LUIS 将于 2025 年 10 月 1 日停用,从 2023 年 4 月 1 日开始,你将无法创建新的 LUIS 资源。 建议将 LUIS 应用程序迁移到对话语言理解,以便从持续的产品支持和多语言功能中受益。
机器学习实体是用于生成 LUIS 应用程序的首选实体。
假设应用接受披萨订单,例如可分解实体教程。 每个订单可以包括多个不同的披萨,其中包括不同的尺寸。
适用于比萨饼应用的示例言语 |
Can I get a pepperoni pizza and a can of coke please |
can I get a small pizza with onions peppers and olives |
pickup an extra large meat lovers pizza |
因为机器学习实体可以拥有许多具有必需功能的子实体,所以这仅是示例。 它应被视为实体将返回哪些内容的指南。
deliver 1 large cheese pizza on thin crust and 2 medium pepperoni pizzas on deep dish crust
如果在查询字符串中设置了 verbose=false
,则这是 JSON:
"entities": {
"Order": [
"FullPizzaWithModifiers": [
"PizzaType": [
"cheese pizza"
"Size": [
"Quantity": [
"PizzaType": [
"pepperoni pizzas"
"Size": [
"Quantity": [
"Crust": [
"Deep Dish"
"ToppingList": [
"CrustList": [
如果在查询字符串中设置了 verbose=true
,则这是 JSON:
"entities": {
"Order": [
"FullPizzaWithModifiers": [
"PizzaType": [
"cheese pizza"
"Size": [
"Quantity": [
"$instance": {
"PizzaType": [
"type": "PizzaType",
"text": "cheese pizza",
"startIndex": 16,
"length": 12,
"score": 0.999998868,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"Size": [
"type": "SizeList",
"text": "large",
"startIndex": 10,
"length": 5,
"score": 0.998720646,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"Quantity": [
"type": "builtin.number",
"text": "1",
"startIndex": 8,
"length": 1,
"score": 0.999878645,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"PizzaType": [
"pepperoni pizzas"
"Size": [
"Quantity": [
"Crust": [
"Deep Dish"
"$instance": {
"PizzaType": [
"type": "PizzaType",
"text": "pepperoni pizzas",
"startIndex": 56,
"length": 16,
"score": 0.999987066,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"Size": [
"type": "SizeList",
"text": "medium",
"startIndex": 49,
"length": 6,
"score": 0.999841452,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"Quantity": [
"type": "builtin.number",
"text": "2",
"startIndex": 47,
"length": 1,
"score": 0.9996054,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"Crust": [
"type": "CrustList",
"text": "deep dish crust",
"startIndex": 76,
"length": 15,
"score": 0.761551,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"$instance": {
"FullPizzaWithModifiers": [
"type": "FullPizzaWithModifiers",
"text": "1 large cheese pizza on thin crust",
"startIndex": 8,
"length": 34,
"score": 0.616001546,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"type": "FullPizzaWithModifiers",
"text": "2 medium pepperoni pizzas on deep dish crust",
"startIndex": 47,
"length": 44,
"score": 0.7395033,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"ToppingList": [
"CrustList": [
"$instance": {
"Order": [
"type": "Order",
"text": "1 large cheese pizza on thin crust and 2 medium pepperoni pizzas on deep dish crust",
"startIndex": 8,
"length": 83,
"score": 0.6881274,
"modelTypeId": 1,
"modelType": "Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"ToppingList": [
"type": "ToppingList",
"text": "cheese",
"startIndex": 16,
"length": 6,
"modelTypeId": 5,
"modelType": "List Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"type": "ToppingList",
"text": "pepperoni",
"startIndex": 56,
"length": 9,
"modelTypeId": 5,
"modelType": "List Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [
"CrustList": [
"type": "CrustList",
"text": "thin crust",
"startIndex": 32,
"length": 10,
"modelTypeId": 5,
"modelType": "List Entity Extractor",
"recognitionSources": [