Community tools to migrate IaaS resources from classic to Azure Resource Manager
Applies to: ✔️ Linux VMs ✔️ Windows VMs
Today, about 90% of IaaS VMs are using Azure Resource Manager. As of February 28, 2020, classic VMs have been deprecated and will be fully retired on September 6, 2023. Learn more about this deprecation and how it affects you.
This article catalogs the tools that have been provided by the community to assist with migration of IaaS resources from classic to the Azure Resource Manager deployment model.
These tools are not officially supported by Azure Support. Therefore they are open sourced on GitHub and we're happy to accept PRs for fixes or additional scenarios. To report an issue, use the GitHub issues feature.
Migrating with these tools will cause downtime for your classic Virtual Machine. If you're looking for platform supported migration, visit
This is a collection of helper tools created as part of enterprise migrations from Azure Service Management to Azure Resource Manager. This tool allows you to replicate your infrastructure into another subscription which can be used for testing migration and iron out any issues before running the migration on your Production subscription.
Link to the tool documentation
migAz is an additional option to migrate a complete set of classic IaaS resources to Azure Resource Manager IaaS resources. The migration can occur within the same subscription or between different subscriptions and subscription types (ex: CSP subscriptions).
- Overview of platform-supported migration of IaaS resources from classic to Azure Resource Manager
- Technical deep dive on platform-supported migration from classic to Azure Resource Manager
- Planning for migration of IaaS resources from classic to Azure Resource Manager
- Use PowerShell to migrate IaaS resources from classic to Azure Resource Manager
- Use CLI to migrate IaaS resources from classic to Azure Resource Manager
- Review most common migration errors
- Review the most frequently asked questions about migrating IaaS resources from classic to Azure Resource Manager