Use Blob Storage as checkpoint store - Event Hubs on Azure Stack Hub

If you're using Azure Blob Storage as the checkpoint store in an environment that supports a different version of Storage Blob SDK than the ones that are typically available on Azure, you'll need to use code to change the Storage service API version to the specific version supported by that environment. For example, if you're running Event Hubs on an Azure Stack Hub version 2002, the highest available version for the Storage service is version 2017-11-09. In this case, you need to use code to target the Storage service API version to 2017-11-09. For an example on how to target a specific Storage API version, see these samples on GitHub:

If you run Event Hubs receiver that uses Blob Storage as the checkpoint store without targeting the version that Azure Stack Hub supports, you'll receive the following error message:

The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format

Sample error message in Python

For Python, an error of azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError is passed to the error handler on_error(partition_context, error) of EventHubConsumerClient.receive(). But, the method receive() doesn't raise an exception. print(error) will print the following exception information:

The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format.


The logger will log two warnings like the following ones:

An exception occurred during list_ownership for namespace '<namespace-name>.eventhub.<region>' eventhub 'python-eh-test' consumer group '$Default'. 

Exception is HttpResponseError('The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format.\nRequestId:f048aee8-a90c-08ba-4ce1-e69dba759297\nTime:2020-03-17T22:04:13.3559296Z\nErrorCode:InvalidHeaderValue\nError:None\nHeaderName:x-ms-version\nHeaderValue:2019-07-07')

WARNING:azure.eventhub.aio._eventprocessor.event_processor:EventProcessor instance '26d84102-45b2-48a9-b7f4-da8916f68214' of eventhub 'python-eh-test' consumer group '$Default'. An error occurred while load-balancing and claiming ownership. 

The exception is HttpResponseError('The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format.\nRequestId:f048aee8-a90c-08ba-4ce1-e69dba759297\nTime:2020-03-17T22:04:13.3559296Z\nErrorCode:InvalidHeaderValue\nError:None\nHeaderName:x-ms-version\nHeaderValue:2019-07-07'). Retrying after 71.45254944090853 seconds

Next steps

See the following article learn about partitioning and checkpointing: Balance partition load across multiple instances of your application