.show databases entities command

Applies to: ✅ Azure Data Explorer

The following command shows databases' entities, such as tables, materialized views, external tables, etc.


You must have at least Database User, Database Viewer, or Database Monitor permissions to run these commands. For more information, see role-based access control.


.show databases entities [with (Options)]

Supported options

Key Value Description
showObfuscatedStrings bool Defaults to false. If true, obfuscated strings in database entity bodies are shown. To use this option, you must either be a database admin or entity creator. If you don't have these permissions, the obfuscated strings are not shown.
resolveFunctionsSchema bool Defaults to false. If true, returned stored functions have output schema resolved.


Returns a list of entities of all cluster databases visible to the user. Database entities are: tables, materialized views, external tables, etc.


By default, all databases' entites are returned. To make the command execution more optimal, add a where condition that filters by specific databases and/or entity types or names (see examples section in this article).


Output parameter Type Description
DatabaseName string Name of the database where the entity is defined.
EntityType string One of Table, MaterialiedView, ExternalTable, Function, or EntityGroup.
EntityName string The name of the entity.
DocString string Entity documentation, if exists.
Folder string Folder name under which the entity is located.
CslInputSchema string Entity input schema in CSL schema format, if applicable. For functions, the schema is for the function parameters.
Content string Entity content, if applicable. For functions, it's a body of the function.
CslOutputSchema string Entity output schema in CSL schema format.
Properties dynamic Dynamic structure that provides more details on the entity (currently unused.)


Show databases entities

The following example returns a list of entities from the TestDB database with obfuscated strings shown.

.show databases entities with (showObfuscatedStrings=true)
| where DatabaseName == "TestDB"


DatabaseName EntityType EntityName DocString Folder CslInputSchema Content CslOutputSchema Properties
TestDB Table GeoIP Table containing Geolocation info per IP network My tables ['network']:string, locale_code:string, continent_code:string, continent_name:string, country_iso_code:string,country_name:string {}
TestDB MaterializedView MV1 My first materialized view a:long, b:string, c:long {}
TestDB Function MeaningLessFn My first function Functions (T:(s:string,a:long,b:long), k:long) {T | extend substring(s, a, b) | take k} {}

Resolving functions schema

The following example uses the .show databases entities command with the function schema resolved to return information about the MeaningLessFn function in the TestDB database. The output includes function schema.

.show databases entities with (resolveFunctionsSchema=true)
| where DatabaseName == "TestDB" and EntityType == "Function" and EntityName == "MeaningLessFn"


DatabaseName EntityType EntityName DocString Folder CslInputSchema Content CslOutputSchema Properties
TestDB Function MeaningLessFn My first function Functions (T:(s:string,a:long,b:long), k:long) {T | extend substring(s, a, b) | take k} s:string, a:long, b:long, Column1:string {}