Run ACR Tasks using Resource Manager templates

ACR Tasks is a suite of features within Azure Container Registry to help you manage and modify container images across the container lifecycle.

This article shows Azure Resource Manager template examples to queue a quick task run, similar to one you can create manually using the az acr build command.

A Resource Manager template to queue a task run is useful in automation scenarios and extends the functionality of az acr build. For example:

  • Use a template to create a container registry and immediately queue a task run to build and push a container image
  • Create or enable additional resources you can use in a quick task run, such as a managed identity for Azure resources


  • You must specify a remote context such as a GitHub repo as the source location for your task run. You can't use a local source context.
  • For task runs using a managed identity, only a user-assigned managed identity is permitted.


Example: Create registry and queue task run

This example uses a sample template to create a container registry and queue a task run that builds and pushes an image.

Template parameters

For this example, provide values for the following template parameters:

Parameter Value
registryName Unique name of registry that's created
repository Target repository for build task
taskRunName Name of task run, which specifies image tag
sourceLocation Remote context for the build task, for example, The Dockerfile in the repo root builds a container image for a small Node.js web app. If desired, use your fork of the repo as the build context.

Deploy the template

Deploy the template with the az deployment group create command. This example builds and pushes the helloworld-node:testrun image to a registry named mycontainerregistry.


The Dockerfile used in the following example depends on a public base container image from Docker Hub. To improve reliability when using public content, import and manage the image in a private Azure container registry, and update your Dockerfile to use your privately managed base image. Learn more about working with public images.

az deployment group create \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --template-uri \
  --parameters \
    registryName=mycontainerregistry \
    repository=helloworld-node \
    taskRunName=testrun \

The previous command passes the parameters on the command line. If desired, pass them in a parameters file.

Verify deployment

After the deployment completes successfully, verify the image is built by running az acr repository show-tags:

az acr repository show-tags \
  --name mycontainerregistry \
  --repository helloworld-node --output table



View run log

To view details about the task run, view the run log.

First, get the run ID with az acr task list-runs

az acr task list-runs \
  --registry mycontainerregistry --output table

Output is similar to:

--------  ------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------------------  ----------
ca1               linux       Succeeded  Manual     2020-03-23T17:54:28Z  00:00:48

Run az acr task logs to view task run logs for the run ID, in this case ca1:

az acr task logs \
  --registry mycontainerregistry \
  --run-id ca1

The output shows the task run log.

You can also view the task run log in the Azure portal.

  1. Navigate to your container registry
  2. Under Services, select Tasks > Runs.
  3. Select the run ID, in this case ca1.

The portal shows the task run log.

Example: Task run with managed identity

Use a sample template to queue a task run that enables a user-assigned managed identity. During the task run, the identity authenticates to pull an image from another Azure container registry.

This scenario is similar to Cross-registry authentication in an ACR task using an Microsoft-managed identity. For example, an organization might maintain a centralized registry with base images accessed by multiple development teams.

Prepare base registry

For demonstration purposes, create a separate container registry as your base registry, and push a Node.js base image pulled from Docker Hub.

  1. Create a second container registry, for example mybaseregistry, to store base images.

  2. Pull the node:9-alpine image from Docker Hub, tag it for your base registry, and push it to the base registry:

    docker pull node:9-alpine
    docker tag node:9-alpine
    az acr login -n mybaseregistry
    docker push

Create new Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile that pulls the base image from your base registry. Perform the following steps in your local fork of the GitHub repo, for example,

  1. In the GitHub UI, select Create new file.
  2. Name your file Dockerfile-test and paste the following contents. Substitute your registry name for mybaseregistry.
    COPY . /src
    RUN cd /src && npm install
    EXPOSE 80
    CMD ["node", "/src/server.js"]
  3. Select Commit new file.

Create a user-assigned identity

Create an identity named myACRTasksId in your subscription using the az identity create command. You can use the same resource group you used previously to create a container registry, or a different one.

az identity create \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --name myACRTasksId

To configure the user-assigned identity in the following steps, use the az identity show command to store the identity's resource ID, principal ID, and client ID in variables.

# Get resource ID of the user-assigned identity
resourceID=$(az identity show \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --name myACRTasksId \
  --query id --output tsv)

# Get principal ID of the task's user-assigned identity
principalID=$(az identity show \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --name myACRTasksId \
  --query principalId --output tsv)

# Get client ID of the user-assigned identity
clientID=$(az identity show \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --name myACRTasksId \
  --query clientId --output tsv)

Give identity pull permissions to the base registry

Give the managed identity permissions to pull from the base registry, mybaseregistry.

Use the az acr show command to get the resource ID of the base registry and store it in a variable:

baseregID=$(az acr show \
  --name mybaseregistry \
  --query id --output tsv)

Use the az role assignment create command to assign the identity the Acrpull role to the base registry. This role has permissions only to pull images from the registry.

az role assignment create \
  --assignee $principalID \
  --scope $baseregID \
  --role acrpull

Template parameters

For this example, provide values for the following template parameters:

Parameter Value
registryName Name of registry where image is built
repository Target repository for build task
taskRunName Name of task run, which specifies image tag
userAssignedIdentity Resource ID of user-assigned identity enabled in the task
customRegistryIdentity Client ID of user-assigned identity enabled in the task, used to authenticate with custom registry
customRegistry Login server name of the custom registry accessed in the task, for example,
sourceLocation Remote context for the build task, for example,\<your-GitHub-ID>/acr-build-helloworld-node.
dockerFilePath Path to the Dockerfile at the remote context, used to build the image.

Deploy the template

Deploy the template with the az deployment group create command. This example builds and pushes the helloworld-node:testrun image to a registry named mycontainerregistry. The base image is pulled from

az deployment group create \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --template-uri \
  --parameters \
    registryName=mycontainerregistry \
    repository=helloworld-node \
    taskRunName=basetask \
    userAssignedIdentity=$resourceID \
    customRegistryIdentity=$clientID \
    sourceLocation=<your-GitHub-ID>/acr-build-helloworld-node.git#main \
    dockerFilePath=Dockerfile-test \

The previous command passes the parameters on the command line. If desired, pass them in a parameters file.

Verify deployment

After the deployment completes successfully, verify the image is built by running az acr repository show-tags:

az acr repository show-tags \
  --name mycontainerregistry \
  --repository helloworld-node --output table



View run log

To view the run log, see steps in the preceding section.

Next steps