trusted Access as it allows the Backup vault to have a direct line of sight to the AKS cluster.
To enable Trusted Access, run the following command:
az aks trustedaccess rolebinding create --cluster-name $akscluster --name backuprolebinding --resource-group $aksclusterresourcegroup --roles Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backup-operator --source-resource-id /subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$backupvaultresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.DataProtection/BackupVaults/$backupvault
Configure vaulted backups for AKS cluster
With the created Backup vault and backup policy, and the AKS cluster in ready-to-be-backed-up state, you can now start to back up your AKS cluster.
Prepare the request
The configuration of backup is performed in two steps:
Prepare backup configuration to define which cluster resources are to be backed up using the
az dataprotection backup-instance initialize-backupconfig
command. The command generates a JSON, which you can update to define backup configuration for your AKS cluster as required.az dataprotection backup-instance initialize-backupconfig --datasource-type AzureKubernetesService > aksbackupconfig.json
Prepare the relevant request using the relevant vault, policy, AKS cluster, backup configuration, and snapshot resource group using the
az dataprotection backup-instance initialize
command.az dataprotection backup-instance initialize --datasource-id /subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$aksclusterresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/$akscluster --datasource-location $region --datasource-type AzureKubernetesService --policy-id /subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$backupvaultresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/$backupvault/backupPolicies/$backuppolicy --backup-configuration ./aksbackupconfig.json --friendly-name ecommercebackup --snapshot-resource-group-name $snapshotresourcegroup > backupinstance.json
Now, use the JSON output of this command to configure backup for the AKS cluster.
Assign required permissions and validate
With the request prepared, first you need to validate if the required roles are assigned to the resources involved by running the following command:
az dataprotection backup-instance validate-for-backup --backup-instance ./backupinstance.json --ids /subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$backupvaultresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/$backupvault
If the validation fails and there are certain permissions missing, then you can assign them by running the following command:
az dataprotection backup-instance update-msi-permissions command.
az dataprotection backup-instance update-msi-permissions --datasource-type AzureKubernetesService --operation Backup --permissions-scope ResourceGroup --vault-name $backupvault --resource-group $backupvaultresourcegroup --backup-instance backupinstance.json
Once the permissions are assigned, revalidate using the earlier validate for backup command and then proceed to configure backup:
az dataprotection backup-instance create --backup-instance backupinstance.json --resource-group $backupvaultresourcegroup --vault-name $backupvault