Tutorial: Upgrade the runtime of a Service Fabric cluster in Azure
This tutorial is part four of a series, and shows you how to upgrade the Service Fabric runtime on an Azure Service Fabric cluster. This tutorial part is written for Service Fabric clusters running on Azure and doesn't apply to standalone Service Fabric clusters.
This part of the tutorial requires PowerShell. Support for upgrading the cluster runtime is not yet supported by the Azure CLI tools. Alternatively, a cluster can be upgraded in the portal. For more information, see Upgrade an Azure Service Fabric cluster.
If your cluster is already running the latest Service Fabric runtime, you don't need to do this step. However, this article can be used to install any supported runtime on an Azure Service Fabric cluster.
In this tutorial, you learn how to:
- Read the cluster version
- Set the cluster version
In this tutorial series you learn how to:
- Create a secure Windows cluster on Azure using a template
- Monitor a cluster
- Scale a cluster in or out
- Upgrade the runtime of a cluster
- Delete a cluster
We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. To get started, see Install Azure PowerShell. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.
Before you begin this tutorial:
- If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a trial subscription
- Install Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI.
- Create a secure Windows cluster on Azure
- Set up a Windows development environment. Install Visual Studio 2019 and the Azure development, ASP.NET and web development, and .NET Core cross-platform development workloads. Then set up a .NET development environment.
Sign in to your Azure account select your subscription before you execute Azure commands.
Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId <guid>
After you've connected to Azure, selected the subscription containing the Service Fabric cluster, you can get the runtime version of the cluster.
Get-AzServiceFabricCluster -ResourceGroupName SFCLUSTERTUTORIALGROUP -Name aztestcluster `
| Select-Object ClusterCodeVersion
Or, just get a list of all clusters in your subscription with the following example:
Get-AzServiceFabricCluster | Select-Object Name, ClusterCodeVersion
Note the ClusterCodeVersion value. This value will be used in the next section.
Use the value of ClusterCodeVersion from the previous section with the Get-ServiceFabricRuntimeUpgradeVersion
cmdlet to discover what versions are available to upgrade to. This cmdlet can only be run from a computer connected to the internet. For example, if you wanted to see what runtime versions you could upgrade to from version
, use the following command:
Get-ServiceFabricRuntimeUpgradeVersion -BaseVersion ""
With a list of versions, you can tell the Azure Service Fabric cluster to upgrade to a newer runtime. For example, if version
is available to upgrade to, use the following command to upgrade your cluster.
Set-AzServiceFabricUpgradeType -ResourceGroupName SFCLUSTERTUTORIALGROUP `
-Name aztestcluster `
-UpgradeMode Manual `
-Version ""
The cluster runtime upgrade may take a long time to complete. PowerShell is blocked while the upgrade is running. You can use another PowerShell session to check the status of the upgrade.
The status of the upgrade can be monitored with either PowerShell or the Azure Service Fabric CLI (sfctl).
First connect to the cluster with the TLS/SSL certificate created in the first part of the tutorial. Use the Connect-ServiceFabricCluster
cmdlet or sfctl cluster upgrade-status
$endpoint = "<mycluster>.chinaeast.cloudapp.chinacloudapi.cn:19000"
$thumbprint = "63EB5BA4BC2A3BADC42CA6F93D6F45E5AD98A1E4"
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster -ConnectionEndpoint $endpoint `
-KeepAliveIntervalInSec 10 `
-X509Credential -ServerCertThumbprint $thumbprint `
-FindType FindByThumbprint -FindValue $thumbprint `
-StoreLocation CurrentUser -StoreName My
sfctl cluster select --endpoint https://aztestcluster.chinaeast.cloudapp.chinacloudapi.cn:19080 \
--pem ./aztestcluster201709151446.pem --no-verify
Next, use Get-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade
or sfctl cluster upgrade-status
to display the status. Something similar to the following result is shown.
TargetCodeVersion :
TargetConfigVersion : 3
StartTimestampUtc : 11/28/2017 3:09:48 AM
UpgradeState : RollingForwardPending
UpgradeDuration : 00:09:00
CurrentUpgradeDomainDuration : 00:09:00
NextUpgradeDomain : 1
UpgradeDomainsStatus : { "0" = "Completed";
"1" = "Pending";
"2" = "Pending";
"3" = "Pending";
"4" = "Pending" }
UpgradeKind : Rolling
RollingUpgradeMode : Monitored
FailureAction : Rollback
ForceRestart : False
UpgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout : 37201.09:59:01
HealthCheckWaitDuration : 00:05:00
HealthCheckStableDuration : 00:05:00
HealthCheckRetryTimeout : 00:45:00
UpgradeDomainTimeout : 02:00:00
UpgradeTimeout : 12:00:00
ConsiderWarningAsError : False
MaxPercentUnhealthyApplications : 0
MaxPercentUnhealthyNodes : 100
ApplicationTypeHealthPolicyMap : {}
EnableDeltaHealthEvaluation : True
MaxPercentDeltaUnhealthyNodes : 0
MaxPercentUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodes : 0
ApplicationHealthPolicyMap : {}
sfctl cluster upgrade-status
"codeVersion": "",
"configVersion": "3",
... item cut to save space ...
"upgradeDomains": [
"name": "0",
"state": "Completed"
"name": "1",
"state": "Pending"
"name": "2",
"state": "Pending"
"name": "3",
"state": "Pending"
"name": "4",
"state": "Pending"
"upgradeDurationInMilliseconds": "PT1H2M4.63889S",
"upgradeState": "RollingForwardPending"
In this tutorial, you learned how to:
- Get the version of the cluster runtime
- Upgrade the cluster runtime
- Monitor the upgrade
Advance to the next tutorial: