H3_INVALID_CELL_ID error class
is not a valid H3 cell ID
- h3Cell: An input value that doesn't correspond to a valid H3 cell ID.
Functions that return this error have either encountered an input value that doesn't correspond to a valid cell ID or is outside the acceptable range for valid H3 cell IDs. The minimum value of this range is 0x08001fffffffffff
and the maximum value is 0x08ff3b6db6db6db6
. Values within this range may still correspond to invalid H3 cell IDs.
Check that the offending H3 cell ID is valid. If the ID is invalid, filter it out by using the h3_isvalid SQL function.
-- Invalid cell ID as input to the h3_resolution function.
> SELECT h3_resolution(0)
[H3_INVALID_CELL_ID] 0 is not a valid H3 cell ID
- h3_boundaryasgeojson function
- h3_boundaryaswkb function
- h3_boundaryaswkt function
- h3_centerasgeojson function
- h3_centeraswkb function
- h3_centeraswkt function
- h3_compact function
- h3_distance function
- h3_h3tostring function
- h3_hexring function
- h3_ischildof function
- h3_ispentagon function
- h3_kring function
- h3_kringdistances function
- h3_maxchild function
- h3_minchild function
- h3_resolution function
- h3_stringtoh3 function
- h3_tochildren function
- h3_toparent function
- h3_try_distance function
- h3_uncompact function
- h3_validate function