IP addresses used by Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor uses several IP addresses. Azure Monitor is made up of core platform metrics and logs in addition to Log Analytics and Application Insights. You might need to know IP addresses if the app or infrastructure that you're monitoring is hosted behind a firewall.


Although these addresses are static, it's possible that we'll need to change them from time to time. All Application Insights traffic represents outbound traffic with the exception of availability monitoring and webhook action groups, which also require inbound firewall rules.

You can use Azure network service tags to manage access if you're using Azure network security groups. If you're managing access for hybrid/on-premises resources, you can download the equivalent IP address lists as JSON files, which are updated each week. To cover all the exceptions in this article, use the service tags ActionGroup, ApplicationInsightsAvailability, and AzureMonitor.

Alternatively, you can subscribe to this page as an RSS feed by adding https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/main/articles/azure-monitor/app/ip-addresses.md to your favorite RSS/ATOM reader to get notified of the latest changes.

Availability tests

This is the list of addresses from which availability web tests are run. If you want to run web tests on your app but your web server is restricted to serving specific clients, you'll have to permit incoming traffic from our availability test servers.


For resources located inside private virtual networks that can't allow direct inbound communication with the availability test agents in public Azure, the only option is to create and host your own custom availability tests.

IP addresses

If you're looking for the actual IP addresses so that you can add them to the list of allowed IPs in your firewall, download the JSON file that describes Azure IP ranges. These files contain the most up-to-date information. After you download the appropriate file, open it by using your favorite text editor. Search for ApplicationInsightsAvailability to go straight to the section of the file that describes the service tag for availability tests.

Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet

Download China cloud IP addresses.

Discovery API

You might also want to programmatically retrieve the current list of service tags together with IP address range details.