Get API analytics in Azure API Management

Azure API Management provides built-in analytics for your APIs. Analyze the usage and performance of the APIs in your API Management instance across several dimensions, including:

  • Time
  • Geography
  • APIs
  • API operations
  • Products
  • Subscriptions
  • Users
  • Requests


  • API analytics provides data on requests (including failed and unauthorized requests) that are matched with an API and operation. Other calls aren't reported.
  • Geography values are approximate based on IP address mapping.

Timeline analytics in portal

Use analytics for high-level monitoring and troubleshooting of your APIs. For additional monitoring features, including near real-time metrics and resource logs for diagnostics and auditing, see Tutorial: Monitor published APIs.



This feature is available in the Premium, Standard, Basic, and Developer tiers of API Management.

Analytics - portal

Use the Azure portal to review analytics data at a glance for your API Management instance.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your API Management instance.

  2. In the left-hand menu, under Monitoring, select Analytics.

    Select analytics for API Management instance in portal

  3. Select a time range for data, or enter a custom time range.

  4. Select a report category for analytics data, such as Timeline, Geography, and so on.

  5. Optionally, filter the report by one or more additional categories.

Analytics - REST API

Use Reports operations in the API Management REST API to retrieve and filter analytics data for your API Management instance.

Available operations return report records by API, geography, API operations, product, request, subscription, time, or user.

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