Kafka Connect for Azure Cosmos DB - source connector v2
Kafka Connect for Azure Cosmos DB is a connector to read from and write data to Azure Cosmos DB. The Azure Cosmos DB source connector provides the capability to read data from the Azure Cosmos DB Change Feed and publish this data to a Kafka topic.
- Start with the Confluent platform setup because it gives you a complete environment to work with. If you don't wish to use Confluent Platform, then you need to install and configure Zookeeper, Apache Kafka, Kafka Connect, yourself. You also need to install and configure the Azure Cosmos DB connectors manually.
- Create an Azure Cosmos DB account, container setup guide
- Bash shell
- Download Java 11+
- Download Maven
Install the source connector
If you're using the recommended Confluent platform setup, the Azure Cosmos DB source connector is included in the installation, and you can skip this step.
Otherwise, you can use JAR file from latest Release and install the connector manually. To learn more, see these instructions. You can also package a new JAR file from the source code:
# clone the azure-sdk-for-java repo if you haven't done so already
git clone https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java.git
cd sdk/cosmos
mvn -e -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dcodesnippet.skip=true -Dspotbugs.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Drevapi.skip=true -pl ,azure-cosmos,azure-cosmos-tests -am clean install
mvn -e -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dcodesnippet.skip=true -Dspotbugs.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Drevapi.skip=true -pl ,azure-cosmos-kafka-connect clean install
# include the following JAR file in Kafka Connect installation
ls target/azure-cosmos-kafka-connect-*.jar
Create a Kafka topic
Create a Kafka topic using Confluent Control Center. For this scenario, we create a Kafka topic named "apparels" and write nonschema embedded JSON data to the topic. To create a topic inside the Control Center, see create Kafka topic doc.
Create the source connector
Create the source connector in Kafka Connect
To create the Azure Cosmos DB source connector in Kafka Connect, use the following JSON config. Make sure to replace the placeholder values for azure.cosmos.account.endpoint
, azure.cosmos.account.key
properties that you saved from the Azure Cosmos DB setup guide in the prerequisites.
"name": "cosmosdb-source-connector-v2",
"config": {
"connector.class": "com.azure.cosmos.kafka.connect.CosmosSourceConnector",
"tasks.max": "5",
"value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"key.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"azure.cosmos.application.name": "{applicationName}",
For more information on each of the above configuration properties, see the source properties section. Once you have all the values filled out, save the JSON file somewhere locally. You can use this file to create the connector using the REST API.
Create connector using Control Center
An easy option to create the connector is from the Confluent Control Center portal. Follow the Confluent setup guide to create a connector from Control Center. When setting up, instead of using the DatagenConnector
option, use the CosmosDBSourceConnector
tile instead. When configuring the source connector, fill out the values as filled in the JSON file.
Alternatively, in the connectors page, you can upload the JSON file built from the previous section by using the Upload connector config file option.
Create connector using REST API
Create the source connector using the Kafka Connect REST API
# Curl to Kafka connect service
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @<path-to-JSON-config-file> http://localhost:8083/connectors
Insert document into Azure Cosmos DB
Sign into the Azure portal and navigate to your Azure Cosmos DB account.
Open the Data Explore tab and select Databases
Open the "kafkaconnect" database and "kafka" container you created earlier.
To create a new JSON document, in the API for NoSQL pane, expand "kafka" container, select Items, then select New Item in the toolbar.
Now, add a document to the container with the following structure. Paste the following sample JSON block into the Items tab, overwriting the current content:
{ "id": "2", "productId": "33218897", "category": "Women's Outerwear", "manufacturer": "Contoso", "description": "Black wool pea-coat", "price": "49.99", "shipping": { "weight": 2, "dimensions": { "width": 8, "height": 11, "depth": 3 } } }
Select Save.
Confirm the document is saved by viewing the Items on the left-hand menu.
Confirm data written to Kafka topic
- Open Kafka Topic UI on
. - Select the Kafka "apparels" topic you created.
- Verify that the document you inserted into Azure Cosmos DB earlier appears in the Kafka topic.
To delete the connector from the Confluent Control Center, navigate to the source connector you created and select the Deletion icon.
Alternatively, use the connector’s REST API:
# Curl to Kafka connect service
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8083/connectors/cosmosdb-source-connector
To delete the created Azure Cosmos DB service and its resource group using Azure CLI, refer to these steps.
Source configuration properties
The following settings are used to configure the Kafka source connector. These configuration values determine which Azure Cosmos DB container is consumed, data from which Kafka topics is written, and formats to serialize the data. For an example with default values, see this configuration file.
Config Property Name | Default | Description |
connector.class |
None | Class name of the Azure Cosmos DB source. It should be set to com.azure.cosmos.kafka.connect.CosmosSourceConnector |
azure.cosmos.account.endpoint |
None | Cosmos DB Account Endpoint Uri |
azure.cosmos.account.environment |
Azure |
The Azure environment of the Cosmos DB account: AzureChina . |
azure.cosmos.account.tenantId |
"" |
The tenantId of the Cosmos DB account. Required for ServicePrincipal authentication. |
azure.cosmos.auth.type |
MasterKey |
There are two auth types are supported currently: MasterKey (PrimaryReadWriteKeys, SecondReadWriteKeys, PrimaryReadOnlyKeys, SecondReadWriteKeys), ServicePrincipal |
azure.cosmos.account.key |
"" |
Cosmos DB Account Key (only required if auth.type is MasterKey ) |
azure.cosmos.auth.aad.clientId |
"" |
The clientId/ApplicationId of the service principal. Required for ServicePrincipal authentication. |
azure.cosmos.auth.aad.clientSecret |
"" |
The client secret/password of the service principal. |
azure.cosmos.mode.gateway |
false |
Flag to indicate whether to use gateway mode. By default it's false, means SDK uses direct mode. |
azure.cosmos.preferredRegionList |
[] |
Preferred regions list to be used for a multi region Cosmos DB account. This is a comma separated value provided preferred regions to be used as hint. You should use a collocated kafka cluster with your Cosmos DB account and pass the kafka cluster region as preferred region. |
azure.cosmos.application.name |
"" |
Application name. It is added as the userAgent suffix. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.enabled |
false |
A flag to indicate whether throughput control is enabled. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.account.endpoint |
"" |
Cosmos DB Throughput Control Account Endpoint Uri. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.account.environment |
Azure |
The Azure environment of the Cosmos DB account: AzureChina . |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.account.tenantId |
"" |
The tenantId of the Cosmos DB account. Required for ServicePrincipal authentication. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.auth.type |
MasterKey |
There are two auth types are supported currently: MasterKey (PrimaryReadWriteKeys, SecondReadWriteKeys, PrimaryReadOnlyKeys, SecondReadWriteKeys), ServicePrincipal |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.account.key |
"" |
Cosmos DB Throughput Control Account Key (only required if throughputControl.auth.type is MasterKey ). |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.auth.aad.clientId |
"" |
The clientId/ApplicationId of the service principal. Required for ServicePrincipal authentication. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.auth.aad.clientSecret |
"" |
The client secret/password of the service principal. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.preferredRegionList |
[] |
Preferred regions list to be used for a multi region Cosmos DB account. This is a comma separated value provided preferred regions to be used as hint. You should use a collocated kafka cluster with your Cosmos DB account and pass the kafka cluster region as preferred region. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.mode.gateway |
false |
Flag to indicate whether to use gateway mode. By default it's false, means SDK uses direct mode. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.group.name |
"" |
Throughput control group name. Since customer is allowed to create many groups for a container, the name should be unique. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.targetThroughput |
-1 |
Throughput control group target throughput. The value should be larger than 0. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.targetThroughputThreshold |
-1 |
Throughput control group target throughput threshold. The value should be between (0,1]. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.priorityLevel |
None |
Throughput control group priority level. The value can be None, High, or Low. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.globalControl.database.name |
"" |
Database which is used for throughput global control. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.globalControl.container.name |
"" |
Container which is used for throughput global control. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.globalControl.renewIntervalInMS |
-1 |
This controls how often the client is going to update the throughput usage of itself and adjust its own throughput share based on the throughput usage of other clients. Default is 5 s, the allowed min value is 5 s. |
azure.cosmos.throughputControl.globalControl.expireIntervalInMS |
-1 |
This controls how quickly we detect the client has been offline and hence allow its throughput share to be taken by other clients. Default is 11 s, the allowed min value is 2 * renewIntervalInMS + 1. |
azure.cosmos.source.database.name |
None | Cosmos DB database name. |
azure.cosmos.source.containers.includeAll |
false |
Flag to indicate whether reading from all containers. |
azure.cosmos.source.containers.includedList |
[] |
Containers included. This config is ignored if azure.cosmos.source.containers.includeAll is true. |
azure.cosmos.source.containers.topicMap |
[] |
A comma delimited list of Kafka topics mapped to Cosmos containers. For example: topic1#con1, topic2#con2. By default, container name is used as the name of the kafka topic to publish data to, can use this property to override the default config |
azure.cosmos.source.changeFeed.startFrom |
Beginning |
ChangeFeed Start from settings (Now, Beginning or a certain point in time (UTC) for example 2020-02-10T14:15:03). The default value is 'Beginning'. |
azure.cosmos.source.changeFeed.mode |
LatestVersion |
ChangeFeed mode (LatestVersion or AllVersionsAndDeletes). |
azure.cosmos.source.changeFeed.maxItemCountHint |
1000 |
The maximum number of documents returned in a single change feed request. But the number of items received might be higher than the specified value if multiple items are changed by the same transaction. |
azure.cosmos.source.metadata.poll.delay.ms |
300000 |
Indicates how often to check the metadata changes (including container split/merge, adding/removing/recreated containers). When changes are detected, it reconfigures the tasks. Default is 5 minutes. |
azure.cosmos.source.metadata.storage.type |
Kafka |
The storage type of the metadata. Two types are supported: Cosmos, Kafka. |
azure.cosmos.source.metadata.storage.name |
_cosmos.metadata.topic |
The resource name of the metadata storage. If metadata storage type is Kafka topic, then this config refers to kafka topic name, the metadata topic is created if it doesn't already exist, else it uses the pre created topic. If metadata storage type is Cosmos , then this config refers to container name, for MasterKey auth, this container is created with AutoScale with 4000 RU if not already exists, for ServicePrincipal auth, it requires the container to be created ahead of time. |
azure.cosmos.source.messageKey.enabled |
true |
Whether to set the kafka record message key. |
azure.cosmos.source.messageKey.field |
id |
The field to use as the message key. |
Supported data types
The Azure Cosmos DB source connector converts JSON document to schema and supports the following JSON data types:
JSON data type | Schema type |
Array | Array |
Boolean | Boolean |
Number | Float32 Float64 Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 |
Null | String |
Object (JSON) | Struct |
String | String |
Next steps
- Kafka Connect for Azure Cosmos DB sink connector