Azure Information Protection deployment roadmap
Applies to: Azure Information Protection, Office 365
Relevant for: AIP unified labeling client and classic client
To provide a unified and streamlined customer experience, we are sunsetting the Azure Information Protection classic client and Label Management in the Azure Portal as of March 31, 2021. No further support is provided for the classic client and maintenance versions will no longer be released.
- The classic client will be fully retired, and will stop functioning, on March 31, 2022.
- As of March 18, 2022, we are also sunsetting the AIP audit log and analytics, with a full retirement date of September 31, 2022.
For more information, see Removed and retired services.
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Use the steps in the following roadmap pages as recommendations to help you prepare for, implement, and manage Azure Information Protection for your organization.
Before deploying AIP, review the AIP system requirements.
Then, choose one of the following roadmaps, depending on your organization's needs and subscription:
Use classification, labeling, and protection:
Recommended for any customers with a supporting subscription. Additional capabilities include both discovering sensitive information and labeling documents and emails for classification.
Labels can also apply protection, simplifying this step for your users.
This roadmap is supported for both AIP labels created with the classic client, and sensitivity labels that use the unified labeling platform.
For more information, see AIP roadmap to classify, label, and protect your data.
Use protection only:
Recommended for customers with a subscription that doesn't support both classification and labels, but does support protection without labels. You must have the classic client installed.
For more information, see AIP roadmap for data protection only.
As you deploy Azure Information Protection, you might find it helpful to check the frequently asked questions, and the information and support page for additional resources.