Tutorial: Query Azure Data Lake Storage using SQL language in Synapse Analytics

This tutorial shows you how to connect your Azure Synapse serverless SQL pool to data stored in an Azure Storage account that has Azure Data Lake Storage enabled. This connection enables you to natively run SQL queries and analytics using SQL language on your data in Azure Storage.

In this tutorial, you will:

  • Ingest data into a storage account
  • Create a Synapse Analytics workspace (if you don't have one).
  • Run analytics on your data in Blob storage

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a trial account before you begin.


  • Create a storage account that has a hierarchical namespace (Azure Data Lake Storage)

    See Create a storage account to use with Azure Data Lake Storage.

  • Make sure that your user account has the Storage Blob Data Contributor role assigned to it.


    Make sure to assign the role in the scope of the storage account. You can assign a role to the parent resource group or subscription, but you'll receive permissions-related errors until those role assignments propagate to the storage account.

Download the flight data

This tutorial uses flight data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. You must download this data to complete the tutorial.

  1. Download the On_Time_Reporting_Carrier_On_Time_Performance_1987_present_2016_1.zip file. This file contains the flight data.

  2. Unzip the contents of the zipped file and make a note of the file name and the path of the file. You need this information in a later step.

Copy source data into the storage account

  1. Navigate to your new storage account in the Azure portal.

  2. Select Storage browser->Blob containers->Add container and create a new container named data.

    Screenshot of creating a folder in storage browser

  3. In storage browser, upload the On_Time_Reporting_Carrier_On_Time_Performance_1987_present_2016_1.csv file to the data folder.

Create an Azure Synapse workspace

Create a Synapse workspace in the Azure portal. As you create the workspace, use these values:

  • Subscription: Select the Azure subscription associated with your storage account.
  • Resource group: Select the resource group where you placed your storage account.
  • Region: Select the region of the storage account (for example, China North 3).
  • Name: Enter a name for your Synapse workspace.
  • SQL Administrator login: Enter the administrator username for the SQL Server.
  • SQL Administrator password: Enter the administrator password for the SQL Server.
  • Tag Values: Accept the default.

Find your Synapse SQL endpoint name (optional)

The serverless SQL endpoint name server name enables you to connect with any tool that can run T-SQL queries on SQL server or Azure SQL database (For example: SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Data Studio, or Power BI).

To find the fully qualified server name:

  1. Select on the workspace you want to connect to.
  2. Go to overview.
  3. Locate the full server name.
    • For a dedicated SQL pool, use SQL Endpoint.
    • For the serverless SQL pool, use SQL on-demand endpoint.

In this tutorial, you use Synapse Studio to query data from the CSV file that you uploaded to the storage account.

Use Synapse Studio to explore data

  1. Open Synapse Studio. See Open Synapse Studio

  2. Create a SQL script and run this query to view the contents of the file:

       TOP 100 *
          BULK 'https://<storage-account-name>.dfs.core.chinacloudapi.cn/<container-name>/folder1/On_Time.csv',
       ) AS [result]

    For information about how to create a SQL script in Synapse Studio, see Synapse Studio SQL scripts in Azure Synapse Analytics

Clean up resources

When they're no longer needed, delete the resource group and all related resources. To do so, select the resource group for the storage account and workspace, and then and select Delete.

Next step