PySpark 自定义数据源


PySpark 自定义数据源在 Databricks Runtime 15.2 及更高版本中以公共预览版提供。 Databricks Runtime 15.3 及更高版本提供流式处理支持。

PySpark DataSource 是由 Python (PySpark) DataSource API 创建的,它允许使用 Python 从自定义数据源读取数据并写入 Apache Spark 中的自定义数据接收器。 可以使用 PySpark 自定义数据源来定义到数据系统的自定义连接,并实现其他功能,以构建可重用的数据源。

DataSource 类

PySpark DataSource 是基类,它提供创建数据读取者和写入者的方法。



属性或方法 说明
name 必填。 数据源的名称
schema 必需。 要读取或写入的数据源的架构
reader() 必须返回 DataSourceReader 才能使数据源可读(批处理)
writer() 必须返回 DataSourceWriter 才能使数据接收器可写(批处理)
streamReader()simpleStreamReader() 必须返回 DataSourceStreamReader 才能使数据流可读(流式处理)
streamWriter() 必须返回 DataSourceStreamWriter 才能使数据流可写(流式处理)


用户定义的 DataSourceDataSourceReaderDataSourceWriterDataSourceStreamReaderDataSourceStreamWriter 及其方法必须能够序列化。 换言之,它们必须是包含基元类型的字典或嵌套字典。



# Register the data source

# Read from a custom data source"my_datasource_name").load().show()

示例 1:为批处理查询创建 PySpark DataSource

为了演示 PySpark DataSource 读取器功能,请创建数据源,用于通过 faker Python 包生成示例数据。 有关 faker 的更多信息,请参阅 Faker 文档

使用以下命令安装 faker 包:

%pip install faker

步骤 1:定义示例 DataSource

首先,将新的 PySpark DataSource 定义为 DataSource 的子类,并带有名称、架构和读取器。 必须将 reader() 方法定义为从批处理查询中的数据源读取。

from pyspark.sql.datasource import DataSource, DataSourceReader
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType

class FakeDataSource(DataSource):
    An example data source for batch query using the `faker` library.

    def name(cls):
        return "fake"

    def schema(self):
        return "name string, date string, zipcode string, state string"

    def reader(self, schema: StructType):
        return FakeDataSourceReader(schema, self.options)

步骤 2:实现批处理查询的读取器

接下来,实现读取者逻辑以生成示例数据。 使用已安装的 faker 库填充架构中的每个字段。

class FakeDataSourceReader(DataSourceReader):

    def __init__(self, schema, options):
        self.schema: StructType = schema
        self.options = options

    def read(self, partition):
        # Library imports must be within the method.
        from faker import Faker
        fake = Faker()

        # Every value in this `self.options` dictionary is a string.
        num_rows = int(self.options.get("numRows", 3))
        for _ in range(num_rows):
            row = []
            for field in self.schema.fields:
                value = getattr(fake,
            yield tuple(row)

步骤 3:注册并使用示例数据源

要使用数据源,请对其进行注册。 默认情况下,FakeDataSource 有三行,架构包括以下 string 字段:namedatezipcodestate。 以下示例使用默认值注册、加载和输出示例数据源:

|             name|      date|zipcode|     state|
|Christine Sampson|1979-04-24|  79766|  Colorado|
|       Shelby Cox|2011-08-05|  24596|   Florida|
|  Amanda Robinson|2019-01-06|  57395|Washington|

仅支持 string 字段,但可以使用与 faker 包提供程序的字段对应的任何字段指定架构,以生成随机数据来进行测试和开发。 以下示例加载具有 namecompany 字段的数据源:"fake").schema("name string, company string").load().show()
|name                 |company       |
|Tanner Brennan       |Adams Group   |
|Leslie Maxwell       |Santiago Group|
|Mrs. Jacqueline Brown|Maynard Inc   |

若要加载具有自定义行数的数据源,请指定 numRows 选项。 以下示例指定了 5 行:"fake").option("numRows", 5).load().show()
|          name|      date|zipcode|       state|
|  Pam Mitchell|1988-10-20|  23788|   Tennessee|
|Melissa Turner|1996-06-14|  30851|      Nevada|
|  Brian Ramsey|2021-08-21|  55277|  Washington|
|  Caitlin Reed|1983-06-22|  89813|Pennsylvania|
| Douglas James|2007-01-18|  46226|     Alabama|

示例 2:为流式读取和写入创建 PySpark DataSource

为了演示 PySpark DataSource 流读取器和写入器功能,请创建一个示例数据源,用于通过 faker Python 包在每个微批中生成两行。 有关 faker 的更多信息,请参阅 Faker 文档

使用以下命令安装 faker 包:

%pip install faker

步骤 1:定义示例 DataSource

首先,将新的 PySpark DataSource 定义为 DataSource 的子类,并带有名称、架构以及方法 streamReader()streamWriter()

from pyspark.sql.datasource import DataSource, DataSourceStreamReader, SimpleDataSourceStreamReader, DataSourceStreamWriter
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType

class FakeStreamDataSource(DataSource):
    An example data source for streaming read and write using the `faker` library.

    def name(cls):
        return "fakestream"

    def schema(self):
        return "name string, state string"

    def streamReader(self, schema: StructType):
        return FakeStreamReader(schema, self.options)

    # If you don't need partitioning, you can implement the simpleStreamReader method instead of streamReader.
    # def simpleStreamReader(self, schema: StructType):
    # return SimpleStreamReader()

    def streamWriter(self, schema: StructType, overwrite: bool):
        return FakeStreamWriter(self.options)

步骤 2:实现流读取器

接下来,实现在每个微批中生成两行的示例流数据读取器。 你可以实现 DataSourceStreamReader,或者如果数据源的吞吐量较低且不需要分区,则可以改为实现 SimpleDataSourceStreamReader。 必须实现 simpleStreamReader()streamReader(),并且仅当未实现 streamReader() 时才会调用 simpleStreamReader()

DataSourceStreamReader 实现

streamReader 实例具有一个整数偏移量,它在每个微批中递增 2,并通过 DataSourceStreamReader 接口实现。

class RangePartition(InputPartition):
    def __init__(self, start, end):
        self.start = start
        self.end = end

class FakeStreamReader(DataSourceStreamReader):
    def __init__(self, schema, options):
        self.current = 0

    def initialOffset(self) -> dict:
        Returns the initial start offset of the reader.
        return {"offset": 0}

    def latestOffset(self) -> dict:
        Returns the current latest offset that the next microbatch will read to.
        self.current += 2
        return {"offset": self.current}

    def partitions(self, start: dict, end: dict):
        Plans the partitioning of the current microbatch defined by start and end offset. It
        needs to return a sequence of :class:`InputPartition` objects.
        return [RangePartition(start["offset"], end["offset"])]

    def commit(self, end: dict):
        This is invoked when the query has finished processing data before end offset. This
        can be used to clean up the resource.

    def read(self, partition) -> Iterator[Tuple]:
        Takes a partition as an input and reads an iterator of tuples from the data source.
        start, end = partition.start, partition.end
        for i in range(start, end):
            yield (i, str(i))

SimpleDataSourceStreamReader 实现

SimpleStreamReader 实例与 FakeStreamReader 实例相同,在每个批中生成两行,但它是使用 SimpleDataSourceStreamReader 接口实现的,而无需分区。

class SimpleStreamReader(SimpleDataSourceStreamReader):
    def initialOffset(self):
        Returns the initial start offset of the reader.
        return {"offset": 0}

    def read(self, start: dict) -> (Iterator[Tuple], dict):
        Takes start offset as an input, then returns an iterator of tuples and the start offset of the next read.
        start_idx = start["offset"]
        it = iter([(i,) for i in range(start_idx, start_idx + 2)])
        return (it, {"offset": start_idx + 2})

    def readBetweenOffsets(self, start: dict, end: dict) -> Iterator[Tuple]:
        Takes start and end offset as inputs, then reads an iterator of data deterministically.
        This is called when the query replays batches during restart or after a failure.
        start_idx = start["offset"]
        end_idx = end["offset"]
        return iter([(i,) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx)])

    def commit(self, end):
        This is invoked when the query has finished processing data before end offset. This can be used to clean up resources.

步骤 3:实现流写入器

现在实现流式处理写入器。 此流式处理数据写入器将每个微批的元数据信息写入本地路径。

class SimpleCommitMessage(WriterCommitMessage):
   partition_id: int
   count: int

class FakeStreamWriter(DataSourceStreamWriter):
   def __init__(self, options):
       self.options = options
       self.path = self.options.get("path")
       assert self.path is not None

   def write(self, iterator):
       Writes the data, then returns the commit message of that partition. Library imports must be within the method.
       from pyspark import TaskContext
       context = TaskContext.get()
       partition_id = context.partitionId()
       cnt = 0
       for row in iterator:
           cnt += 1
       return SimpleCommitMessage(partition_id=partition_id, count=cnt)

   def commit(self, messages, batchId) -> None:
       Receives a sequence of :class:`WriterCommitMessage` when all write tasks have succeeded, then decides what to do with it.
       In this FakeStreamWriter, the metadata of the microbatch(number of rows and partitions) is written into a JSON file inside commit().
       status = dict(num_partitions=len(messages), rows=sum(m.count for m in messages))
       with open(os.path.join(self.path, f"{batchId}.json"), "a") as file:
           file.write(json.dumps(status) + "\n")

   def abort(self, messages, batchId) -> None:
       Receives a sequence of :class:`WriterCommitMessage` from successful tasks when some other tasks have failed, then decides what to do with it.
       In this FakeStreamWriter, a failure message is written into a text file inside abort().
       with open(os.path.join(self.path, f"{batchId}.txt"), "w") as file:
           file.write(f"failed in batch {batchId}")

步骤 4:注册并使用示例数据源

要使用数据源,请对其进行注册。 注册后,可以通过将短名或全名传递给 format(),在流式处理查询中将其用作源或接收器。 以下示例注册数据源,然后启动从示例数据源读取并输出到控制台的查询:

query = spark.readStream.format("fakestream").load().writeStream.format("console").start()


query = spark.readStream.format("fakestream").load().writeStream.format("fake").start("/output_path")


如果输出是以下错误,则表示计算不支持 PySpark 自定义数据源。 必须使用 Databricks Runtime 15.2 或更高版本。

Error: [UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE.PYTHON_DATA_SOURCE] The feature is not supported: Python data sources. SQLSTATE: 0A000