Create a VM from a generalized image version

Create a VM from a generalized image version stored in an Azure Compute Gallery (formerly known as Shared Image Gallery). If you want to create a VM using a specialized image, see Create a VM from a specialized image.

This article shows how to create a VM from a generalized image:

List the image definitions in a gallery using az sig image-definition list to see the name and ID of the definitions.

az sig image-definition list --resource-group $resourceGroup --gallery-name $gallery --query "[].[name, id]" --output tsv

Create a VM using az vm create. To use the latest version of the image, set --image to the ID of the image definition.

This example is for creating a Linux VM secured with SSH. For Windows or to secure a Linux VM with a password, remove --generate-ssh-keys to be prompted for a password. If you want to supply a password directly, replace --generate-ssh-keys with --admin-password. Replace resource names as needed in this example.

imgDef="/subscriptions/<subscription ID where the gallery is located>/resourceGroups/myGalleryRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/myGallery/images/myImageDefinition"

az group create --name $vmResourceGroup --location $location

az vm create\
   --resource-group $vmResourceGroup \
   --name $vmName \
   --image $imgDef \
   --admin-username $adminUsername \

You can also use a specific version by using the image version ID for the --image parameter. For example, to use image version 1.0.0 type: --image "/subscriptions/<subscription ID where the gallery is located>/resourceGroups/myGalleryRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/myGallery/images/myImageDefinition/versions/1.0.0".

RBAC - Shared within your organization

If the subscription where the gallery resides is within the same tenant, images shared through RBAC can be used to create VMs using the CLI and PowerShell.

You'll need to the imageID of the image you want to use and you need to make sure it's replicated to the region where you want to create the VM.

Make sure the state of the image is Generalized. If you want to use an image with the Specialized state, see Create a VM from a specialized image version.


az group create --name $vmResourceGroup --location $location

az vm create\
   --resource-group $vmResourceGroup \
   --name $vmName \
   --image $imgDef \
   --admin-username $adminUsername \

RBAC - Shared from another tenant

If the image you want to use is stored in a gallery that isn't in the same tenant (directory) then you need to sign in to each tenant to verify you have access.

You also need the imageID of the image you want to use and you need to make sure it's replicated to the region where you want to create the VM. You'll also need the tenantID for the source gallery and the tenantID for where you want to create the VM.

In this example, we're showing how to create a VM from a generalized image. If you're using a specialized image, see Create a VM using a specialized image version.

You need to sign in to the tenant where the image is stored, get an access token, then sign into the tenant where you want to create the VM. This is how Azure authenticates that you have access to the image.

tenant1='<ID for tenant 1>'
tenant2='<ID for tenant 2>'

az account clear
az cloud set -n AzureChinaCloud
az login --tenant $tenant1
az account get-access-token 
az login --tenant $tenant2
az account get-access-token

Create the VM. Replace the information in the example with your own. Before you create the VM, make sure that the image is replicated into the region where you want to create the VM.

imageid="<ID of the image that you want to use>"
resourcegroup="<name for the resource group>"
location="<location where the image is replicated>"
user='<username for the VM>'
name='<name for the VM>'

az group create --location $location --resource-group $resourcegroup
az vm create \
  --resource-group $resourcegroup \
  --name $name \
  --image $imageid \
  --admin-username $user \

Next steps