Azure Database For MySQL - Flexible Server May 2024 maintenance

We're pleased to announce the May 2024 maintenance for Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server. This maintenance incorporates several new features and improvement, along with known issue fix, and security patches.

Engine version changes

No engine version upgrade in this maintenance

To check your engine version, run SELECT VERSION(); command at the MySQL prompt


  • This feature is available within the Business-Critical service tier, which significantly enhances the performance of Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instances. It offers a dynamic solution designed for high throughput needs, reducing latency with no additional cost.


  • Improved server restart logic, server restart has a timeout of 2 hours for none burstable servers, 4 hours timeout for burstable servers. After server restart workflow timeout, it would roll back and set the server state to Succeeded.
  • Improved the data-in replication procedures to show the real error message and safe exit when exception happens.
  • Read replica improvement for the creation workflow to precheck the virtual network setting.

Known issues fixes

  • Fixed the issue that the server parameter max_connections and table_open_cache can't be configured correctly
  • Fixed the issue where executing CREATE AADUSER IF NOT EXISTS 'myuser' IDENTIFIED BY 'CLIENT_ID' when the user already exists incorrectly set the binlog record, affecting replica and high availability functionalities.