Log management
Users can download the CDN log to analyze the access status of the access domain, or use the log dump function for long-term log storage.
- Log latency is 8-12 hours
- Logs are provided on an hourly basis
- Nearly 30 days of log data is provided
- Live broadcast acceleration and overseas acceleration scenarios are not supported yet
- Log download: Provides log storage and downloads for the past 30 days. Go to the log management view, click the "Query" function, select the domain name and time, then click Refresh.
Log dump: Log download only provides 30 days of storage by default. If you need longer storage, you can use the log dump function to store logs to your configured Azure Storage account, to facilitate your log storage and analysis.
- Click the Log dump function, enter the Azure Storage account and the custom domain name that requires the log dump function, then click Save.
- Logs are saved in blob format with a container called "cdn-access-logs". Every blob consists of a .csv file that is compressed with GZip. The naming format is azurecdntest-CST-2019-05-31-0900-0959.csv.gz.
Log field meaning
- c-ip: Client IP address
- timestamp: Access time
- cs-method: HTTP request actions, such as GET/HEAD
- cs-uri-stem: Requested URI
- http-ver: HTTP protocol version number
- sc-status: HTTP status code
- sc-bytes: Number of bytes sent to the client by the server
- c-referer: Client-side referrer URI
- c-user-agent: Client user agent identification
- rs-duration (ms): Time taken to complete the request (in milliseconds)
- hit-miss: Content Delivery Network cache hit and miss identification
- s-ip: IP address of the Content Delivery Network edge node that generated the log
Log content sample,5/20/2019 7:00:28 PM +00:00,GET,"/mytest/2.png",HTTP/1.1,200,48721,"/mytest/referer","Apache-HttpClient/4.5.6 (Java/1.8.0_201)",7,HIT,