Export data to an external table

Applies to: ✅ Azure Data Explorer

You can export data by defining an external table and exporting data to it. The table properties are specified when creating the external table. The export command references the external table by name.


You must have at least Table Admin permissions to run this command.


.export [async] to table externalTableName
[with (propertyName = propertyValue [, ...])] <| query

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
externalTableName string ✔️ The name of the external table to which to export.
propertyName, propertyValue string A comma-separated list of optional properties.
query string ✔️ The export query.

Supported properties

The following properties are supported as part of the export to external table command.

Property Type Description Default
sizeLimit long The size limit in bytes of a single storage artifact being written (prior to compression). A full row group of size parquetRowGroupSize will be written before checking whether this row group has reached the size limit and should start a new artifact. Valid range: 100 MB (default) to 1 GB.
distributed bool Disable/enable distributed export. Setting to false is equivalent to single distribution hint. Default is true.
distribution string Distribution hint (single, per_node, per_shard). See more details in Distribution settings Default is per_node.
distributionKind string Optionally switches to uniform distribution when the external table is partitioned by string partition. Valid values are uniform or default. See more details in Distribution settings
concurrency Number Hints the system how many partitions to run in parallel. See more details in Distribution settings The default value is 16.
spread Number Hints the system how to distribute the partitions among nodes. See more details in Distribution settings The default value is Min(64, number-of-nodes).
parquetRowGroupSize int Relevant only when data format is Parquet. Controls the row group size in the exported files. This value takes precedence over sizeLimit, meaning a full row group will be exported before checking whether this row group has reached the size limit and should start a new artifact. Default row group size is 100,000 records.

Distribution settings

The distribution of an export to external table operation indicates the number of nodes and threads that are writing to storage concurrently. The default distribution depends on the external table partitioning:

External table partitioning Default distribution
External table isn't partitioned, or partitioned by datetime column only Export is distributed per_node - all nodes are exporting concurrently. Each node writes the data assigned to that node. The number of files exported by a node will be greater than one, only if the size of the data from that node exceeds sizeLimit.
External table is partitioned by a string column The data to export is moved between the nodes, such that each node writes a subset of the partition values. A single partition is always written by a single node. The number of files written per partition should be greater than one only if the data exceeds sizeLimit. If the external table includes several string partitions, then data is partitioned between the node based on the first partition. Therefore, it is recommended to define the partition with most uniform distribution as the first one.

Change the default distribution settings

Changing the default distribution settings can be useful in the following cases:

Use case Description Recommendation
Reduce the number of exported files Export is creating too many small files, and you would like it to create a smaller number of larger files. Set distribution=single or distributed=false (both are equivalent) in the command properties. Only a single thread performs the export. The downside of this is that the export operation can be slower, as concurrency is much reduced.
Reduce the export duration Increasing the concurrency of the export operation, to reduce its duration. Set distribution=per_shard in the command properties. This means concurrency of the write operations is per data shard, instead of per node. This is only relevant when exporting to an external table that isn't partitioned by string partition. This might create too much load on storage, potentially resulting in throttling. See Storage failures.
Reduce the export duration for external tables that are partitioned by a string partition If the partitions are not uniformly distributed between the nodes, export might take a longer time to run. For example, if there is a single partition that's much larger than others, most of the export work is done by the single node assigned to that partition, while other nodes will be mostly idle. See Distribution settings. There are several settings you can change:
* If there is more than one string partition, define the one with best distribution first.

* Set distributionKind=uniform in the command properties. This setting disables the default distribution settings for string-partitioned external tables. Export will run with per-node distribution and each node will export the data assigned to the node. A single partition might be written by several nodes, and the number of files increases accordingly. To increase concurrency even further, set distributionKind=uniform along with distribution=per_shard for highest concurrency (at the cost of potentially many more files written)

* If the cause for slow export isn't outliers in the data, reduce duration by increasing concurrency, without changing partitioning settings. Use the hint.spread and hint.concurrency properties, which determine the concurrency of the partitioning. See partition operator. By default, the number of nodes exporting concurrently (the spread) will be the minimum value between 64 and the number of nodes. Setting spread to a higher number than number of nodes increases the concurrency on each node (max value for spread is 64).

Authentication and authorization

In order to export to an external table, you must set up write permissions. For more information, see the Write permissions for Azure Storage external table or SQL Server external table.


Output parameter Type Description
ExternalTableName string The name of the external table.
Path string Output path.
NumRecords string Number of records exported to path.


  • The export query output schema must match the schema of the external table, including all columns defined by the partitions. For example, if the table is partitioned by DateTime, the query output schema must have a Timestamp column matching the TimestampColumnName. This column name is defined in the external table partitioning definition.

  • It isn't possible to override the external table properties using the export command. For example, you can't export data in Parquet format to an external table whose data format is CSV.

  • If the external table is partitioned, exported artifacts are written to their respective directories according to the partition definitions as seen in the partitioned external table example.

    • If a partition value is null/empty or is an invalid directory value, per the definitions of the target storage, the partition value is replaced with a default value of __DEFAULT_PARTITION__.
  • For suggestions to overcome storage errors during export commands, see failures during export commands.

  • External table columns are mapped to suitable target format data types, according to data types mapping rules.

  • Parquet native export is a more performant, resource light export mechanism. An exported 'datetime' column is currently unsupported by Synapse SQL 'COPY'.

Number of files

The number of files written per partition depends on the distribution settings of the export operation:

  • If the external table includes datetime partitions only, or no partitions at all, the number of files written (for each partition, if exists) should be similar to the number of nodes (or more, if sizeLimit is reached). When the export operation is distributed, all nodes export concurrently. To disable distribution, so that only a single node does the writes, set distributed to false. This process creates fewer files, but will reduce the export performance.

  • If the external table includes a partition by a string column, the number of exported files should be a single file per partition (or more, if sizeLimit is reached). All nodes still participate in the export (operation is distributed), but each partition is assigned to a specific node. Setting distributed to false, will cause only a single node to do the export, but behavior will remain the same (a single file written per partition).


Non-partitioned external table example

ExternalBlob is a non-partitioned external table.

.export to table ExternalBlob <| T
ExternalTableName Path NumRecords
ExternalBlob http://storage1.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn/externaltable1cont1/1_58017c550b384c0db0fea61a8661333e.csv 10

Partitioned external table example

PartitionedExternalBlob is an external table, defined as follows:

.create external table PartitionedExternalBlob (Timestamp:datetime, CustomerName:string) 
partition by (CustomerName:string=CustomerName, Date:datetime=startofday(Timestamp))   
pathformat = ("CustomerName=" CustomerName "/" datetime_pattern("yyyy/MM/dd", Date))   
.export to table PartitionedExternalBlob <| T
ExternalTableName Path NumRecords
ExternalBlob http://storageaccount.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn/container1/CustomerName=customer1/2019/01/01/fa36f35c-c064-414d-b8e2-e75cf157ec35_1_58017c550b384c0db0fea61a8661333e.csv 10
ExternalBlob http://storageaccount.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn/container1/CustomerName=customer2/2019/01/01/fa36f35c-c064-414d-b8e2-e75cf157ec35_2_b785beec2c004d93b7cd531208424dc9.csv 10

If the command is executed asynchronously (by using the async keyword), the output is available using the show operation details command.