Configure server parameters in Azure Database for MySQL using PowerShell

APPLIES TO: Azure Database for MySQL - Single Server


Azure Database for MySQL single server is on the retirement path. We strongly recommend that you upgrade to Azure Database for MySQL flexible server. For more information about migrating to Azure Database for MySQL flexible server, see What's happening to Azure Database for MySQL Single Server?

You can list, show, and update configuration parameters for an Azure Database for MySQL server using PowerShell. A subset of engine configurations is exposed at the server-level and can be modified.


Server parameters can be updated globally at the server-level, use the Azure CLI, PowerShell, or Azure portal.


To complete this how-to guide, you need:


While the Az.MySql PowerShell module is in preview, you must install it separately from the Az PowerShell module using the following command: Install-Module -Name Az.MySql -AllowPrerelease. Once the Az.MySql PowerShell module is generally available, it becomes part of future Az PowerShell module releases.

Connect to your Azure account using the Connect-AzAccount cmdlet.

List server configuration parameters for Azure Database for MySQL server

To list all modifiable parameters in a server and their values, run the Get-AzMySqlConfiguration cmdlet.

The following example lists the server configuration parameters for the server mydemoserver in resource group myresourcegroup.

Get-AzMySqlConfiguration -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup -ServerName mydemoserver

For the definition of each of the listed parameters, see the MySQL reference section on Server System Variables.

Show server configuration parameter details

To show details about a particular configuration parameter for a server, run the Get-AzMySqlConfiguration cmdlet and specify the Name parameter.

This example shows details of the slow_query_log server configuration parameter for server mydemoserver under resource group myresourcegroup.

Get-AzMySqlConfiguration -Name slow_query_log -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup -ServerName mydemoserver

Modify a server configuration parameter value

You can also modify the value of a certain server configuration parameter, which updates the underlying configuration value for the MySQL server engine. To update the configuration, use the Update-AzMySqlConfiguration cmdlet.

To update the slow_query_log server configuration parameter of server mydemoserver under resource group myresourcegroup.

Update-AzMySqlConfiguration -Name slow_query_log -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup -ServerName mydemoserver -Value On

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