Container vulnerability assessments REST API
Azure Resource Graph (ARG) provides a REST API that can be used to programmatically access vulnerability assessment results for both Azure registry and runtime vulnerabilities recommendations. Learn more about ARG references and query examples.
Azure container registry vulnerabilities sub-assessments are published to ARG as part of the security resources. Learn more about security sub-assessments.
To pull specific sub assessments, you need the assessment key. For Container vulnerability assessment powered by MDVM the key is c0b7cfc6-3172-465a-b378-53c7ff2cc0d5
The following is a generic security sub assessment query example that can be used as an example to build queries with. This query pulls the first sub assessment generated in the last hour.
| where type =~ "" and properties.additionalData.assessedResourceType == "AzureContainerRegistryVulnerability"
| extend assessmentKey=extract(@"(?i)providers/Microsoft.Security/assessments/([^/]*)", 1, id)
| where assessmentKey == "c0b7cfc6-3172-465a-b378-53c7ff2cc0d5"
| extend timeGenerated = properties.timeGenerated
| where timeGenerated > ago(1h)
"id": "/subscriptions/{SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/{Registry Name}/providers/Microsoft.Security/assessments/c0b7cfc6-3172-465a-b378-53c7ff2cc0d5/subassessments/{SubAssessmentId}",
"name": "{SubAssessmentId}",
"type": "",
"tenantId": "{TenantId}",
"kind": "",
"location": "global",
"resourceGroup": "{ResourceGroup}",
"subscriptionId": "{SubscriptionId}",
"managedBy": "",
"sku": null,
"plan": null,
"properties": {
"id": "CVE-2022-42969",
"additionalData": {
"assessedResourceType": "AzureContainerRegistryVulnerability",
"vulnerabilityDetails": {
"severity": "High",
"exploitabilityAssessment": {
"exploitStepsPublished": false,
"exploitStepsVerified": false,
"isInExploitKit": false,
"exploitUris": [],
"types": [
"lastModifiedDate": "2023-09-12T00:00:00Z",
"publishedDate": "2022-10-16T06:15:00Z",
"workarounds": [],
"references": [
"title": "CVE-2022-42969",
"link": ""
"title": "",
"link": ""
"title": "",
"link": ""
"title": "ReDoS in py library when used with subversion ",
"link": ""
"weaknesses": {
"cwe": [
"id": "CWE-1333"
"cveId": "CVE-2022-42969",
"cvss": {
"2.0": null,
"3.0": {
"cvssVectorString": "CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H",
"base": 7.5
"cpe": {
"language": "*",
"softwareEdition": "*",
"version": "*",
"targetHardware": "*",
"targetSoftware": "python",
"vendor": "py",
"edition": "*",
"product": "py",
"update": "*",
"other": "*",
"part": "Applications",
"uri": "cpe:2.3:a:py:py:*:*:*:*:*:python:*:*"
"artifactDetails": {
"lastPushedToRegistryUTC": "2023-09-04T16:05:32.8223098Z",
"repositoryName": "public/azureml/aifx/stable-ubuntu2004-cu117-py39-torch200",
"registryHost": "",
"artifactType": "ContainerImage",
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
"digest": "sha256:4af8e6f002401a965bbe753a381af308b40d8947fad2b9e1f6a369aa81abee59",
"tags": [
"softwareDetails": {
"category": "Language",
"language": "python",
"fixedVersion": "",
"version": "",
"vendor": "py",
"packageName": "py",
"osDetails": {
"osPlatform": "linux",
"osVersion": "ubuntu_linux_20.04"
"fixStatus": "FixAvailable",
"evidence": []
"cvssV30Score": 7.5
"description": "This vulnerability affects the following vendors: Pytest, Suse, Microsoft, Py. To view more details about this vulnerability please visit the vendor website.",
"displayName": "CVE-2022-42969",
"resourceDetails": {
"id": "/repositories/public/azureml/aifx/stable-ubuntu2004-cu117-py39-torch200/images/sha256:4af8e6f002401a965bbe753a381af308b40d8947fad2b9e1f6a369aa81abee59",
"source": "Azure"
"timeGenerated": "2023-09-12T13:36:15.0772799Z",
"remediation": "No remediation exists",
"status": {
"description": "Disabled parent assessment",
"severity": "High",
"code": "NotApplicable",
"cause": "Exempt"
"tags": null,
"identity": null,
"zones": null,
"extendedLocation": null,
"assessmentKey": "c0b7cfc6-3172-465a-b378-53c7ff2cc0d5",
"timeGenerated": "2023-09-12T13:36:15.0772799Z"
Name | Description |
ResourceDetails | Details of the Azure resource that was assessed |
ContainerRegistryVulnerability | More context fields for container registry vulnerability assessment |
CVE | CVE Details |
CVSS | CVSS Details |
SecuritySubAssessment | Security subassessment on a resource |
SecuritySubAssessmentList | List of security subassessments |
ArtifactDetails | Details for the affected container image |
SoftwareDetails | Details for the affected software package |
FixReference | Details on the fix, if available |
OS Details | Details on the os information |
VulnerabilityDetails | Details on the detected vulnerability |
CPE | Common Platform Enumeration |
Cwe | Common weakness enumeration |
VulnerabilityReference | Reference links to vulnerability |
ExploitabilityAssessment | Reference links to an example exploit |
Other context fields for Azure container registry vulnerability assessment
Name | Type | Description |
assessedResourceType | string: AzureContainerRegistryVulnerability AwsContainerRegistryVulnerability GcpContainerRegistryVulnerability |
Subassessment resource type |
cvssV30Score | Numeric | CVSS V3 Score |
vulnerabilityDetails | VulnerabilityDetails | |
artifactDetails | ArtifactDetails | |
softwareDetails | SoftwareDetails |
Context details for the affected container image
Name | Type | Description |
repositoryName | String | Repository name |
RegistryHost | String | Registry host |
lastPublishedToRegistryUTC | Timestamp | UTC timestamp for last publish date |
artifactType | String: ContainerImage | |
mediaType | String | Layer media type |
Digest | String | Digest of vulnerable image |
Tags | String | Tags of vulnerable image |
Details for the affected software package
Name | Type | Description |
fixedVersion | String | Fixed Version |
category | String | Vulnerability category - OS or Language |
osDetails | OsDetails | |
language | String | Language of affected package (for example, Python, .NET) could also be empty |
version | String | |
vendor | String | |
packageName | String | |
fixStatus | String | Unknown, FixAvailable, NoFixAvailable, Scheduled, WontFix |
evidence | String | Evidence for the package |
fixReference | FixReference |
Details on the fix, if available
Name | Type | description |
ID | String | Fix ID |
Description | String | Fix Description |
releaseDate | Timestamp | Fix timestamp |
url | String | URL to fix notification |
Details on the os information
Name | Type | Description |
osPlatform | String | For example: Linux, Windows |
osName | String | For example: Ubuntu |
osVersion | String |
Details on the detected vulnerability
Severity | Severity | The sub-assessment severity level |
LastModifiedDate | Timestamp | |
publishedDate | Timestamp | Published date |
ExploitabilityAssessment | ExploitabilityAssessment | |
CVSS | Dictionary <string, CVSS> | Dictionary from cvss version to cvss details object |
Workarounds | Workaround | Published workarounds for vulnerability |
References | VulnerabilityReference | |
Weaknesses | Weakness | |
cveId | String | CVE ID |
Cpe | CPE |
Name | Type | Description |
language | String | Language tag |
softwareEdition | String | |
Version | String | Package version |
targetSoftware | String | Target Software |
vendor | String | Vendor |
product | String | Product |
edition | String | |
update | String | |
other | String | |
part | String | Applications Hardware OperatingSystems |
uri | String | CPE 2.3 formatted uri |
Name | Type | Description |
Cwe | Cwe |
CWE details
Name | Type | description |
ID | String | CWE ID |
Reference links to vulnerability
Name | Type | Description |
link | String | Reference url |
title | String | Reference title |
Reference links to an example exploit
Name | Type | Description |
exploitUris | String | |
exploitStepsPublished | Boolean | Had the exploits steps been published |
exploitStepsVerified | Boolean | Had the exploit steps verified |
isInExploitKit | Boolean | Is part of the exploit kit |
types | String | Exploit types, for example: NotAvailable, Dos, Local, Remote, WebApps, PrivilegeEscalation |
Details of the Azure resource that was assessed
Name | Type | Description |
ID | string | Azure resource ID of the assessed resource |
source | string: Azure | The platform where the assessed resource resides |
Status of the sub-assessment
Name | Type | Description |
cause | String | Programmatic code for the cause of the assessment status |
code | SubAssessmentStatusCode | Programmatic code for the status of the assessment |
description | string | Human readable description of the assessment status |
severity | severity | The sub-assessment severity level |
Programmatic code for the status of the assessment
Name | Type | Description |
Healthy | string | The resource is healthy |
NotApplicable | string | Assessment for this resource didn't happen |
Unhealthy | string | The resource has a security issue that needs to be addressed |
Security subassessment on a resource
Name | Type | Description |
ID | string | Resource ID |
name | string | Resource name |
properties.additionalData | AdditionalData: AzureContainerRegistryVulnerability | Details of the subassessment |
properties.category | string | Category of the subassessment |
properties.description | string | Human readable description of the assessment status |
properties.displayName | string | User friendly display name of the subassessment | | string | Vulnerability ID |
properties.impact | string | Description of the impact of this subassessment |
properties.remediation | string | Information on how to remediate this subassessment |
properties.resourceDetails | ResourceDetails: Azure Resource Details |
Details of the resource that was assessed |
properties.status | SubAssessmentStatus | Status of the subassessment |
properties.timeGenerated | string | The date and time the subassessment was generated |
type | string | Resource type |
List of security subassessments
Name | Type | Description |
nextLink | string | The URI to fetch the next page. |
value | SecuritySubAssessment | Security subassessment on a resource |