Create a gallery for storing and sharing resources

An Azure Compute Gallery (formerly known as Shared Image Gallery) simplifies sharing resources, like images and application packages, across your organization.

The Azure Compute Gallery lets you share custom VM images and application packages with others in your organization, within or across regions, within a tenant. Choose what you want to share, which regions you want to make them available in, and who you want to share them with. You can create multiple galleries so that you can logically group resources.

The gallery is a top-level resource that can be shared in a way:

Sharing with: People Groups Service Principal All users in a specific subscription (or) tenant Publicly with all users in Azure
RBAC Sharing Yes Yes Yes No No


Allowed characters for gallery name are uppercase (A-Z) and lowercase (a-z) letters, digits (0-9), dots (or periods) ., and underscores _. The gallery name can't contain dashes -. Gallery names must be unique within your subscription.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Type Azure Compute Gallery in the search box and select Azure Compute Gallery in the results.
  3. In the Azure Compute Gallery page, select Add.
  4. On the Create Azure Compute Gallery page, select the correct subscription.
  5. In Resource group, select a resource group from the drop-down or select Create new and type a name for the new resource group.
  6. In Name, type a name for the name of the gallery.
  7. Select a Region from the drop-down.
  8. You can type a short description of the gallery, like My gallery for testing. and then click Review + create.
  9. After validation passes, select Create.
  10. When the deployment is finished, select Go to resource.

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