PowerShell Script to create a new or modify the current system state backup policy

This script helps you to create new backup policy or modify the current system state backup policy set for the server protected by MARS agent.

Sample script


Modify system state policy

Modify system state policy


param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
Set-StrictMode -Version 5.0
$env:PSModulePath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PSModulePath).PSModulePath
Import-Module MSOnlineBackup
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Try {
    $oldPolicy = Get-OBSystemStatePolicy
    if ($oldPolicy) {
    $policy = New-OBPolicy
    $policy = Add-OBSystemState -Policy $policy

    $timesOfDaySchedule = @()
    foreach ($time in $timesOfDay) {
        $timesOfDaySchedule += ([TimeSpan]$time)
    $daysOfWeekSchedule = @()
    foreach ($day in $daysOfWeek) {
        $daysOfWeekSchedule += ([System.DayOfWeek]$day)

    $schedule = New-OBSchedule -DaysOfWeek $daysOfWeekSchedule -TimesOfDay $timesOfDaySchedule -WeeklyFrequency $weeklyFrequency
    if ($daysOfWeekSchedule.Count -eq 7) {
        if ($retentionWeeklyPolicy -and $retentionMonthlyPolicy) {
            $retention = New-OBRetentionPolicy -RetentionDays $retentionDays -RetentionWeeklyPolicy:$true -WeekDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeekSchedule -WeekTimesOfDay $timesOfDaySchedule -RetentionWeeks $retentionWeeks -RetentionMonthlyPolicy:$true -MonthDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeekSchedule -MonthTimesOfDay $timesOfDaySchedule -RetentionMonths $retentionMonths
        elseif ($retentionWeeklyPolicy) {
            $retention = New-OBRetentionPolicy -RetentionDays $retentionDays -RetentionWeeklyPolicy:$true -WeekDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeekSchedule -WeekTimesOfDay $timesOfDaySchedule -RetentionWeeks $retentionWeeks
        elseif ($retentionMonthlyPolicy) {
            $retention = New-OBRetentionPolicy -RetentionDays $retentionDays -RetentionMonthlyPolicy:$true -MonthDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeekSchedule -MonthTimesOfDay $timesOfDaySchedule -RetentionMonths $retentionMonths
        else {
            $retention = New-OBRetentionPolicy -RetentionDays $retentionDays
    else {
        if ($retentionWeeklyPolicy -and $retentionMonthlyPolicy) {
            $retention = New-OBRetentionPolicy -RetentionWeeklyPolicy:$true -WeekDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeekSchedule -WeekTimesOfDay $timesOfDaySchedule -RetentionWeeks $retentionWeeks -RetentionMonthlyPolicy:$true -MonthDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeekSchedule -MonthTimesOfDay $timesOfDaySchedule -RetentionMonths $retentionMonths
        elseif ($retentionWeeklyPolicy) {
            $retention = New-OBRetentionPolicy -RetentionWeeklyPolicy:$true -WeekDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeekSchedule -WeekTimesOfDay $timesOfDaySchedule -RetentionWeeks $retentionWeeks
        elseif ($retentionMonthlyPolicy) {
            $retention = New-OBRetentionPolicy -RetentionMonthlyPolicy:$true -MonthDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeekSchedule -MonthTimesOfDay $timesOfDaySchedule -RetentionMonths $retentionMonths
    Set-OBSchedule -Policy $policy -Schedule $schedule
    Set-OBRetentionPolicy -Policy $policy -RetentionPolicy $retention
    Set-OBSystemStatePolicy -Policy $policy -Confirm:$false
Catch {
    if ($error[0].ErrorDetails) {
        throw $error[0].ErrorDetails
    throw $error[0]

How to execute the script

  1. Save the above script on your machine with a name of your choice and .ps1 extension.
  2. Execute the script by providing the following parameters:
    Schedule of backup and number of days/weeks/months or years that the backup needs to be retained.

Next steps

Learn more about how to use PowerShell to deploy and manage on-premises backups using MARS agent.