在 Azure Service Fabric、云服务和虚拟机中为 .NET 应用启用快照调试器
如果 ASP.NET 或 ASP.NET Core 应用程序 在 Azure 应用服务中运行,强烈建议通过 Application Insights 门户页启用 Snapshot Debugger。 但是,如果应用程序需要自定义的 Snapshot Debugger 配置或 .NET core 预览版,则除了通过 Application Insights 门户页启用的说明外,还应遵循此说明。
如果应用程序在 Azure Service Fabric、云服务、虚拟机或本地计算机中运行,则应使用以下说明。
为 ASP.NET 应用程序配置快照集合
如果尚未启用,请在 Web 应用中启用 Application Insights。
将 Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector NuGet 包添加到应用。
如果需要,自定义添加到 ApplicationInsights.config 的 Snapshot Debugger 配置。Snapshot Debugger 默认配置大部分为空,所有设置都是可选的。 以下示例显示与默认配置等效的配置:
<TelemetryProcessors> <Add Type="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector.SnapshotCollectorTelemetryProcessor, Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector"> <!-- The default is true, but you can disable Snapshot Debugging by setting it to false --> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <!-- Snapshot Debugging is usually disabled in developer mode, but you can enable it by setting this to true. --> <!-- DeveloperMode is a property on the active TelemetryChannel. --> <IsEnabledInDeveloperMode>false</IsEnabledInDeveloperMode> <!-- How many times we need to see an exception before we ask for snapshots. --> <ThresholdForSnapshotting>1</ThresholdForSnapshotting> <!-- The maximum number of examples we create for a single problem. --> <MaximumSnapshotsRequired>3</MaximumSnapshotsRequired> <!-- The maximum number of problems that we can be tracking at any time. --> <MaximumCollectionPlanSize>50</MaximumCollectionPlanSize> <!-- How often we reconnect to the stamp. The default value is 15 minutes.--> <ReconnectInterval>00:15:00</ReconnectInterval> <!-- How often to reset problem counters. --> <ProblemCounterResetInterval>1.00:00:00</ProblemCounterResetInterval> <!-- The maximum number of snapshots allowed in ten minutes.The default value is 1. --> <SnapshotsPerTenMinutesLimit>3</SnapshotsPerTenMinutesLimit> <!-- The maximum number of snapshots allowed per day. --> <SnapshotsPerDayLimit>30</SnapshotsPerDayLimit> <!-- Whether or not to collect snapshot in low IO priority thread. The default value is true. --> <SnapshotInLowPriorityThread>true</SnapshotInLowPriorityThread> <!-- Agree to send anonymous data to Azure to make this product better. --> <ProvideAnonymousTelemetry>true</ProvideAnonymousTelemetry> <!-- The limit on the number of failed requests to request snapshots before the telemetry processor is disabled. --> <FailedRequestLimit>3</FailedRequestLimit> </Add> </TelemetryProcessors>
仅当向 Application Insights 报告了异常时,才收集快照。 在某些情况下(例如,.NET 平台为较早版本时),可能需要配置异常收集,才能在门户的查看附带快照的异常。
使用 ASP.NET Core LTS 或更高版本为应用程序配置快照收集
如果尚未启用,请在 ASP.NET Core Web 应用中启用 Application Insights。
请确保应用程序引用 2.1.1 版或更新版本的 Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore 包。
将 Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector NuGet 包添加到应用。
类,添加并配置快照收集器的遥测处理器。如果使用的是Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector NuGet 包版本 1.3.5 或更高版本,则将以下 using 语句添加到
。using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector;
类的 ConfigureServices 方法末尾添加以下内容。services.AddSnapshotCollector((configuration) => Configuration.Bind(nameof(SnapshotCollectorConfiguration), configuration));
如果使用的是Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector NuGet 包版本 1.3.4 或更低版本,则将以下 using 语句添加到
。using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore; using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
类。class Startup { private class SnapshotCollectorTelemetryProcessorFactory : ITelemetryProcessorFactory { private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; public SnapshotCollectorTelemetryProcessorFactory(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) => _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; public ITelemetryProcessor Create(ITelemetryProcessor next) { var snapshotConfigurationOptions = _serviceProvider.GetService<IOptions<SnapshotCollectorConfiguration>>(); return new SnapshotCollectorTelemetryProcessor(next, configuration: snapshotConfigurationOptions.Value); } } ...
服务添加到启动管道:// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // Configure SnapshotCollector from application settings services.Configure<SnapshotCollectorConfiguration>(Configuration.GetSection(nameof(SnapshotCollectorConfiguration))); // Add SnapshotCollector telemetry processor. services.AddSingleton<ITelemetryProcessorFactory>(sp => new SnapshotCollectorTelemetryProcessorFactory(sp)); // TODO: Add other services your application needs here. } }
如果需要,可通过在 appsetings.json 中添加 SnapshotCollectorConfiguration 节来自定义快照调试器配置。 快照调试器配置中的所有设置都是可选的。 以下示例显示与默认配置等效的配置:
{ "SnapshotCollectorConfiguration": { "IsEnabledInDeveloperMode": false, "ThresholdForSnapshotting": 1, "MaximumSnapshotsRequired": 3, "MaximumCollectionPlanSize": 50, "ReconnectInterval": "00:15:00", "ProblemCounterResetInterval":"1.00:00:00", "SnapshotsPerTenMinutesLimit": 1, "SnapshotsPerDayLimit": 30, "SnapshotInLowPriorityThread": true, "ProvideAnonymousTelemetry": true, "FailedRequestLimit": 3 } }
为其他 .NET 应用程序配置快照集合
如果尚未在 Application Insights 上检测到你的应用程序,请先启用 Application Insights 并设置检测密钥。
将 Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector NuGet 包添加到应用。
仅当向 Application Insights 报告了异常时,才收集快照。 可能需要修改代码才能报告。 异常处理代码取决于应用程序的结构,示例如下:
TelemetryClient _telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(); void ExampleRequest() { try { // TODO: Handle the request. } catch (Exception ex) { // Report the exception to Application Insights. _telemetryClient.TrackException(ex); // TODO: Rethrow the exception if desired. } }
- 为应用程序生成可触发异常的流量。 然后等待 10 到 15 分钟,这样快照就会发送到 Application Insights 实例。
- 请参见 Azure 门户中的快照。
- 排查 Snapshot Debugger 问题时如需帮助,请参阅 Snapshot Debugger 故障排除。