diffpatterns_text plugin

Applies to: ✅ Azure Data Explorer

Compares two datasets of string values and finds text patterns that characterize differences between the two datasets. The plugin is invoked with the evaluate operator.

The diffpatterns_text returns a set of text patterns that capture different portions of the data in the two sets. For example, a pattern capturing a large percentage of the rows when the condition is true and low percentage of the rows when the condition is false. The patterns are built from consecutive tokens separated by white space, with a token from the text column or a * representing a wildcard. Each pattern is represented by a row in the results.


T | evaluate diffpatterns_text(TextColumn, BooleanCondition [, MinTokens, Threshold , MaxTokens])

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
TextColumn string ✔️ The text column to analyze.
BooleanCondition string ✔️ An expression that evaluates to a boolean value. The algorithm splits the query into the two datasets to compare based on this expression.
MinTokens int An integer value between 0 and 200 that represents the minimal number of non-wildcard tokens per result pattern. The default is 1.
Threshold decimal A decimal value between 0.015 and 1 that sets the minimal pattern ratio difference between the two sets. Default is 0.05. See diffpatterns.
MaxTokens int An integer value between 0 and 20 that sets the maximal number of tokens per result pattern, specifying a lower limit decreases the query runtime.


The result of diffpatterns_text returns the following columns:

  • Count_of_True: The number of rows matching the pattern when the condition is true.
  • Count_of_False: The number of rows matching the pattern when the condition is false.
  • Percent_of_True: The percentage of rows matching the pattern from the rows when the condition is true.
  • Percent_of_False: The percentage of rows matching the pattern from the rows when the condition is false.
  • Pattern: The text pattern containing tokens from the text string and '*' for wildcards.


The patterns aren't necessarily distinct and may not provide full coverage of the dataset. The patterns may be overlapping and some rows may not match any pattern.


The following example uses data from the StormEvents table in the help cluster. To access this data, sign in to https://dataexplorer.azure.cn/clusters/help.chinaeast2/databases/Samples. In the left menu, browse to help > Samples > Tables > Storm_Events.

| where EventNarrative != "" and monthofyear(StartTime) > 1 and monthofyear(StartTime) < 9
| where EventType == "Drought" or EventType == "Extreme Cold/Wind Chill"
| evaluate diffpatterns_text(EpisodeNarrative, EventType == "Extreme Cold/Wind Chill", 2)


Count_of_True Count_of_False Percent_of_True Percent_of_False Pattern
11 0 6.29 0 Winds shifting northwest in * wake * a surface trough brought heavy lake effect snowfall downwind * Lake Superior from
9 0 5.14 0 Canadian high pressure settled * * region * produced the coldest temperatures since February * 2006. Durations * freezing temperatures
0 34 0 6.24 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * West Tennessee,
0 42 0 7.71 * * * * * * caused * * * * * * * * across western Colorado. *
0 45 0 8.26 * * below normal *
0 110 0 20.18 Below normal *