.show table details command
Applies to: ✅ Azure Data Explorer
Returns a set that contains the specified table or all tables in the database with a detailed summary of each table's properties.
You must have at least Database User, Database Viewer, or Database Monitor permissions to run this command. For more information, see role-based access control.
TableName details
TableName [,
Learn more about syntax conventions.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | string |
✔️ | The name of the table for which to show details. |
Output parameter | Type | Description |
TableName |
string |
The name of the table. |
DatabaseName |
string |
The database that the table belongs to. |
Folder |
string |
The table's folder. |
DocString |
string |
A string documenting the table. |
TotalExtents |
Int64 | The total number of extents in the table** . |
TotalExtentSize |
Double | The total size of extents (compressed size + index size) in the table (in bytes)** . |
TotalOriginalSize |
Double | The total original size of data in the table (in bytes)** . |
TotalRowCount |
Int64 | The total number of rows in the table** . |
HotExtents |
Int64 | The total number of extents in the table, stored in the hot cache** . |
HotExtentSize |
Double | The total size of extents (compressed size + index size) in the table, stored in the hot cache (in bytes)** . |
HotOriginalSize |
Double | The total original size of data in the table, stored in the hot cache (in bytes)** . |
HotRowCount |
Int64 | The total number of rows in the table, stored in the hot cache** . |
AuthorizedPrincipals |
string |
The table's authorized principals, serialized as JSON. |
RetentionPolicy |
string |
The table's effective* retention policy, serialized as JSON. |
CachingPolicy |
string |
The table's effective* caching policy, serialized as JSON. |
ShardingPolicy |
string |
The table's effective* sharding policy, serialized as JSON. |
MergePolicy |
string |
The table's effective* merge policy, serialized as JSON. |
StreamingIngestionPolicy |
string |
The table's effective* streaming ingestion policy, serialized as JSON. |
IngestionBatchingPolicy |
string |
The table's effective* ingestion batching policy, serialized as JSON. |
MinExtentsCreationTime |
datetime |
The minimum creation time of an extent in the table (or null, if there are no extents)** . |
MaxExtentsCreationTime |
datetime |
The maximum creation time of an extent in the table (or null, if there are no extents)** . |
RowOrderPolicy |
string |
The table's effective row order policy, serialized as JSON. |
TableId |
string |
The table's unique ID. |
Taking into account policies of parent entities.
Values may be up to 15 minutes old, as they're taken from a cached summary of the table's extents.
Output example
TableName | DatabaseName | Folder | DocString | TotalExtents | TotalExtentSize | TotalOriginalSize | TotalRowCount | HotExtents | HotExtentSize | HotOriginalSize | HotRowCount | AuthorizedPrincipals | RetentionPolicy | CachingPolicy | ShardingPolicy | MergePolicy | StreamingIngestionPolicy | IngestionBatchingPolicy | MinExtentsCreationTime | MaxExtentsCreationTime | TableID |
Operations | Operations | 1164 | 37687203 | 53451358 | 223325 | 29 | 838752 | 1388213 | 5117 | [{"Type": "AAD User", "DisplayName": "My Name (upn: alias@fabrikam.com)", "ObjectId": "aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb", "FQN": "aaduser=aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb", "Notes": ""}] | {"SoftDeletePeriod": "365.00:00:00", "ContainerRecyclingPeriod": "1.00:00:00", "ExtentsDataSizeLimitInBytes": 0, "OriginalDataSizeLimitInBytes": 0 } | { "DataHotSpan": "4.00:00:00", "IndexHotSpan": "4.00:00:00", "ColumnOverrides": [] } | { "MaxRowCount": 750000, "MaxExtentSizeInMb": 1024, "MaxOriginalSizeInMb": 2048 } | { "RowCountUpperBoundForMerge": 0, "MaxExtentsToMerge": 100, "LoopPeriod": "01:00:00", "MaxRangeInHours": 3, "AllowRebuild": true, "AllowMerge": true } | null | null | bbbbbbbb-1111-2222-3333-cccccccccccc | ||||
ServiceOperations | Operations | 1109 | 76588803 | 91553069 | 110125 | 27 | 2635742 | 2929926 | 3162 | [{"Type": "AAD User", "DisplayName": "My Name (upn: alias@fabrikam.com)", "ObjectId": "aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb", "FQN": "aaduser=aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb", "Notes": ""}] | { "SoftDeletePeriod": "365.00:00:00", "ContainerRecyclingPeriod": "1.00:00:00", "ExtentsDataSizeLimitInBytes": 0, "OriginalDataSizeLimitInBytes": 0 } | { "DataHotSpan": "4.00:00:00", "IndexHotSpan": "4.00:00:00", "ColumnOverrides": [] } | { "MaxRowCount": 750000, "MaxExtentSizeInMb": 1024, "MaxOriginalSizeInMb": 2048 } | { "RowCountUpperBoundForMerge": 0, "MaxExtentsToMerge": 100, "LoopPeriod": "01:00:00", "MaxRangeInHours": 3, "AllowRebuild": true, "AllowMerge": true } | null | null | 2018-02-08 15:30:38.8489786 | 2018-02-14 07:47:28.7660267 | cccccccc-2222-3333-4444-dddddddddddd |